My Journey


Fossil Overlander
1 - there is no such thing as "too many pictures" so please do not delete any. love looking at them !!
2 - I could do those cabins.... Love to live in one.
3 - Tanner is the teint we're looking for in the new Golden, but hard to find in Europe

Pls. - keep them coming !
Tgil.....same old phone.....Galaxy S9+.....not sure why the pictures would be any different from any others.

I'm currently in western Idaho and am right on the edge of that front that's moving through. I can't move on because Tanner has a vet appointment coming up so we're hanging out & living at Walmart. It's cold and it's pretty much sucks. But all I have to do is look out the camper window and see a family with small children living in their car(s) and it reminds me to be thankful every day of my life. It tears my heart out to see the children suffer.....not all families are doing well in this bustling economy.....

ITTOG.....I love the McLarens and the boats / yachts are amazing. Since I've become a fan of Sailing Zatara I've started to daydream about living aboard a sailboat.....

1.) I agree completely.....his pictures were great and never too many.
2.) I agree completely once again.....those cabins were perfect.
3.) I think that Tanners color is fairly rare in the states as well. I don't know that as a fact but it seems as though I mostly see very light colored Goldens anymore. I too love the color of his coat.

On our last night along the river we had a visit from a bald eagle that was looking to snatch a trout from the calm waters on the opposite side of the river. It was such a beautiful sight to sit at my warm fire and watch him as he'd dive down to grab himself a fish.....if you look into the pine trees you can see him perched high above the calm pool of water.....


On our last morning we caught a few more trains crossing the river.....headed east.....



For us, we loaded up the rig and we headed west along Interstate 90.....


And finally after more than a four month stay we would leave Montana and drive into Idaho and into a new time zone.....


We pulled into Wallace, Idaho (population almost 1,000) for a lunch break and stayed until early evening. Now I've visited this town several times in the past and have always enjoyed my stay. For some reason Wallace claims to be the center of the universe and the town advertises itself heavily on that concept. But on this visit I learned a bit more about Wallace. Interstate 90 skirts the northern boundary of the town and the entire interstate has been built on bridges that were built above the town.....


I had no idea that there was a story behind the interstate until I came across this plaque in the center of town.....


It's a great little town and if you read the plaque it's truly amazing that one man was able to stop the federal government from demolishing the entire town in order to construct the highway. I for one am thankful for his the past I've actually overnighted under that bridge.....a nice spot during inclement weather.....


Walking through town I saw this ************ vehicle.....


Back in the 70's I owned a green Toyota exactly like the one in the photo. I ordered it new.....I swear I paid about $4,800 new off the lot.....sold it to go into the Peace Corps.....

Wallace, Idaho was established 135 years ago as a silver mining town and I found it interesting to read that it has produced more silver than any other mining district in the United States. While the eastern side of town is mostly the commercial district, the western side of town is mostly residential.....and most of the homes here were built back in the day and we spent part of the afternoon checking out the old homes. Here's just a sampling of the cool old homes of Wallace, Idaho.....











Back on the interstate driving west we looked for a spot to camp for the night.....


Well-known member
Cool homes but I loved the grass. Living in houston our grass is a weed, St Augustine, and isn't as soft or as green as grass in the midwest and north. Any time I go home (Oklahoma) I like to walk around in the grass barefoot.


To Infinity and Beyond!
All that SPACE and wide open country in Montana yet you can pee out the window of your home in Wallace and wash your neighbors house siding.

While the homes are cute in Wallace that is certainly not my vision "Livin in Montana"!
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I thank you for the story and pictures of Wallace...your commentary of the local flavor is a big reason I follow you...I get to see and somewhat experience a part of the U.S. I will never see...and I love travels and a pat on the head to your companions.


Fossil Overlander
Oh yes... please keep them coming..

Perhaps we can start a train tread - pics of locomotives etc. from all over the world...



I got caught up and posted but it never showed up and we were out of wifi. Left McCall, ID yesterday, stayed at Lolo Hotsprings and then headed through Missoula and East on 90. Guess we weren't too far apart. Passed the "M" and headed Montana Wheat. Keep on trucking Jerry. jd


Well-known member
I still have a little over a year to go, but enjoy reading every post! This one made me smile this morning
I've had some amazing experiences in my life.....I've traveled to 5 continents, climbed mountains over 20,000 feet high, dove on shipwrecks in the Atlantic Ocean, explored the Amazon jungle, jumped out of airplanes.....and so much more. But I found something here that can't be matched by any adventure in the world. And that was the time I spent with my granddaughter. She's the most beautiful girl in the world.....
ITTOG.....yes, I know that feeling.....especially after a winter in the southwest region.....

vintageracer.....actually Wallace is in Idaho but I do understand what you are saying. Wallace is an idyllic small town located in a very tiny valley surrounded by steep mountains. I understand people's appeal to the town and to the hundred year plus old homes that line the quaint streets. It's peaceful there.....

azken.....I always struggle with what I should share ? Ten pictures of homes might be better suited to a different crowd. But then I always default to "just post what I see" and I figure people can view as they please. I sure appreciate your input.....thank you.....'s funny but I seem to enjoy most all modes of travel.....from leather boots to massive jumbo jets..... some pictures.....we want to see your travels.....

tgil.....yea, anybody that has had that experience will concur with my statement. I was once talking with a well known explorer and we shared about that very topic.....not a day goes by that I don't miss her.....

Often as a day comes to its end I will know in advance where we plan to lay our heads down for the night. Either I've traveled that road in the past or maybe I've accessed the ioverlander ap so I'm driving to a known destination. This next night was one of those nights where we were shooting from the hip. Just east of Coeur d'Alene, Idaho we exited the highway onto a small side road and shortly thereafter found a roadside pullout with potential. As I scanned the area I saw this vacant house nearby (really nearby).....


There's always the potential for trouble while out on the road but overall I've become a pretty good judge of my surroundings. Bears, rattlesnakes, lightning and on and is filled with the unknown. But honestly the one thing that I'm most careful with while out traveling alone are the drug addicts.....the meth heads.....the really unpredictable. So before calling it a night we investigated this spot carefully.....


Yes it was sketchy but we stayed the night anyhow.....and we went out for an evening walk and had great views of Lake Coeur d'Alene.....



And we were out for one last walk to watch the darkness fall.....our walk would take us across Interstate 90.....



It was total darkness as we returned to the camper.....the camper picture was as eerie as the abandoned dwellings nearby.....


It turns out that we overnighted next to the Wallace Forest Conservation Area so here we were able to get in a nice morning hike in the forest. The BLM was in the process of logging the forest so I guess they use the word "conservation" loosely. A sign posted by BLM said that the land would be restored with better trees than what grew here naturally.....some locals I spoke with said that's a bunch of "bullsh*t".....


In Coeur d'Alene we stopped in at the Ray and Joan Kroc Community Center for a well needed hot shower. For a mere $3 I was treated to the finest accommodations a traveler might want. A private "cabana" (as they called it) with an endless stream of steaming hot water.....thanks to the founder of McDonald's for his generous donation to help this community.....


We now had a five day wait for Tanners vet appointment so we hung out as persistent foul weather made life on the road just a bit unenjoyable.....but we always seem to survive.....

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Expedition Leader
Furbucket.....I was under the impression that some snakes did eat berries but Google says nope. It's funny cause I spent the earlier days of my life picking blackberries and often would see huge (and small) black snakes in those patches. I've always assumed that they were in the patch for the berries.

Regarding wells and their source, I do know that it doesn't matter if you're close to a river or on a mountainside. Earlier this summer when I camped along the Salmon River and spoke with a guy building his log cabin, he was flat out amazed (and nearly broke) when the well drillers had to drill almost 500' down to get his water (nearly $40,000). His well was within 200' of the river. The property adjacent to the property with the rock cairns drilled 40' to get their water.

Regarding neighbors, currently I'm looking at fairly large tracts (+/- 20 acres) so that is not an issue for me.

Thanks for the comment on the dog pictures.....I seem to constantly think "people must be tired of looking at my dogs".....appreciate the comment.....

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Tgil.....sometimes I think the dogs too are getting tired (of the lifestyle) so yea maybe he is thinking just that.....

ITTOG.....that sounds like an awesome vacation. Feel free to share pictures here.....

As I was saying earlier I've stalled in the areas between Missoula, Montana and St. Ignatius, Montana. One day the dogs and I were walking underneath an underpass for Highway 93 which is located on the Flathead Indian Reservation when I spotted this graffiti on the bridge abutment. Now I just thought it interesting cause I'd never seen graffiti like this.....and my guess is that you might only see it in this environment.....

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The following day I was walking in downtown Missoula and I saw this graffiti on an alley wall. This got me to thinking about how much graffiti actually tells about us as a society.....and clearly it shows how different we really are in the ways we think.....I guess I never gave much thought to it in the past.....and I think it also shows, and I speak here from the perspective of someone who travels a good bit, is that one really doesn't have to travel to distant countries to see and experience different cultures, or even different's probably right in our backyards.....

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While in Missoula we stumbled onto a beer festival and since I'm a non drinker, the dogs and I pretty much just watched the people get loaded and we listened to some good tunes.....watching some of those people, well it made think I'm happy to be a non drinker.....

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We came to Missoula this time to pick up a FedEx package and a screw up by the sender caused us to make a trip to the airport.....

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Like so many places and things that I'll stumble across in my travels, airports too can be quite interesting.....

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I like airplanes quite a bit.....the sight of one always makes me want to fly away and visit those far way lands (yep.....the ones I was just talking about).....

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I hung out along the chain link fence just to watch this old bird take was absolutely beautiful.....

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And then we jumped into the Jeep and were off to explore the other side of the airport.....

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I know that DC3!!!
Check this out
calicamper.....that's a pretty cool video. Thanks for posting it.....

After Tanners vet appointment in Spokane, Washington, we finally changed directions, no longer driving west, but now we drove north on Highway 395. I'd be lying if I didn't say that I kinda wished that I was driving south (with all that recent lousy weather on our minds) but I had plans and those plans pointed us north.....


We made a stop in Colville, Washington where we would spend the night camped in yet another Walmart parking lot. Across the street from our "campground" was this massive lumber yard.....this place rumbled throughout the entire night.....



The following morning we continued north on the same highway.....not too far to the north from our departure point we crossed the Columbia River.....



We continued north now following the meanders of the Kettle River which runs along the eastern side of the now desolate highway. We made a brief stop along the highway to make sure that I had all of our documents in order.....


And ten minutes later we were at the border ready to enter Canada. Lately I've read that Canadians entering the U.S. are being needlessly hassled by U.S. Customs so I wondered if I might find myself being a victim of reciprocity but the customs agent was as friendly and professional as he could possibly be, and after just a few questions we were on our way.....


It's been quite awhile since we've visited Canada.....I don't actually recall when my last visit was. I do know it will be a great's a beautiful country and Canadians are as friendly as can be.....I love Canada.....


We made yet another brief stop to check out this information kiosk.....


Not ten minutes into British Columbia I spotted a mountain biker in the woods along the highway.....and that could only mean one thing.....there must be a trail.....and we soon found ourselves hiking that same trail along the banks of the Kettle River.....

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Well-known member
I can't believe you are headed north this time of year. Must be some special plans. Good luck with the weather.

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Trying to figure how to load pictures. I tried a couple one photo loads and they said the size was to big. Can't figure how to make them smaller. Spent the night up at my cousins cabin on the Boulder River in the Absoraka Range

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