always have the best lines....."of course he brings you home !".....thanks.....
JD.....Yukon is much the same these days although she rarely barks. She just stands there and stares into space..... books.....
Ace.....I would imagine someday our paths will actually cross.....
Riversdad.....and of course that happened on this hike as well. I was certain Tanner had gone the wrong direction at one point, I called him to me, and minutes later we backtracked to where he had been.....
I'm not sure what it is about a lone tree in the desert but there's no denying that there's a natural pull to bed down next to it.....and so that's what we did.....
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Now I had climbed a mountain solo, then I had tried to climb a mountain with Tanner, and with a bit of good fortune, less than ten miles south, was a mountain with a road to the summit.....Highland Peak (9,395').....and the three of us would successfully make this summit, driving in the Jeep of course.....
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I'm not sure how long a drive this was.....maybe ten miles one way give or take. I did count the switchbacks on the return trip down the mountain.....twenty one.....and very steep in many sections but certainly not challenging.....
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The views on top were not sensational, and there was little effort to achieve this summit.....
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We parked the Jeep near the high point(s) in a saddle between two peaks. I'm not sure which peak was the highest so we walked to each summit and stood on each one.....
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Each peak was covered in towers.....
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.....and made the not sensational views even less sensational.....
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I took a bunch of pictures of towers thinking I might get an interesting shot.....obviously it would take a skilled photographer to achieve that one.....
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But there was something very special about this summit.....Yukon was at my side. For nearly 12 years now shes always been at my loyal a friend as any man could ever ask for. God only knows how many summits she has under her belt but I assure shes been a warrior in the mountains and throughout all our travels. Now her eyes have become glazed over, her legs are beginning to fail her, and now she just enjoys those days where we do nothing. Montana died suddenly.....Yukon is traveling a different route.....
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