Major Update!
I got 35" tires on:wings:
Got it aligned, drives straight handles good.
I had to plate the firewall with 12ga sheet and trim the bodymounts, but the suckers fit! and I can still sit inside the garage, and small parking garage's fine. The truck still feels nimble and agile. I like the campershell, but it causes people to hate being behind me, even tho i'am anything but a slug...just stay in the right lane, and soak up my frustrations:ylsmoke:
Next up is a paint job, want to go desert tan / flat black, no gloss just flat for easy touch up. Want to do it myself, and get it done right the first time. Have around $1300 to spend.
Oh yeah, I bought this
It's a 1979 F250 D44, HP, drivers drop, HD houseing and stuff:ylsmoke: It's the highly sought after one I said I wasn't going to buy, but I got it for a good deal so why not?
Currently, it's being dissambled, then repainted. New raybestos/spicer balljoints, lockouts.. etc
Planning on a two link radius setup, one side will have two links, one side will have none like a wrist radius arm setup. Useing Xj coils and my stock coilbuckets. Converting the R&P setup to box looks fun LOL, i'am ging to use either a 79f250 box or an xj box, not sure yet. I would like to eventually run hydro assist. Full hydro would solve so many steering box/cross member/motor mount geometry problems; it may be worth the money to go with that, I need to talk to more people and do more research.
Currently riding along with Desert Taco and his kickbutt tacoma, makes me wish I had 4x4 so I could go out and hang with the big boys. But it currently looks as if good things will come to the dakota as time progresses.