Thanks Mike.....I appreciate the feedback. I'm curious, have you guys ever hiked the Hoerikwaggo Trail, between Table Mountain and Cape Point ? I've always wanted to travel to South Africa and visit the mountains and do some diving as well. Seems like an amazing country that you live in.....
As I continued my drive south and west through California, I made a fairly quick visit to Joshua Tree National Park. Honestly, more than anything, I just wanted to use their dump station. It's beautiful, but as you may know, I don't spend much time in the national parks.....
We camped just south of the entrance sign to the park. I think it may have been BLM land but I'm not certain about that. Anyhow, it worked perfect for us as we avoided the campground fees and we had our open spaces.....
The following morning I drove into Coachella to use my Starbucks Rewards before they expired. I actually needed a few things before I go off the grid so Walmart was included in that trip. Then it was southeast as we drove along the eastern shoreline of the Salton Sea.....
And here's something I never knew. Always learning when you're traveling.....
"One of the world's largest inland seas and lowest spots on earth at -227 below sea level, Salton Sea was re-created in 1905 when high spring flooding on the Colorado River crashed the canal gates leading into the developing Imperial Valley. For the next 18 months the entire volume of the Colorado River rushed downward into the Salton Trough. By the time engineers were finally able to stop the breaching water in 1907, the Salton Sea had been born at 45 miles long and 20 miles wide – equaling about 130 miles of shoreline. "