my dream machine


New member
Photog said:
Are you using Photoshop to edit your images?

sorry bout the 'huge' photos. i'm running 1280x1024 at work and at home. yes i use photoshop. sparingly. i have a few actions that i've recorded to do repetitive tasks for groups of photos. i don't use photoshop for illusions-capabilities and filters though, at least not with the photos i've been taking.


New member
Photog said:
Try to not use "AUTO" mode. You will gain more control if you switch to "P" mode. Then you can control +/- exposure, white balance, etc. Later you will want to make use of the A & T settings (Aperture & Shutter).

Also, for everyone with a G9, there is a "spare" button above and left of the display screen. White balance (W/B) is used so often, I programmed that button bring up the W/B controls. (This would be a good time to read your manual :wavey: )

yes! i've already programmed that spare button. for once, a manual was actually very interesting to read. there was a lot of material that was covered that i doubt i would have discovered on my own. i've been avoiding the auto mode to get used to using the settings, i'm still amateur and learning all the basics.


ExPo Original
Great input on the G9, gents.

I'm in the market for a new camera and the reading I've been doing on the G9 has me leaning that way. Picking the right camera is an overwhelming task but the results I'm seeing here on ExPo have been very encouraging.

Muchly appreciated - :beer:


Brian-sorry for the slow response, but the grip changes the whole feel of the G9, espeically with the lensmate. The use of the grip made it much easier to use like a "point and shoot" using the wrist strap. Well worth the purchase.


metalonmetal said:
yes! i've already programmed that spare button. for once, a manual was actually very interesting to read. there was a lot of material that was covered that i doubt i would have discovered on my own. i've been avoiding the auto mode to get used to using the settings, i'm still amateur and learning all the basics.

I am usually careful with my colors, and I have not had this problem. I'm thinking there is a difference in our settings.

Can you look at the meta-data for that image, to see what your white balance and color settings were (Vivid, Neutral, etc.)?


New member
Photog said:
I am usually careful with my colors, and I have not had this problem. I'm thinking there is a difference in our settings.

Can you look at the meta-data for that image, to see what your white balance and color settings were (Vivid, Neutral, etc.)?

i'm sorry, what problem? i looked up the metadata and it looks as though i did have the white balance and iso on auto. shooting mode-indoor, my colors-off, color space-sRGB


metalonmetal said:
i'm sorry, what problem? i looked up the metadata and it looks as though i did have the white balance and iso on auto. shooting mode-indoor, my colors-off, color space-sRGB
Sorry, I should have quoted Trevor (Lost Canadian). He is having a color problem, with the Red spectrum.


Expedition Leader
Greetings! I too have the G9 and love it tremendously - makes a know-nothing like me seem almost competent!

I used black friction tape used for flooring to make my G9 easier to handle I also carry it in a Pelican case that holds the charger, extra battery and plenty of memory in a rough and ready case. These pics are, ironically from a camera phone - sorry for the low quality.

Hope you enjoy that G9!

Lost Canadian

Expedition Leader
Photog said:
I am usually careful with my colors, and I have not had this problem. I'm thinking there is a difference in our settings.

Can you look at the meta-data for that image, to see what your white balance and color settings were (Vivid, Neutral, etc.)?

Perhaps I wasn't clear. I was using one of the auto modes. Night snapshot I think...

Anyway, there is no control over white balance and/or color settings when you choose an auto setting, and the Exif data simply reads auto.

There is no problem with the camera per say, I get correct colors if I do things manually, but pick an auto mode (night snapshot, sports, etc), and or choose auto white balance when in a manual mode (M,Av,Tv, or P) and the colors suck. Actually daylight is not bad set at auto WB, but in an artificial light environment the firmware makes some weird calls on what it thinks is the correct white balance.


Likes to Drive and Ride
What is the shutter lag/delay with the G9? Shutter lag is one thing I hate about most non-SLR cameras.

I would like something smaller for everyday and easier macro (close focus) when I don't want to drag my SLR with.

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