My Journey

As we gained elevation on the mountain, the views from the trail were absolutely outstanding.....


I remember thinking that they were actually better along that rocky trail than they were on the summit.....


Eventually we sat on the summit and ate our lunch and snacks and got ourselves hydrated.....


We stayed up there for maybe 30 minutes.....chatted with some other was a busy day on the summit.....


I got my dog summit pictures.....look at those dogs ! Those are happy faces.....


The downclimb was uneventful.....we took a few days rest.....chewed on the bones that we found in the desert.....before attempting another mountain summit.....


Enjoyed a few more sunsets.....



Bicycle inner tubes make good dog boots, several videos about how to make them. I fell backward a year ago into a patch of prickly pear cactus. Had multiple layers on, spikes and glochids went thru like butter. Had to peal off the layers with the thorns remaining embedded. Found out later that duck tape works well to remove the glochids which are hairlike but hard to see. Did learn that my snakeboots are impervious to cactus.
yfarm.....I've given up hope when it comes to the cactus and the many injuries that befall me.....


My hands, my arms, my legs.....they're filled with cuts, punctures and bruises.....


My love for climbing mountains is so strong that I'll make whatever sacrifice that I need that I can carry on.....


Over the decades I've got into canoeing & kayaking.....


I've jumped from airplanes and I've explored deep into caves.....

I've tried long distance cycling spending days & nights on the road.....


I was once crazy for deep, cold water dives to shipwrecks in the Atlantic Ocean.....


Rock climbing & ice climbing too.....


I've traveled to many places around the world.....


But there's nothing like climbing mountains with my two best friends.....


This sequence of pictures is us as we climbed McCleary Peak (8,357').....just a few days after our last climbed mountain posted here. This mountain is the second highest peak in the Santa Rita Mountain Range. The All Trails Ap says that it is 11.0 miles with 4,330 feet of elevation gain. This mountain was so much more difficult than the last one that we climbed (Mount Wrightson 9,456') ......especially the last half mile which is basically bushwacking across a boulder field. And somewhere along that boulder field, with both dogs on leash, I got yanked into a boulder, cracked a rib and sustained a deep gash in my elbow.....blood ran all the way down to the end of my fingers. But we summitted and we took in all the glory.....and I've suffered ever since.....

But this is what we love.....


There's that since of accomplishment.....or maybe it's just being alone on top of a mountain with two best friends.....and it's as simple as that.....

20250107_152312_copy_1600x747.jpg's been incredibly painful but it hasn't slowed us down. Just yesterday we climbed what I believe to be the 11th mountain of this trip. It seems like pain & illness has plaqued this trip almost from the start (not quite) I'm off to my 4:00 p.m. appointment with the dentist.....

Ace.....that's funny. I grew up in an aluminum canoe. It's where I learned to hate fishing. I've "only " been posting on XP for 12 years now. I am quite a bit older than that. I would imagine that I have thousands of adventures that aren't posted on this site and never will be. You'll never see my white water kayaking adventures in Alaska while still a young man. You'll never see me in a dugout canoe in the Amazon jungle either, also as a young man. I still maintain fond memories of many of my adventures but most now have disappeared from my mind due to my many years of living life.....

Regarding that canoe on top of my Jeep, it's true that I've never used it and because you have mentioned it several times in the past as well as now, I'll just let you know that I have no plans to ever use it. It's not a good canoe, it's not even a safe canoe. I bought it without researching it.....I got it big deal. In addition to that, I have no desire to canoe again, at least for now. If and when I ever do, I'll simply buy there's no need to worry any longer about that canoe that lives on top of my Jeep.....

By the way, if you really want to see a dog in a kayak picture on this thread, I'll bet you a cup of coffee that you can find at least one (and probably more) somewhere amongst these 371 pages of nonsense.....

To the larger crowd.....

When I speak of fond memories.....I think of trips like this. Here's a couple of pictures starting out on my first trip ever to South America.....hitchhiking around Venezuela, Colombia, and Panama.....if any young people stumble across this post, that backpack in the forefront is a metal exterior model.....and that thing in the background is called a television set.....


The long haired guy in the forefront of the next picture is the friend that I hitchhiked to South America with. Unfortunately (or fortunately) he returned home after a week or so. The remainder of the trip was alone.....the best way to go.....

We camped here below the Santa Rita Mountain Range for an entire week.....alone in the high desert.....


If we weren't hiking or climbing, we kept busy in other ways. Of course there's reading and watching YouTube.....I found the energy to work on my dogs' training.....something I often wish that I'd done more of in the past.....


I mostly hadn't spoken to anyone during that week.....a short chat at a mountain summit. The day that we came down from the second summit, we were relaxing in the camper when I heard an engine near the camper and when I opened the door there was a Sprinter van in my campsite. A short conversation went something like this:

Me:"What are you doing ?"

Woman: "We're camping here ?"

Me: "What are you talking about ?"

Woman: "We can't find a campsite so we're camping here."

Me: "I just came from the trailhead and I noticed several sites open."

Woman: "We didn't see them."

Me: "Get out of here. You're not camping here. This is my campsite."

Woman slams her door and off they go. It's one thing to ask permission or to accept an offer, it's another to make demands. Was this a perfect example of the old, white entitled people that I sometimes moan about and who seem to frequent Arizona ?

Picture taken from my camper door.....


We had some beautiful sunrises.....


And we had some beautiful sunsets.....


One day when the winds blew near hurricane force on the west coast, we had gusts of 50 MPH here. We still got out and explored in the washes where we were mostly hidden from the high winds. We found spots where illegal immigrants had also been hiding.....just not from the high winds. Backpacks, blankets, water bottles, and clothes were strewned about the high desert floor.....


And up on the mountain summits the clouds seemed to stick to them. I can't even begin to imagine the wind speeds on those summits.....


If we weren't in the canyons or on the mountains, we were wandering along the dusty roads.....and then finally one day, we had had enough solitude and we packed camp and headed back for Tucson, Arizona.....

I just cannot understand the mentality of people who think its perfectly OK to park right next to you and camp. The BDR in Wyoming has brought an influx of this behavior since it was announced. Everybody heads to the places that someone has pinned and talked about online and sets up camp right on top of each other.

Ace Brown

Retired Ol’ Fart
I just cannot understand the mentality of people who think its perfectly OK to park right next to you and camp. The BDR in Wyoming has brought an influx of this behavior since it was announced. Everybody heads to the places that someone has pinned and talked about online and sets up camp right on top of each other.

We did the WYBDR in 2023 and saw only a handful of motos the whole trip. Except for the first day when we met in a campground, saw no one camping near us nor we near anyone else. But we picked sites totally at random, not because somebody had recommended it. I have done several BDRs and believe Wyoming was the quietest, and most difficult.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk could be what you suggest but there's definitely an attitude with many of the old, white people in the southwest. I've seen it so many times. I've experienced it mostly in cities like Las Vegas or Phoenix, and most of the southwestern parts of Arizona. It blows me away how rude and entitled acting some of these people are.....just my opinion.....

We next spent a few days regrouping in the city.....daily hot showers, more restaurant food, and hanging out at Reid Park (this is a great place to waste the day away) morning we walked (hiked ?) up to the summit of Sentinel Peak (2,890'). This is a small mountain on the western fringes of Tucson, Arizona.....


I guess we got lucky here as the gate to the summit road was locked.....I later was told that it's closed one day per week for the walkers.....


It was totally uneventful.....not even the least bit challenging.....but honestly.....the views overlooking the city were pretty darn good so that alone made it worth it.....


After a few days of city life, we headed back out into the wilderness.....we spent a night camped along Highway 83.....and the following morning we took a long hike into the hills of Oak Tree Canyon.....


It's amazing how beautiful the entire area south of Tucson, Arizona actually is.....when I think of Arizona, I dont think of places like this.....


Then we moved further south.....visited the small, touristy town called Patagonia.....really not much to see here.....


I found a small mountain on Google Maps just south of town.....Red Mountain (6,373') I decided that we'd climb it the following day.....


The beauty of this mountain was that there was a stone road that led us almost right to the summit.....this was important.....cause we were still in a healing mode.....


The road was a huge help....but it was still steep and I'll admit that it was a good challenge.....and it felt good to be making a comeback.....after all the pain.....

The last quarter mile to the summit was bushwacking up small cliff bands and through lots of cactus plants.....the views from the summit were outstanding.....we could see far into Mexico as we were only a few miles from the border.....


It was odd that the road continued on to another mountain.....higher than Red Mountain. I gave thought to climbing it as well but didn't as it was covered in communication towers.....the reason for the road I assume.....


I took my dog summit shots.....


And then we headed back down the mountain.....and then drove course.....explore another mountain range.....


Getting ready for the next climb.....they sure are great friends.....



Fossil Overlander
Love this and you've spoken some wise words.

And yes, many memories are not for sharing. Having jumped many times out of airplanes in the '70's and '80's - and dropped loads of others - I know what you mean. I have done the 1st. trip with these 2 - the Chocolate is not sure yet what to think of it all but Miya (the Golden) loves it.

Please keep them coming as you're showing me, and others I think, parts of the US one seldom sees.

Many Thanks !
Arjan.....those dogs are great ! I love it when other members post their dog pictures. I'm a simple, mountains and dogs are all that I seem to need to stay happy....thanks so much for sharing. We've been hanging out in some fairly obscure places.....the nights & mornings have been cold but so worth the sacrifice.....

sburks737.....I know what you mean. I can still remember sitting on the second floor of my office building in my cushy chair staring out the window and thinking how can I get myself out of here. That was over two decades ago for me. Hang in'll come one day.....

Next for us was climbing in the Mustang Mountain Range.....a small mountain range to the southeast of Tucson, Arizona.....


We accessed the mountain range from the west taking a dual track sandy, rutted road to the base of the mountain chain. After passing through several metal gates we finally reached what I thought was our starting point (this climb would be complete trailhead).....


Unfortunately we took the wrong road in and it was now 10:00 a.m so too late to start all over. Well, there was a peak to the north of us and several to the we chose to climb the northern peak and headed up North West Dome (6,145').....


I no longer remember how long this route was, the elevation gain or the time it took to summit.....I do know that it was a challenging climb.....


We climbed up the south facing wall of the mountain so I'm guessing that the fact that the sun shined on it all day kept this south facing wall hot & dry cause the thorny plants thrived here.....


The pictures don't do much justice to the difficulty of the climb.....again, there was no route (trail), it was absolutely covered in cactus, and it was steep enough to make it challenging.....


Close to the summit we had to make our way through some significant rock walls.....


Tanner led the way.....sometimes a good thing.....sometimes not.....


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