My Journey


We've have been busy again preparing for another road trip. Typically I start a pre trip post here about all the work that I'm doing to the Jeep, truck, camper, or whatever, but this time it'll be different I'm afraid to say. This pre trip post is only about Montana......

Montana, my best friend, really my everything, for the past 6 and one half years passed away Thursday evening, from cancer......

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Thursday morning appeared to be another typical day in our lives. We were all awake much too early, I was having my coffee, and the dogs laid around wondering why I'm up so early again. After a few cups of coffee, we took a walk down to the fields, the air still cool here in Montana, the sun just rising, clouds in the sky. Just a typical morning in our lives. The dogs chased gophers, man, they love to chase gophers. Montana had become quite proficient at it, and I'm sorry to say that he ended the lives of more than one. Next we headed over to the lake, it's crystal clear and ice cold with the recent rains, but more so with the spring run off from the mountains. I don't know how he does it, but Montana can just stand in that frigid water for what seems like forever.....

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Montana spent the remainder of the morning on the seemed good to us all. I roused the dogs up to go and run some errands, and Montana was hesitant to leave the couch. He whimpered in the garage, and reluctantly got into the truck. For some reason I had an urge to spoil the dogs, so we stopped in at the local pet store where each dog got a large cookie covered in yogurt.....a rare treat of that caliper. But Montana was not interested. At our next stop I let the dogs out of the truck and Montana seemed like he was weak on his feet. I called the vet and within (5) minutes we were there.....

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Tests revealed some abnormalities, x-rays confirmed that there were issues, and the vet recommended that they open him up to see what was going on. I was able to go into the operating room to see him, hug him, and tell him how much I loved really special he was to me. It was all so hard to believe. In a matter of hours my life was turned upside down. At 3:00 p.m. they started the surgery and by 4:00 p.m. he had passed away. They told me that he was filled with tumors and his organs were breaking down. There was nothing that could have been done.....there wasn't a single sign prior to this.....

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I found Montana on December 20, 2010 near my cabin in the Appalachian Mountains. It was a cold, winter day, the ground frozen and covered in snow. He was so cautious of humans at that time.....he had been abandoned, he had been shot (3) times and one of the gunshot wounds had become infected, starving, his ears and gums were infected, and the next day he tested positive for Lyme Disease. But over time he regained the trust of all man and through our travels he became quite the entertainer and was loved by all that met him. He loved people and other dogs so much. He hated gophers so much. He filled every hole and void in my life. He slept at my feet, if there was room he preferred my lap, and in bed his head always laid on my chest.....always. We were inseparable 24 / 7.....

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I've often said to people that if there is a dog heaven, that's where I'd choose to go after this life. And if there is a dog heaven, then there's no doubt in my mind that Montana is there, romping through the marshes, creeks, and fields, sunning himself along the shoreline of a lake in the afternoon sun.....just doing what we always did together. It's what we loved.....

We hope to be on the road in a few weeks.....

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It is such an honor to experience such great love for you and for Montana. To see that you were such an honorable dog owner (I am sure you never considered yourself an owner but based on what you have shared you were mutual friends) is an example of how life can be when we show love and respect to another living thing. I am sure that you never intended to be an example of human kindness to us all but in my opinion that is exactly what you have been. Of course with all of this is the profound sense of loss that comes along with the end of a life. Hopefully your powerful memory of the good days and that love will be more powerful than the pain. Thank you for sharing your experience with us. I hope you find comfort and peace in knowing that you were the best friend you could be each and every day.


Jerry, I was just caught up on your post. So sorry. Been there several times and it is never easy. Montana crossed the Rainbow Bridge. He was a very lucky dog to have you. We will be thinking of you. jd


Adventurer sorry man. I know how tough it is but you just have to try and dwell on the good times you had together. After reading your post this morning I gave Petey some extra love. Again, so sorry.


Yeah, I believe we have all been there and have felt the loss. I lost my Black Lab on a Christmas eve and my parents lost their Dachshund a week later on New Years Eve. Thinking about all of the canine companions our group has had I hope they are all in a place they can all run together to play and somebody should be there to give them all of the needed scratches and a slurp of beer. They all liked beer. I would like to go there to be with the dogs, Unless I'm headed the other direction.


Jerry - Just got home a few days ago from the ship and decided to catch-up on what you've been up to. I got to the post about Montana and started crying. So sorry to hear about the passing of your friend. I remember the first time we met you and the pups in the Big Horns of Wyoming. You told us about Yukon and Montana and I remember thinking those two had hit the doggie lottery when they met you. You gave them a great life and showed them love and that's what matters most.
If you find yourself traveling through Cody, drop a line. I'd love to buy you a hot meal and catch up on things.
Stay safe out there my friend!

Well it's been two and a half weeks since Montana left us and Yukon and I are still trying to adjust. I guess I always took it for granted that Montana would be at my side until I died. This was so unexpected. Something that I hadn't mentioned in my initial posting was that the day before Montana passed away, both Yukon and Montana had been at the vet for their six month check up and shots. Montana's vital signs were normal and the vet gave him a score of "ideal" in his records. In just (24) hours, he was dead. You can imagine how unprepared I was.....


smlobx.....I hope so.....

furbucket.....yep, we had an amazing run.....I remember the day after I found Montana, we were at the vet's office and the vet told me that if I hadn't picked him up he'd have been dead within (24) hours. So he went from death's door to travels all over North America.....what a cool story he was..... I said, he was everything to's been really tough going for Yukon and myself.....

rpintx1.....thanks.....and I must admit that I love to share our stories.....this is the only social media that I use and honestly I'd post here even if nobody followed our's become my journal.....

chet6.7.....thanks Chet.....and Montana gave me so much more than I could have ever given him.....

unkamonkey.....such positive energy is obtained from petting a dog.....I think.....thanks.....

Offroadmuch.....Wow ! .....what a really nice comment to have made me feel really good at a really bad time.....thank you.....

longhorn1.....JD.....I'd never heard of the Rainbow Bridge until I was outside telling my letter carrier that Montana had passed away and she told me the story of the Rainbow Bridge. She's loved my dogs since we moved here.....she pulls up to the mailbox and the dogs run and jump right into her truck to get treats.....she's great ! Anyhow, the Rainbow Bridge is so cool.....I love the story and wish with all my heart that it's real.....thank you.....

fisher205.....hey Brad.....Yukon misses Montana as much as I do. I was surprised that she checks out his ashes and she also looks at a picture collection that I made to remember him (picture below). It's quite odd to me to think that a dog would do that. And yes, you do owe me a cup of coffee. I wonder what made you move to Casper ? Remember this picture of Montana when I killed the Jeep in the river ? I'm sure you do....."why you never let your Golden Retriever drive your Jeep".....



parkkitchings.....hey Park.....thank you.....I can remember not that long ago when you lost your best sucks so bad. Stay safe out there.....I read your monthly posts (lol).....hope the new life bodes well for you.....

Sierra Valley.....thanks.....I had no idea how difficult this would be on unexpected.....

2wheelbob.....I'm just like you Bob.....if I reread that post I can't help but cry by the time I'm done. The Big Horn off road trip was incredible.....and I made a few good friends.....all of our dogs loved it as much as we did. My plan now is to head west and then north.....hopefully our paths will cross again.....

I also wanted to post a picture of a tribute (which I referenced earlier in this post) that I made to Montana.....never will I forget I said I use Expedition Portal as my journal.....


I ended my last post saying that we would be on the road in a few weeks. Well, honestly I find myself having trouble doing that. I've been in a deep funk lately so tomorrow Yukon and I plan to drive to Idaho and bring a new best friend on board. I've named him Little Tanner Dog (Montana's nickname was Tanner Dog and that's usually what I called him). We've got a five hundred mile drive tomorrow, we'll get Little Tanner Dog, and then head into the mountains to spend the night in the bed of the truck under the's going to be my way of looking up into the night sky, telling Montana good bye once again, and introducing Little Tanner Dog to his new crazy life.....

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Fine, make me cry. A few months ago I wrote up a few of my dog stories for a friend that was in the hospital for a knee replacement. It brought up a lot of memories. Her sister and her dog came by for shrimp last night and we wandered over to my neighbors. Great, 4 dogs to scratch.
Dogs like shrimp.
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I've been putting it off For months but I have had people on my rear end riding it to get more out of me.
It's hard to go over some old thoughts. A woman wants to illustrate it an publish it. Sorry, I prefer to just remember running around with my Lab friend in fields and forests.
A few people have read some of it

Have you ever looked into a lake, the water's surface just as calm and clear as it could possibly be, and then see a small ripple that appears on the surface, and you wonder how that can be ?

Have you ever been in a still, calm forest, not a breeze to be felt, and you notice the leaves of one lone tree that begin to ruffle, and you wonder how did that happen ?

Have you looked up into the sky and see a single cloud forming in a perfect blue sky, and wonder why is it there ?

Lately I've seen rainbows, not that uncommon in I saw the night before I left for Idaho.....and then another the night when I returned to Montana. Usually I see them after it rains and the sun comes out.....but neither of these came that way. They were just there.....probably from distant rains.....


The Rainbow Bridge..........inspired by a Norse legend

By the edge of a woods, at the foot of a hill,

Is a lush, green meadow where time stands still.

Where the friends of man and woman do run,

When their time on earth is over and done.

For here, between this world and the next,

Is a place where each beloved creature finds rest.

On this golden land, they wait and they play,

Till the Rainbow Bridge they cross over one day.

No more do they suffer, in pain or in sadness,

For here they are whole, their lives filled with gladness.

Their limbs are restored, their health renewed,

Their bodies have healed, with strength imbued.

They romp through the grass, without even a care,

Until one day they start, and sniff at the air.

All ears prick forward, eyes dart front and back,

Then all of a sudden, one breaks from the pack.

For just at that instant, their eyes have met;

Together again, both person and pet.

So they run to each other, these friends from long past,

The time of their parting is over at last.

The sadness they felt while they were apart,

Has turned into joy once more in each heart.

They embrace with a love that will last forever,

And then, side-by-side, they cross over… together.

It's been more than two months since we've done any traveling whatsoever so it felt good to rise early, load the truck with our gear, and get moving again. In the early morning hours we passed through Gallatin National Forest, the fog still covering the trees and rivers bringing a still calmness to the air around us.....



We passed through a small section of Yellowstone National Park as we entered Wyoming, but for such a short time. From West Yellowstone, we drove west into Idaho and passed through Caribou-Targhee National Forest. What a fantastic drive it was ! As you depart the forests, descend from the mountains, and travel through the southern portions of Idaho, the scenery completely changes to what I guess you would call tundra like. We went form 41 degrees in a Montana morning to 103 degrees in an Idaho afternoon.....

After (515) miles we arrived at the small farm to fetch Little Tanner Dog. I fell in love with him the moment my eyes saw him lying in a small mud puddle, doing his best to keep cool from the intense afternoon heat. This little farm was like Dog Heaven to me. Golden Retrievers running loose everywhere you looked. There was Grandpa, there were mothers and brothers and sisters from previous litters, and two litters of puppies, seven week old puppies and eight week old puppies. I'd definitely found Dog Heaven.....





Late afternoon we were back on the road headed for the high country.....



and the cooler climate of Montana's mountains.....

We spent the night in Caribou-Targhee National Forest camped in the truck. It was a perfect way to spend my fourth of July.....all alone in the forests with my dogs.....


I had a plan to disperse Montana's ashes in one of the rivers high up in the mountains on this trip. He loved the mountains and rivers like he loved the gophers. But I couldn't do it. We returned home the next day.....

I need to get moving again. There's nothing holding me here.....

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Jim Oaks

I'm sorry for your loss. I had a golden for 14 years. I rescued him from a shelter when he was 2. One day I noticed that his muzzle was swollen and that he wouldn't eat, so I took him to the vet. I figured he had an abscess tooth. They had to put him under so they could get a good look. They called me at home and told me that he had cancer, and that it was eating at his jaw. They gave me the choice of bringing him home for a while, and then bringing him back to put him to sleep, or just doing it while he was under. I couldn't bare to bring him home knowing he was in misery, and then knowingly taking him back to be put to sleep. I never saw him after that. I never thought when I took him in that I'd never see him again.

While nobody can truly know how you feel, I can relate. I'll never understand how dogs develop cancer. And as sad as it is, I think we give them a good life. We're blessed to have had each other. I'm glad you found another companion, so you can be a blessing to each others lives.

Ace Brown

Retired Ol’ Fart
Jerry, I just happened across your travel thread and noticed the condolences about loosing your dog Montana. Being a true blue dog lover who has lost three goldens over about 40 years I went back to find out your story. It didn't take long for the tears to well up. I know how tough that separation is and really am sorry for your loss. I full time traveled for 8.5 years with two different goldens and the last one died at the young age of eight, yes from cancer. I now have a golden lab that shares my adventure travel and my life.

Your writing is excellent, often beautiful. You should consider getting your story published. Best of luck with Little Tanner.

My Kenda on her 3rd birthday. (Photo would not upload.)


Man, still chokes me up. Glad you got a youngin to keep you young! Can't wait to see him grow up with you and Yukon. Stay safe. Don


Jerry, So happy for you with the new pup. Everytime I read Rainbow Bridge it brings tears to my eyes. It consoles and at the same time sadness. Years ago a friend found a puppy on the road and when no one claimed him we took him. We named him Tanner, part lab. We had him for 17 years. It took 18 months before we got a full bred yellow lab, Barley. He lived almost 11 years, until arthritis got too bad. We adopted a mommy yellow lab from the same breeder and after the last puppy went homewe picked her up when she was 5 and now she is 7 and has been our camping buddy They aree all special. jd
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