Grenadiers.....I love your rig and I sure wish you posted on “In Progress”.....I would certainly be reading it.....
Calicampers.....I'm beginning to now realize how lucky I was to have loved the first RV I purchased (except for a travel trailer that I pulled to Alaska in the early 70's). I sure hope the next one is the right one as you can damn near go broke doing this.....
Shellbackcva59.....I've always liked the Born Free models.....not sure why but they do appear to be well made.....
As I said in my last post, we headed south to another border town for a couple of days. I'd been here last year and San Luis (on the U.S. side) was a small town that I had really enjoyed visiting. Opposite San Luis, on the Mexican side, is San Luis Rio Colorado. Both towns are small and both are predominantly Mexican (seeing non Mexicans in San Luis is rare).....and I like that. We made a few trips over the border to walk the streets, eat local food and visit some of the local shops. Very little in the way of touristy stuff here.....the weather was fantastic.....
I took a few pictures as we walked the streets.....
These are actually a few of the houses close to the business district.....
This morning I had to return to Yuma to get some service work done on the Jeep. Often when traveling it's hard to know who to go for vehicle maintenance but last week I met a guy here that's a mechanic on one of the Baja racing teams. He actually has the identical Jeep as mine so I hired him. I wish he was beefing it up with off road stuff, but it's all service that I've neglected for quite sometime now. It seems as though that Jeep will run no matter how much you abuse it.....
And I'm still out searching for a new home. I came across a pretty cool unit..... They have a camper for sale for $125,000 and a new Dodge 4500 diesel with a 12' flatbed for $90,000. I kind of like it.....