JROD420.....well, I've been experimenting with a few blogs but even the "simple" ones challenge me so here I am. It's almost impossible to edit a post once I've submitted it and that's a challenge for me because nearly every post I submit needs editing......
Sandbag.....we stopped in at the bakery only.....as far as food is concerned. I had just come off a 3 month break from sugar and the smells from that bakery got me.....$6 for a cinnamon bun.....what was I thinking ?
As I was saying, we continued east and spent the next night in Artesia, New Mexico. With a little time on our hands that evening, we decided to drop by the dreaded laundromat. It was here that I noticed that southern New Mexico is an energy producing region. ....I saw a sign that said something like oil workers use units in back (more on this later).....
The following morning we left town early, cruised through Carlsbad, New Mexico and didn't stop until we arrived at the Carlsbad Caverns. Since July of 2005 I've been traveling the roads of North America and over the years I've stayed away from places like this. But now I'm in the "winter" of my life.....I've changed a bit.....and you'll see more of me visiting some of these types of attractions.....
After a brief talk from the park ranger we were on our way.....
At this time of year unfortunately they're aren't many bats.....they told us at most a thousand we would see.....
We descended along the Big Room Route which is about 1.25 miles with a drop of approximately 750 feet. It was truly amazing and I could only wonder what it must have been like to have been there prior to it's development.....
We decided that we wanted to set the world record on our ascent of the cave. We fast walked as best we could, passing so many people struggling to return to the top. The record is 18 minutes we were told.....we did it in 25 minutes.....18 minutes is mind blowing.....
That night we camped on BLM land nearby.....
Overlooking a massive valley filled with natural gas wells.....