ITTOG.....I indeed did research that snake on Google as I wanted to see if I too had just escaped a near death experience.....I don't recall what I came up with but I do recall that it was of a non venomous variety.....
Riversdad.....snakes & turtles are good (I'm currently hoping to cross paths with a Desert Tortoise although the likelihood of that happening is probably near zero).....
And finally we were back on the road once again.....leaving
Henderson, Nevada behind.....we took the highway that meanders along the western side of
Lake Mead as we drove north.....I was in no hurry that day so we stopped often on that first day as we explored some of the random ravines that the highway crossed.....
There was nothing special about a single one of these ravines that we explored that day.....and maybe that's what made each one of these ravines so special to me.....
Few people would have any reason to go to these places.....I was so ready for places just like these.....
We goofed around so much on day one of our travels that we made it only a few miles north.....maybe 20 or 30 or 40 I think. That night we camped at a place commonly referred to as
Poverty Flats or
Snowbird Mesa and that evening we walked around this massive informal campsite and there were two things that glaringly stood out to me.....the constant roar of generators was nearly everywhere.....and the generators were only outnumbered by the number of old people sitting in their lawn chairs. Everybody seemed to be waiting.....waiting to go north maybe.....maybe to take their last breath.....I couldn't leave here soon enough that was for sure.....
The following morning we left early.....thankful to leave behind the constant roar of the generators. In
Overton, Nevada we left the main highway and drove east into the vast desert.....
Overton, Nevada is located in a low lieing valley along the
Muddy River.....the road we took led us to higher country as we planned to camp on the huge mesa just to the east of town.....
That road was a steep took this guy forever to get down that road.....we waited patiently.....
We stopped at the rim to have a look around and off we went to see what we could see.....
Unfortunately this was a great spot for locals to dump the things that they no longer need.....