Well.....I'm now (and recently have been) posting approximately 6 weeks back which means I'm dealing with many small memory lapses. So this morning I realized that we actually had hiked to one other mountain summit prior to my last journal entry. Just to keep "My Journey" as accurate as possible, here is our day hiking to the summit of
Dry Willow Peak (7,593')....
We were still south of
Milton, Utah at this point in our travels.....we were driving north and to the west the landscape was filled with smaller peaks.....and finally the pull to hike one of those peaks became too great so we pulled to the side of the highway and off we went.....
Initially our hike was along a four wheel drive road in wide open spaces.....soon enough the road deteriorated and as we hiked higher we entered areas with dense evergreens and spots still covered in snow.....
Sadly the road ended at a secluded spot where the locals brought their household goods that were no longer needed.....the trees disappeared with the road and now we just bushwacked our way upwards.....
There was one false summit along our way.....we skirted it and looking back I wish we hadn't as it seemed to be much more interesting (rock outcroppings) than the actual summit.....
The summit provided us with great views.....I found the remains of some old fencing up there.....I can't even imagine what that could have been used for.....
This next picture may or may not be a summit shot of a dog on top of this mountain.....but it is a picture of Tanner on top of a mountain.....
I had estimated that this would be a 7 mile roundtrip hike that day.....the route we took was nearly 12 miles with over 3,000' of elevation gain.....Trapper (shown here literally seconds after our return) was dead meat by the time we made it back to the rig.....