2wheelbob......sent you Pm......
galvyork.....thanks and retrievers are the best.....
In my first post of 2016 I quoted a passage from Stones of Silence Journeys in the Himalayas by George B. Schaller. I'll never forget the first time that I read this passage. I thought how amazing it was that someone could capture in words the way I feel nearly everyday of my life. I've read this passage a thousand times......I have no idea why. Sometimes I feel as though it's a curse that I can never be content with just living in a neighborhood like millions of other people. As far back in my life as I can remember, I've always had the yearning to travel endlessly. Yet, at the same time, I also have a yearning to do what so many other people seem to be capable of......just settling down in a nice home, being part of a community. I recall my first 'fix" when I was (18) and hitchhiked from Virginia to Florida, then flew to Venezuela and hitchhiked around northern South America & southern Central America. Then there was a stint in the Peace Corps in South America, followed by a (2) year road trip in a 72' Ford Bronco that took me to working in oil fields in Wyoming, then the suburbs of Seattle, and that eventually ended with me working in the mountains and the bush of Alaska.........
Fast forward...........
So, it was in 2012 that I made one of my first posts here on Expedition Portal. I had just sold my cabin, sold quite a few of my belongings, and rented a storage unit for the things that I'd decided to keep. I was so happy to be free of most responsibilities. I remember a few months after I had made that decision, I thought that it was a horrible decision and after (5) months of travel I returned home and purchased a new home. I think it was then that I really came to realize this "dual identity" that I live with. Well almost (4) years have passed since I made the first decision to go homeless and here I am again going homeless. I've sold my house again and in (12) days the dogs and I will be leaving the comforts of this wonderful home and hitting the road. Just like 2012, I can honestly say that I don't know where we are going. I find myself studying the weather and that's what will eventually determine our direction. I'm looking forward to getting back out there, and posting up here for those that may be interested........