Grounding Grounding Grounding
So, any ideas on calculating voltage drop versus using the frame as a ground, or running a dedicated wire between the two batteries?
I ask this because I went round and round about this over the past week regarding whether to use the frame as a ground or to run a dedicated negative wire back to the main battery. I also came to the realization that I could go all out and also be able to jump start the engine in an emergency situation (provided the aux battery is properly charged). This would be easily done by using the high amp marine switch to bridge the two batteries and bypass the Hellroaring isolator for higher amp current draw when starting. I have considered using the frame to ground between the two batteries, but have no idea what the resistance of the steel frame would be....
I also looked at several voltage drop calculators that seemed to indicate that the chassis or frame distance along the circuit path of travel could be disregarded when calculating voltage drop. On the other hand, when running a dedicated negative wire back to the main battery, that distance would now need to be considered. Now it seems to me that the frame would provide more resistance due to weld joints, poorer conductivity compared to copper, and the likelyhood that the current would travel through crossmembers welded to the frame rails (assuming the batteries are grounded to opposite frame rails). Not to mention resistance at the ground wire to frame connections in a wet/muddy/salty environment (and we all know how much our Tacoma frames like to corrode).
I read the arguments both for and against the dedicated ground wire. One thread I caught addressed my question nearly to a tee:
Needless to say, I bit the bullet and purchased both positive and negative #2/0 wire to run between the main battery and bed-mounted battery (nearly a 20' distance) to be used as both the charging and starting conductors. Got a decent deal on the copper, so it didn't totally break the bank to run a dedicated ground wire back to the battery anyway.
So what's everyone's take on using the frame as a grounding conductor? I know I'm a stubborn (and possibly certifiable) fool for ordering up the extra cable at #2/0 nonetheless, I'd still like to hear other input on this grounding conundrum. My main goal after building this system is for it to be as maintenance and thought-free as possible..... :ylsmoke: