We made it the 1200 miles to the florida keys , bike rack and drawer system did great the whole way and made everything much easier.
New problem though. When we hit the warmer temps and turned ac system on the blower motor stopped and we blew the 10amp fuse under the dash in slot 37. (2013 e350 passenger van)This happened to me once before I think when the refrigerant was low. I did grab a can of refrigerant and and when plugging in the can the pressure gage reads high. I’m thinking maybe clogged expansion Valve? Idk. I don’t have my wire diagrams handy but I think I remember that if the pressure is high or low it shorts fuse 37 to ground and prevents the system from working. Anyone have any ideas? I will at least need the heat to work for the drive home and at the moment I have nothing.
Update: I disconnected the two pressure switch connectors near the high and low fill port. It seems this keeps the system from popping the fuse. Blower motors seemed to be working so heat should work on way home.
If anyone has had a similar issue I will be hanging out in the heat for now haha.