My first child is on the way!


This maybe a Doctor question, but I feel like every question I ask the Doctor ends in NO! My wife is just about four months along with our first baby and of course some of our adventure activities are now limited. Rock climbing, mountain biking, hikes above 6000ft etc... are no longer on the list, but is wheeling in the Land Rover also out? I did not think that it would be, but the other day I was on a trail without her and realized I was getting bounced around pretty good. I was thinking to myself it was a good thing she was not there because it would have made me nervous.
1st off, congratulations. the best trips are yet to come.

when my wife was pregnant with our first child we rode the back roads ALOT. i'mnot talking KOH but some pretty rough unmaintained county roads. wife never complained of any discomfort. we did this right up until we went to the hospital. my daughter was born on a monday morning and we had drove a round all day the saturday before. i think that you will be ok.

on the other hand i am not a doctor. if you have any doubt, i would definetly talk to your doctor. good luck


SE Expedition Society

My wife and I wheeled until she was just past 4 months then my wife's doctor gave us a big fat Heck No! He said the concern was not so much for the baby physically since it is protected by the amniotic sac, but for placenta detachment. He wasn't real happy about the 2 or 3 trips in the first 4 months, but everything turned out ok.


Congrats on the Soon to be. My concern would be all the bouncing and jerking would be more of a danger to the baby. I wouldn't want to risk having the umbilical cord possibly wrapped around the baby. Makes for a long delivery.. Good luck .,



My wife and I wheeled until she was just past 4 months then my wife's doctor gave us a big fat Heck No! He said the concern was not so much for the baby physically since it is protected by the amniotic sac, but for placenta detachment. He wasn't real happy about the 2 or 3 trips in the first 4 months, but everything turned out ok.

Yeah, I thought it could be something like that. My wife is not going to be happy about it, she loves the trip just as much as I do.


We wheeled all three pregnancies, and even into the last trimester. My kids are okay (I guess... just kidding) and healthy with no issues. As long as you keep the speed down, the jolting is minimal. Heck, we were wheeling at a national event 3 months prior to our first son. All 3 kids have been born into off road life.



2005 Expedition Trophy Champion
Most replies we're not doctors and can't make said judgment call. We chose to NOT go off-highway during pregnancy. Personal decision, but just telling you what we did (not do); I would personally not be comfortable with it, but that's just my opinion.


Expedition Leader
My first and only advice to give you to is to avoid listening to all the "advice" you are going to hear in the next 7 months or so. This is especially true for your wife. I don't know why it is, but as soon as someone finds out your pregnant, they feel an unavoidable compulsion to share with you every possible horror story that they've ever heard about pregnancy. Rebuke them! Reject it utterly. Have confidence in the natural process. People have been squatting in ditches and having babies with zero medical care for thousands of years. It's a life changing event, sure, but just blow off all the "advice" and stick to your core beliefs. Kids have nothing to compare too. YOU establish what is normal, don't coddle them abnormally. Show them what you want to establish as normal. Don't tip toe around the house afraid to disturb the little critter. Run that darn vaccuum cleaner! Let the baby know this is normal! And so forth and so on. but seriously, tune out all the negative.


Climbing Nerd
My wife is just about four months along with our first baby and of course some of our adventure activities are now limited. Rock climbing, mountain biking, hikes above 6000ft etc...

Whys Rock climbing out. I have a bunch of friends with young baby’s who still climb. You will have to stick with single pitch sport but you sure can still climb. My first is due in February and my wife and I have no thought of stopping climbing. Come to a crag in Austin right now and you sure to see at least one baby there. Get out as soon at your little on can hold its one head up. Also get the Book Kids in the Woods by Jennifer Aist. Great book! Theirs really not much you can do with a baby, K2 comes to mind, but a little rock climbing and some good long (or high) hikes before your baby is walking don’t have to be off the list. As for wheeling just don’t let it get to bumpy and you should be fine. Also is you don’t read Mark Stephens blog yet on Adventure Parents dot com you should check it out, there is a lot of good info there.

Good Luck,



Thanks for all the information. I plan on taking my kid all over the place once he/she is born, but until then I think we will play it safe and stick to some easy short trails. The truth of the matter is if mama aint happy nobody is.


Climbing is out during pregnancy due to the constriction placed on the stomach by the harness!!!! I don't think he was saying the doc said no climbing AFTER birth, just while pregnant. Very good advice IMHO but I am just a First Response Instructor not a Doctor.

Congrats on the pregnancy!! I can't wait until our first one to take camping/wheeling.


lost on the mainland
congrats :) when my wife was about 5 months along we kept it to fun camping instead :) no rough stuff ?
not docs orders just did better safe than sorry and still had fun

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