We finally left Barkcamp State Park. It wasn't looking good, we didn't make the 1:00 p.m. checkout, but we did get out of there. We drove west on Interstate 70 to Columbus, Ohio, then onto Interstate 270, and then onto Route 23 headed north for Michigan. After a brief stop at a McDonald's which the dogs loved we continued north. With skies beginning to fill with rain clouds, we pulled over into a rest area for the night. Shortly thereafter the skies opened up with torrential downpours, then a pig truck pulled in and parked next to us for awhile. That was really, really bad. Next was a truck with a super turbo (or something) on it's engine. It roared like a lion, like no other truck I've ever heard. I made repeated attempts to back out of my situation (you can't back up when flat towing) and move. The truck driver finally took pity on me and moved to the other end of the rest area. Was asleep by midnight and missing Barkcamp State Park..................

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