My Jeep FC170 (Forward Control) "Patina Rod" project


Hey, that's probably worth more than $0.01 because it's a collector's item. Canada no longer uses a penny!


Active member
Hey, that's probably worth more than $0.01 because it's a collector's item. Canada no longer uses a penny!

Interesting! I didn't realize that.


One wouldn't typically be able to guess how much time I've spent wire wheeling (down to Dremel-sized wire wheels) my rebuilt Dodge 47RH transmission. Let's just say it spanned several days, mostly because I'm <insert_adjective>picky*finicky*OCD-like</insert_adjective>. I then hit it with a couple coats of Eastwood Aluma Blast paint. I also painted some of the misc. related parts with satin Extreme Chassis Black.


I visited my local Jeep-Dodge dealer, and got prices for several of the Cummins gaskets that I plan on replacing. I will say that my dealer discount is certain appreciated, especially when dealing with these spendy gaskets! I definitely plan on using genuine Cummins gaskets, though (vs. aftermarket).

I've also been talking with Jon from JB Custom Fabrication about a shifter for my NP241 DHD transfer case. He's currently working on a prototype for this particular 241 application, and I sent him some dimensions & photos of mine for reference, as he doesn't have one on-hand. I'm sure I'll be talking more with him very soon, and placing an order once he has something available.



Active member
This weekend brought about a task I wasn't originally horribly excited about&#8212;swapping my NP241 DHD input shaft. The stock 23-spline shaft in the 2001 transfer case was the correct spline count, but it was too short to reach the seal in the back of the 47RH auto transmission. had what appeared to be the right part, but it was $330! I called my dealer, and unfortunately, all they could give me was part numbers, not specific specs/lengths. After several days of researching and cross-referencing things online, I eventually found the Mopar part number I needed. Here's the low-down...

The gear I needed (which, hopefully, will help others reading this thread) was:

  • Mopar P/N: 4797028
  • Application: 1998-2000.5 Dodge Ram with a 5.9L V-8 gas engine, and NV4500LD manual transmission (with Transfer Case assembly number 52105026AB).
  • Specs: The new input gear is 0.71" longer than the original 2001 gear (original: .84" Exposed Input. New: 1.55" Exposed Input). Both original and new gears use the wide (0.940") input bearing. Careful, as there are also narrow-bearing input gears that are not compatible.
  • My Dodge dealer doesn't actually stock the part, and their system says to order it from Vintage Parts. I called Vintage parts with the Mopar P/N, and for $98.01 plus shipping, had the new input gear the following day...crazy-good service!

Yes, I tackled this on the dining room table. :)


Yea! New tools. Thanks, Amazon, for this Lang Tools (3495) 12-Piece Snap Ring Pliers Set.


Case broken open...I'm 99% certain, it was the first time.


Old input gear on the left, new on the right. For you non-reading picture freaks who skipped the detail above, the new gear is 0.71" longer than the original.


My daughter, Mira, torquing the input bearing retainer to spec (20-25 ft.-lbs.). I already cleaned all the old RTV off the case halves (after this pic was taken). This week, I'll clean up the bolts that connect the two halves of the case, and then re-seal and reassemble the case.



Expedition Leader
I think I might be pushing my luck if I did that on the kitchen table :D

Great to see progress as always.


I think I need a bigger truck! in the WORLD did you get your t case so spotless inside and out!?!?! OCD minds wanna know. :)

Yeah this. Looks like NOS parts!

Pretty cool that your daughter is interested in Jeep and working on transfer cases with her dad. Good score BTW, $98 plus shipping and next day is awesome!


Active member in the WORLD did you get your t case so spotless inside and out!?!?! OCD minds wanna know. :)

Yeah this. Looks like NOS parts!

Pretty cool that your daughter is interested in Jeep and working on transfer cases with her dad. Good score BTW, $98 plus shipping and next day is awesome!

Thanks, guys. I'm very happy with the way things are turning out, and it's my "normal gig" to put this kind of detail in my builds. My daughter Mira is actually no stranger to Jeep work; she has her own '97 XJ 2-door that we've been working on for several years. She's been hands-on with the build, which has included axle swaps, an interior swap, and various other "bigger" projects (her 12-year-old sister, Maeve, has her own 2-door XJ, as well).


Mira's XJ rear axle (recycled from my old silver '05 LJ in the background).

On to a few updates on my FC170 project...

My transmission has now been clear-coated with Eastwood Diamond Clear. I picked up some el cheapo Harbor Freight $8.99 1000-lb. dollies, one of which is currently keeping my pretty transmission safe and out of the way. I still have to get the steel transmission mount bracket sandblasted and painted, but did buy a new Anchor (Advance Auto) rubber mount for it.


I'm ordering one of these Mag-Hytec aluminum transmsission pans for it this yet this weekend. I'm going with the 727-D model that holds 1.5 quarts more fluid, as I don't want the super-capacity one (727-DD, which holds 4 more quarts) hanging too low with the mid-engine set-up.


I also reduced the '94 Dodge 2500 to this rolling cart holding my Cummins 12v (I still need to remove the 2WD transmission for my friend, who bought it). I can now wheel it out to work on degreasing/gasket replacement, and wheel it back out of the way when I'm done.


This also means that I'm back in good standing with my patient wife, as her Jeep now fits back in her stall of the garage.


I've also been talking with Jon from JB Custom Fabrication (great guy, BTW) about a cable-actuated shifter application for my NP241 DHD. He had some other 241 options available, but hadn't sourced a Dodge DHD model yet to design one for that. I sent Jon several pictures and measurements, and within a few weeks, he had the first production version out to a "tester" to verify everything works as-intended. Jon also gave me a GREAT deal for helping out, and I'll be getting his #2 production shifter very shortly. I'm going with the billet-style (right one in the photo below). I may use Jon's stock shifter, or I may build a replacement out of a vintage Ford-embossed wrench...not sure yet.


Finally, I ordered a PTO Support Kit that I'll install on the NP-241 DHD. The Dodge transmission tailhousings are prone to cracking, due to the excessive transfer case weight and lack of support. I'll build a supplemental support for mine, and this DIY kit will save some time in doing so. For $40, I couldn't beat it. It includes everything shown; I'll just have to add some supplemental tubing, and figure out the best crossmember/skid design to support it.



Expedition Leader
Nice progress. I'm watching this build as I used to own and drive a FC170 when I was in my early 20's. I've dealt with Jon from JB before and agree with you 100 percent.


Active member
Nice progress. I'm watching this build as I used to own and drive a FC170 when I was in my early 20's. I've dealt with Jon from JB before and agree with you 100 percent.

Thanks shortbus4x4.

My regular sandblaster guy has been MIA for over a month, so my buddy Kyle bailed me out last weekend and let me use his blast cabinet to clean up several small parts, all of which have been repainted at this point.

Left-to-right...47RH transmission mount, OEM Dodge pick-up bed tie-downs, (left top), OEM Dana 80 aluminum differential cover, OEM F350 Dana 80 U-bolt plates, Dana 80 brake caliper. I'll have to circle back to blast the other Dana 80 caliper, as I didn't have time to do the 2nd one last weekend.


Dana 80 differential cover painted with Eastwood Aluma Blast. I'll clear-coat it with Eastwood Diamond Clear before reinstalling.


I got the first coat of Eastwood caliper paint applied (by brush), with the second coat to come this weekend. I also picked up a caliper service kit (new rubber boots).


I took delivery of these two beautiful pieces this week, too. On the left is JB Custom Fabrications new Dodge NP-241 DHD shifter kit, which is even nicer than I expected it to be. I'll paint the raw steel brackets this weekend. On the right is the Mag-Hytec 727-DD extra-deep transmission pan for the 47RH. It, too, is nicer than I expected it to be.



Active member
Cool build!

Great attention to detail. I wish I had the space and the time to do a project...any project.

Thanks, guys!

Back to the project...sort of. I revisited my FC Super Hurricane light fixture project, and ordered some Candelabra-base 40-Watt Edison bulbs, and a couple 3-socket plugs/wires with which to install them. A machinist friend currently has the head, and will be machining a LOT of the material out of the back to lighten it up. He'll also be boring the spark plug holes to 0.75", which is the diameter of the light bulb sockets.


My friend Andy in California was nice enough to send me this giant rod from something-or-other. It looks like it was never used. I'm not sure yet what I'm going to use it for, but it's definitely an interesting (and heavy) piece. If anyone happens to know what this would have been used for, I'd love to hear your thoughts.


Another Jeep friend and co-worker bought these Mopar-option Kicker speakers as an upgrade for his Wrangler sound bar, then sold the Jeep before he installed them. He let me have them for $35. I was fortunate enough to find a local guy parting out an '04 Durango, and was able to snag the Mopar-specific plugs and wiring pigtails for these speakers. The audio stuff will be down the road a ways, but I jumped on the deal when they were available.


Does this pan make my bottom end look big? I got my new Mag-Hytec pan installed on my rebuilt 47RH, and also got the transmission mount reinstalled. I ended up going with a new $23 (sale) trans mount from Advance Auto instead of the $80 (with my dealer discount) Mopar version. I couldn't justify spending that much for something so basic. Thanks, Fiat, for the over-inflated Dodge parts prices.


And finally, after many, many months, the 47RH and NP241 DHD are assembled, and sitting safely in storage in a spare room until which time they'll be mated to the Cummins 12v, which I still need to degrease, re-gasket (to an extent), and paint.

The little dollies are Harbor Freight 1000-lb. capacity units I picked up for $8.99 each. They roll like they were $8.99 each, but serve their purpose in this case. I have minimal complaints for the price.



New member

Last weekend, I found a 12v vacuum/power steering pump for my project (no pic). The husband of a woman I used to work with parts out a lot of Cummins-powered trucks, and was local. This one came from a '96 Dodge 3500.

Today, my wife & I drove to Kewanna, Indiana and picked up this aluminum flatbed, and under-bed storage boxes. The TARPStop aluminum storage boxes need a little TLC, and the aluminum flatbed is in nice shape...well worth the trip! We stopped for a great lunch (breakfast food) at a place called Cock-A-Doodle Cafe in Elkhart, Indiana (close to where I grew up). Great food, service and prices (along with RV/trucker parking)! If you're in the area, check them out.

i was reading this thread and saw kewanna and thought huh i think i know where that is, the you said you stoped at cock a doodle... small world haha im in nappanee just south of that. now back to reading the rest of the thread lol

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