This is the story of me switching from Jeeps to a Land Rover. (More than likely it won't be permanent.) I will definitely own another Jeep in the future. I have owned 7 jeeps ranging from a 1953CJ3a to a 2006 65th anniversary edition. During my time owning Jeeps I have never been apart of a Jeep club but I was apart of a Land Rover club that one of my good friends turned me on to. Twice a year we would have get togethers at Uwharrie National Forrest in NC. I would always be driving a Jeep and everyone else would be driving Land Rovers. Overtime I learned to admire Defenders,Series Trucks, and a few Discos.
Fast forward a few years, all my Jeeps are sold and I am in the Military stationed in the Middle East. Ever since seeing them at Uwharrie I wanted a Defender 90. After joining the Military I decided to keep a lookout for one to import wherever I travelled to or was stationed. I haven't found one to import but my Dad found one back in the states close to home. At first we thought about it quickly blew it off and said we'll keep looking and try to get one closer to when I come back home. A month later the conversation comes back up and it turns out the Land Rover is still forsale. We both couldn't pass it up so we pulled the trigger!
What we got is a 1992 LHD Defender 90 200TDI. All we know of its history is that it was imported from Spain. (If anybody knows how to find the history of a vehicle let me know please, I would love to find out more.) Being from Spain it turns out to be 99% rust free. After we found it was still forsale we caught it in the middle of being repainted the original color. Yes that upped the price but they did an excellent Job and saved me some work. We finally brought it home the other day and the restoration begins. It's exciting but I won't be able to drive it until atleast 6-8 more months as I'm still stationed overseas. I have the funds and my Dad is the one doing the labour for now. We plan on taking a trip in it and to Uwharrie in October 2018. If anyone has any questions, advice, or info please share.
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Fast forward a few years, all my Jeeps are sold and I am in the Military stationed in the Middle East. Ever since seeing them at Uwharrie I wanted a Defender 90. After joining the Military I decided to keep a lookout for one to import wherever I travelled to or was stationed. I haven't found one to import but my Dad found one back in the states close to home. At first we thought about it quickly blew it off and said we'll keep looking and try to get one closer to when I come back home. A month later the conversation comes back up and it turns out the Land Rover is still forsale. We both couldn't pass it up so we pulled the trigger!
What we got is a 1992 LHD Defender 90 200TDI. All we know of its history is that it was imported from Spain. (If anybody knows how to find the history of a vehicle let me know please, I would love to find out more.) Being from Spain it turns out to be 99% rust free. After we found it was still forsale we caught it in the middle of being repainted the original color. Yes that upped the price but they did an excellent Job and saved me some work. We finally brought it home the other day and the restoration begins. It's exciting but I won't be able to drive it until atleast 6-8 more months as I'm still stationed overseas. I have the funds and my Dad is the one doing the labour for now. We plan on taking a trip in it and to Uwharrie in October 2018. If anyone has any questions, advice, or info please share.

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