My 72's "Chevy" Wagoneer

Dr. Marneaus

Station Wagoneer
So far this is awesome. Let me know how you like that drivetrain, it's always been one that I have considered if I ever got around to doing a swap rather than rebuilding a 360.

Sad to see you ditching the original gauge cluster! those are so cool.

I did the same with bed liner, I only had small holes and just rolled right over them. Nothing is going to rust out here. Keep up the good work.


New member
Thanks Doc! I've read thru alot of your build, & have found alot of good ideas & answers I was looking for in your build thread. I've got acouple ideas I plan on stealing like the ammo can speakers for the rear ( I think that was your truck I saw it on youtube & it looked like your beast.) and the raised false floor in the back.
I don't know if the old cluster is good or if it'll even work with the drive train so I figured it be better build a whole new one I know will work & then it makes it easier for trouble shooting if your the one that ran the original wires. lol


New member
I bought autometer 2888 tach yesterday should be here by the time I get home from vacation.
as of right now I'm planning on getting some major wrenching on the truck the last 2 weekends of oct.

To do list:

Finish engine / dash old harness tear out
install new engine/ dash harness
replace leaking freeze plug on eng. block
hook up tach.
install new powersteering pump.
figure out how to run my hyd. winch lines off the pump.
install new fan clutch & humvee cooling fan. (burnt up the efan some how.. beats me.. :/ )

& we'll see what I have time for after that.


New member
Hey guys, Since the nice guys in congress decided to give me the week off I decided to get some time in on the jeep. so far I have the engine harness & dash harness ripped out. I've got most of the engine done & just need to run a few more little things in & then I'll finish dressing it up. I started on the dashed but some stuff came up so hopefully I'll find some time to finish up on it tomorrow or friday.

Heres some Pics of where I'm at now.
Parts List so far...
3 Rolls of 14g wire 100ft (red,white,& black)
4 30 amp relays
3 rolls of 10g wire 10ft (2red,1 black)
Glow Plugs
New Marine battery 800CCA (was on sale & I needed a battery)
10ft of 4g wire for battery/alternator/starter/grounds
4 inline fuse holders
83ft on auto electrical covering "The black stuff"
numerous connectors, heat shrink, & eletrical tape.
View attachment 189032

Engine before.
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Engine So far.. needs buttoning up & a few more wires ran.
View attachment 189036View attachment 189037

The Original harnesses & switches that were shot or a rats nest.
View attachment 189035

Some of the guages hooked up. I accidentally cut the hard line to my coolant temp sensor so now I have to get a new gauge. So far its been the casualty.
View attachment 189039image[6].jpeg

BTW Doc I decided that I'm gunna keep the original dash IF the chevy speedo cable matches up to the jeep speedometer.


New member
Awesome! here's to hoping.
Agreed! It'd certainly be cheaper lol.

So I realize just now that I still need to post some pics of the "new" seats installed & a few other things. I'll try and get those up tomorrow.

Otherwise I only have a couple pics of the engine bay with the new wiring.

Passenger side

Over head

Drivers side

I also built a little center console to go between the shifters to hold my start panel & 2 cup holders. I'll post some pics of that tom.

on another note. I have a alternator with 2 spade terminals on top. does any one know how to hook this up?everything I've read says to either run a jumper from the batt. post to one of the terminals but I've read that this will drain the battery after awhile. I've also read that you can do the same thing with a toggle switch (which is how the last guy had it) and just turn it on & off with the truck. I would prefer for it to just be wired in to come on & shut off with the truck.
Could I just run a jumper from my ignition switch to terminal on the alternator?

Also does any one know how/where the best place to wire an Amperage gauge in to the alternator wire?

That motor isn't gunna do anything with out me knowing as far as I'm concerned. lol


New member
Hey guys, here's some more pics of the jeep & my new headache.

heres my "Custom" switch panel complete with cup holders!! ooooooooo lol

The "New" seats installed.

Mile Marker Hyd. 12000lb winch. I picked up for $50.:coffeedrink: Just need to convert it over to 12volt from 24v.

My New headache! I was replacing the sending unit in the block for the coolant hardline I accidentally cut. while installing the new brass adapter the sleeve cracked & is now stuck in the block. I didn't have alot of time last night so I just stopped before I made it worst. I'm hoping it'll come out easy.. but we'll see.


New member
Hey guys, so I made a junkyard run with my buddy today. I scored a York 210 ( what I believe to be a long stroke one) & a DA6 Harrison compressor which cam stock on the 6.2's. The DA6's have an internal sump like the yorks & nether one is locked up so I'm pretty happy! :)

I also scored a 90amp gm altenator & another large ford altenator with an external regulator. I'm gunna experiment with both to try & build one in the a "weldenator" for trail repairs.

Thou I'm thinking about swapping the 90amp with the one on the motor in the truck. But time will tell.

I'll post a pic of the goods tomorrow because my phone won't let me post pics.

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