My Journey


cellularsteve2.....thanks for all that information but honestly I was back on the road before I saw it. But I always appreciate tips on stuff to see.....

jvsontheroad.....thanks for the kind words as they're always welcomed. Regarding pictures, I never took a single picture that afternoon.....

ClayH.....I'm close to Oklahoma right now (I think anyhow). always love the feedback.....

When I was hanging out in Arizona this winter, the whole idea of traveling to northeast Canada seemed like a good one. I did it once years ago, and I loved the ride. But after arriving on the east coast, I began to lose the interest. And so it was, rather than drive north out of Latrobe, Pennsylvania, we drove west instead. I've got some new ideas swirling around in my head so hopefully all works out for us. We dipped down onto Interstate day of Route 30 cured my desire of the wild ride through the mountains. We passed through western Pennsylvania, drove into Ohio where an elephant passed us by.....

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That night we stayed at yet another Walmart, the next day it was into Indiana where we overnighted in an abandoned construction site, and then further west, staying on the interstate, we crossed into Illinois. Now the Memorial Day weekend was just beginning so with the help of (an ap that I often refer to) we found ourselves a free campsite for the weekend, just to the west of Springfield, Illinois.....

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It was the perfect spot to spend the next three nights.....plenty of down time to catch up on my reading and put some miles in walking along the country roads. Temperatures and the humidity were soaring all weekend.....highs in the upper 90's everyday, so access to the lake was crucial. Dips into that cool water is what kept us alive.....

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The lake was teeming with fish such as these Carp seen surface feeding (I think).....

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I was surprised how few people actually camped at the lake. It seemed as though most people just did a drive by. One family with SIX (what are they thinking?) children camped nearby. They visited often to play with the dogs and begged me to come sit by their fire.....but SIX thanks.....I enjoyed my book.....

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The back roads are rarely traveled here so I walked miles and miles and miles.....

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Massive farms and cornfields dominate the rural landscape of southern Illinois.....

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It was good to just chill in one spot for the long holiday weekend.....not a good time to be on the road anyhow.....

And this is now becoming a common sight within our little truck camper house. I rarely eat at the table anyhow, and it's a great way to save on the floor space.....

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It's like a dog bunk bed. Haha


2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
Great trip report and one I will be checking in on more often
thanks for taking the time
nathane.....he's an ALPHA dog in every way possible.....I'll often joke about it with him.....

rkj.....yep, I'm the same way with a lot of the ongoing threads here. Thanks for the thoughtful comments..... really is that and what amazes me is that the dogs were able to figure out a system which improved all of our lives. I doubt I have more than 20 square feet of floor space.....

1elegance.....thanks for the kind comment. I appreciate it.....

The long weekend had was time to push west. Once again I had a plan in my head and we were back onto the interstate. Our departure was early as the weather seemed to dominate nearly every decision I made. Less than two hours away was the Mississippi River and Hannibal, Missouri.....home of Mark Twain.....


Over the years I've crossed the Mississippi River more times than I could count, but I've never stopped. It's a massive river.....


It's actually so big at this point, so muddy, that honestly, it was not so appealing to me.....


On the west bank of the Mississippi River lies Mark Twain's birthplace and I hoped by arriving early we could explore without suffering from the stifling heat and humidity.....



Exiting the coolness of the a/c from the cab of the truck was akin to stepping from the pool into the sauna. We were dying.....



From what I saw, Hannibal, Missouri is synonymous with Mark Twain. Unlike Latrobe, Pennsylvania and Arnold Palmer, everything here has a connection to Mark Twain......




So our visit was short unfortunately.....there was no way I could leave my dogs in the truck while I was in the air conditioned museums and what not.....I think that the three of us were much happier driving with that cool air from the a/c blowing into our faces. We continued to push west. I set the cruise control at 50 slow as I thought I could get away with.....fortunately the interstate had ended at Hannibal.....the three of us spent the remainder of the day chilling to a/c and listening to good tunes.....
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We drove that day until early evening, wishing that I could drive through the night.....that's just how oppressive that heat and humidity was. But we finally stopped, another night in Missouri.....Pony Express Lake Conservation Area. We set up underneath a massive Oak tree which provided a tremendous amount of shade.....


All I could do was wish for rain.....I'll admit I'd become obsessed with our discomfort. The weather ap showed storms to our north, but no relief for us. But then there it was unexpectedly.....thunder, lightning and finally the rains ! The winds were howling and temperatures were was everything that we hoped for. That storm got violent and it sucked the humidity away as it moved north. Life was good again.....



I slept well that night even grabbing a light blanket from the cabinets. Light rain continued to fall off and on throughout the night. We awoke early to watch the full moon set over the lake and it was certainly a good one, accompanied by the howls of a pack of coyotes, the early rising song birds, and the croaking of nearby bullfrogs.....another symphony.....


It was peaceful here.....


There was plenty of hiking to be done around the lake and along the nearly deserted roads.....


I saw this abandoned trailer in one of the fields along the road. As I approached it my idle mind began to wonder what had this trailer seen in it's heyday ? I envisioned a family camped at the lake, kids and dogs swimming and playing, cooking marshmallows at the evening campfire.....I envisioned all of this in a period of time when life was so much simpler.....


I was surprised to see the wind turbines here. I noticed hand made signs posted in yards saying things like.....Save our farms and say no to wind turbines. I would imagine this has brought discord to the community, but here they are indeed.....



Along the lake we found we found a dense forest.....


This was a good place.....
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Nice that you got some relief in the weather.
Oh and I hate those wind turbines, we have then all over SW OK


as a big fan of Samuel Clemens and Mark Twain,I really enjoyed your pics and comments about Hannibal, of the things on my bucket list was to travel the entire Miss. river in a small boat and I accomplished that a few years ago...attached is a picture taken when I passed through Hannibal....wrote a book about my river travels (Old Goat in a Tin Boat) ...send me a pm with an e-mail address and I'll send you an electronic copy of the book...


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Clay.....the break in the weather was a huge event for us. I just can't take humidity any longer.....

Beartrap.....I appreciate the offer but my only access to the internet is through my smart phone and I just couldn't imagine the pain of reading a book on it. A friend's father did that same thing decades ago. He reads this and if he wants it I may ask you to forward it to him.....

Since it was a good place, we decided to stay another night and explore a bit more.....


Walking along the road I noticed a bird frantically attacking something in a small cedar tree, and of course we stopped to investigate. It was just me and Tanner at the time.....I tied him to a sign post down the road a ways. As I poked my head into the tree I observed a snake swallowing the last of the chicks from it's nest.....


I hated it.....should I save the last chick or allow the snake to have his meal ? I'm a huge fan of all animals and I don't kill them, but obviously this was different. Ultimately I let nature take it's course and I was nothing but an observer.....



It was sad to see the mother bird.....saying that she was distraught would be an understatement.....


This was all that remained.....


We came across this snapping turtle.....she appeared to be laying eggs but I couldn't swear to that.....


Damn they're ugly.....



There was so much wildlife here to occupy my I said, this was a good place.....

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more great pics-thanks for sharing with us....
just a suggestion (and I am barely computer literate) but a lot of people that travel, get an I-pad and use their phone as a computer/wi-fi hotspot....I've done that and reading anything is a lot easier on I-pad than a smart phone....
Beartrap.....thanks and yea, you're not the first to suggest that but I'll probably just stick with the phone. I just don't use it so much.....

Galvyork.....thanks and I have no idea but I'm guessing a Black Racer.....non venomous for sure.....

I kinda hated to leave here but the mountains seem to be calling my name.....we continued west, left Missouri, briefly passed though the southwestern most part of Iowa, and into Nebraska. Not much beyond Lincoln, Nebraska we stopped for the night at Twin Lakes State Wildlife Management Area......


Initially my thoughts were.....this isn't such a nice place, camping in a gravel lot, lots of fishermen, and lots of trash.....but hey, it was free.....


But then I'd have to say the place grew on us. It was still hot.....upper 90's seems to be the new normal. The cool lake water was once again our relief.....



Yukon gave Tanner his first lesson on pier diving.....


On a scale of one to ten, his first dive got a one.....he looked like a snake slithering into the lake. His second attempt was a five, and the third was a home run.....


Tanner has become a great addition to our Gypsy lifestyle. He seems to embrace it 100%. And he and Yukon are the best of friends.....


I had mentioned the amount of trash here and honestly, it's just not here, I'm seeing it everywhere and I just don't get it. Why is it so difficult to pack out your trash ? I have so much free time that I'm always cleaning up after people, trying to make places better than when I arrived. I'm not trying to brag, or to imply that I'm a good guy (I'm not), I'm just trying to lead by example (I guess).....



It's the very people that use these resources that destroy them. They call themselves "outdoorsmen" or the like, but I call them something else. A fisherman here said to me as I was collecting trash "damn fishermen got to be the dirtiest people alive". I didn't argue his point.....

The following morning we were up with the sunrise with plans to stay one more night.....


Later in the day I checked my weather ap and they were predicting a violent storm for the night.....heavy rain, one to two inch size hail, and tornadoes. It said "high risk". I'm OK with taking a risk from time to time, but hanging out in a truck camper in a tornado ain't for me. We finally departed at 4:15 p.m......


We needed to drive west approximately 200 miles to get out of the path of the storm. Not far into our drive west we could see the storm building.....


One statement you can make about Nebraska and I doubt that anyone would disagree with, there ain't much blocking your view.....


We arrived in North Platte, Nebraska around 10 p.m. and looking back to the east, that storm had become massive. We camped at a place called North Platte State Wildlife Management really sucked here, but it was late.....


So why did it suck so bad ? The mosquitos were out of control.....they made the tick infestation in Pennsylvania look trivial. And then there was the stinch from the cattle holding pens almost directly across the street and adjacent to us.....



I never knew these things existed until I started my travels in the truck camper. I remember the first time I saw one and I was totally blown away. My thoughts were, and still can this be considered humane ?


The following morning we got some walking in.....


Then we were back on the highway.....westward we go.....

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Well Jerry, I left you the hot muggy weather. We had the hottest May on record on Indiana. I sat at the Indianapolis 500 where it got to 94, high humidity, a race day record. It followed us East into Pennsylvania and into Rhode Island before it cooled off with rain Saturday. Today at Scusset Beach State Reserve on Cape Cod. I'm guessing it rained 4"+/- today with temps starting in the high 40's, winds gusting over 30. Left my screened shelter hanging by 1 of 7 stakes. Better days are ahead. Wish I was headed to the mountains. Start off in Rhode Island pulling into a wrong drive way and struggled to back out. Took the trailer past 90 and with help from my wife's cousin got backes out and into their driveway only to discover the trailer smashed my rear fender in and bent the front rail on the camper.
Clay.....I haven't and I really know nothing about Nebraska. I did learn from ioverlander that all of their Wildlife Management Areas allow free camping.....

JD.....that sucks cause I'm guessing it was your first time out. Most everything gets beat up eventually I guess.....

I was on ioverlander once again and found this small town that had a small, free campground with night only. So we made a stop in Brush, Colorado.....



There's not much happening in Brush. It's a small farming and ranch town. Lots of friendly people and the stay was good.....



Now I had some time to kill as I had a vet appointment in Denver for Yukon so after we left Brush, we didn't go far. Our next stop was in Fort Morgan, Colorado at yet another free city campground. We spent the next two nights here.....


The campground wasn't the best but it was located right on the South Platte River so it had some excellent trails.....


The birds were pretty cool with all their nests on the bridge across the South Platte.....



And we caught a great soccer game at the park.....



After our stay at Fort Morgan, we continued west, entered Denver, although we only stayed for the day. Late that afternoon we were in the Rockies happily preparing to climb mountains.....
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I was talking with a Montana friend a few nights ago and she asks me "where are you these days ?". When I said Colorado her reply was "too many people for me". And honestly, I've always kind of thought the same thing. I've never spent much time in Colorado but I wanted to give Colorado another try, and I wanted to bag some more 14,000' peaks, so here we are.....

After driving about 30 miles outside of Denver, we made our first stop in the small town of Idaho Springs. It was a by chance stop as I saw a sign along the interstate for National Forest information. It turned out to be a great stop and I loved this little town.....



Plenty of these in Colorado.....


Anyhow, after hanging out in town, getting a ton of good information, we left town on State Route 103, headed south to Mount Evans, one of Colorado's 14,000 foot high peaks. Initially we tried camping deep in the forest using some of the information that we had acquired in town.....



Unfortunately all the sites were taken along this Forest Service road so we continued up the mountain and found ourselves a spot along the main road......


Incredible views were had here as we were camped at an elevation of approximately 11,000'.....a perfect spot.....and barely any traffic to speak of.....



The plan was to hike up Mount Evans (14,265') the following morning and bag my tenth Colorado 14,000' peak. So it was good to acclimate a bit prior to the climb and spend the night up high. This sign was posted on one of the store front windows on the main street through town. ....

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