My Journey

We continued driving east along the interstate and eventually we made what I thought would be a brief stop for lunch in Gold Creek, Montana (population 275). Tucked between the interstate and Gold Creek, we found a small parking lot which provided fishing access to the creek.....


I knew nothing about the area and knew nothing about this small Montana town.....


So after having lunch we decided to have a walk around town.....



As you can see in the pictures the weather was near perfect so we walked and walked.....and just kept on walking.....



Now there was really nothing special about Gold Creek, Montana and I think that fact alone might be what made this small Montana town special.....



Maybe it was the mood.....maybe it was the weather.....maybe it was the small Montana town.....maybe it didn't matter.....we were in no hurry to leave this small Montana town.....



Ace Brown

Retired Ol’ Fart
Jerry that photo was taken in April around 9000’. Now our snow is mostly gone except in the highest spots. My peak bagging neighbor sees snow above around 13,000’. We are still seeing snowmelt runoff.

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Fossil Overlander
Catching up with everything after 4 days on the road in Europe....

You're a wise man, staying away from people as much as you can as the world's gone crazy !

Safe travels and happy dog times. thing I've been considering for the summer is climbing some of the 14ers. July I believe is the start of the season for the 14ers but with the coronavirus I'm struggling to go south.....

halseyt.....I had to quit buying them. I literally had 4 boxes in my camper at one point. Tanner goes absolutely nuts over them and so do I.....'s a real battle running from the virus here in the U.S. It baffles me to no end that this has become a political issue here in my country. I just found out that one of my friends kids (that was at the gathering I referenced a few posts back) was exposed to the virus. Fortunately he has tested negative but his buddy is suffering with it at this very moment.....

The afternoon quickly turned to evening and the evening just as quickly turned to nightfall. The parking lot was posted with a "No Camping" sign but the ranger had driven by earlier and he smiled and waved.....I took that to mean go ahead and camp here.....


The next day we were in no hurry to leave.....why do I even say that anymore.....hurry is rarely a part of my vocabulary.....


The train tracks were close by and we crossed them often as we passed through Gold Creek, Montana on our walks along the highway.....


Beyond town and walking south on the paved highway.....


.....we passed by beautiful fields lined with wire & wood rail fencing.....



A rancher with a sense of humor posted signs along the guess is that his humor was actually serious and I would say that I wouldn't want to get caught trespassing on his land.....


Old farm equipment abandoned in the fields made for interesting shots.....



The fields were vibrant and alive.....just as green as they could possibly be.....May and June are some the rainiest months here in Gold Creek, Montana and the vegetation really thrives during these times.....

That first night camped along Gold Creek was calm and quiet. The date was now July 3rd and we needed a place far away from all the loud noises that would come with the fireworks of July 4th. The ranger came by again and once again he smiled and waved.....maybe this would be the best place to spend the night of July 4th.....

A sign along the highway just south of Gold Creek, Montana.....


So on the second day we continued the north we passed under the interstate and walked along the frontage road.....


At one point during our walk we encountered a small tunnel that passed under the interstate which allowed the rancher to access his land to the south.....


The tunnel was about 150 feet in length (yes I paced it) and it was interesting to see that most all of these mud bird nests were built within 50 feet of the southern entrance.....I would imagine that would bring the most heat to the nests throughout the days.....


Such a large variety of birds here and so many of them were what I call song birds.....their songs have such a calming effect on man.....


A wise gopher or are they called a ground squirrel or maybe even a prairie seems as though everyone in Montana uses a different name.....I've never been certain of their appropriate name.....anyhow, he made use of this abandoned culvert for his home.....probably the envy of the neighborhood.....


The waters ran high in Gold Creek and those waters were really, really cold.....


Each day here Tanner & I swam in Gold Creek.....and each day I lasted maybe 30 was refreshing that's for sure.....


Our second night here was as good as our first.....and so what was a planned lunch stop became our home for three consecutive nights.....


Ace.....I'm curious.....which peak are you considering ? I've climbed a dozen maybe 14 of them.....I don't recall exactly the number but I might be interested in coming along. You are the man Ace.....77 and climbing 14ers.....we should all be very, very impressed.....

Our third night camped here was July 4th.....certainly a special day for a freedom loving guy like myself but also a special day for me (and Tanner) because it was July 4, 2017 that Tanner and I teamed up and eventually became the best of friends.....


That last night along the banks of Gold Creek was fairly quiet.....we did hear a few fireworks in the distance.....I guessed that maybe it was a rancher sitting in his expansive backyard overlooking thousands of acres of rolling hills.....having a family cookout.....the kids and grandkids all around having a grand time.....that's how I envision July 4th celebrated in rural Montana.....



I've been thinking a lot about traveling lately and something came to my mind.....spending one night somewhere on the road is much like looking at the cover of a only get a broad idea of what is there around you and really nothing more than just a very broad idea.....



Stay a second night and it's like opening the book and reading the inside of the dust you begin to get an idea as to what the story is all about but still it's nothing more than a very broad idea.....



It's on the third night camped in the same spot that you really begin to know the it begins to be like reading Chapter the real story begins to be told.....I guess what I'm trying to say.....simply really does take at least three nights in one spot to get even the slightest bit acquainted with the lands that one is visiting.....well, that's how I see it anyhow.....


And it was after our third night camped along the banks of Gold Creek that Tanner & I crossed paths with the beautiful moose that you see in the pictures.....we left later that afternoon, returned to the interstate, and drove east.....


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Fossil Overlander
Slowing down and staying at a place that feels good is a very sensible thing to do.

Love the writing and the pics !

Montana looks very inviting !

Be safe - have fun.
Arjan.....yep, we have moved into slow mode.....thanks.....


We continued driving east, passed through Butte, Montana once again, continued on eastward reaching the Continental Divide and stopping that first night in Deer Lodge National Forest. While hiking in the morning I recieved a text from my friend saying that the property in Gallatin Valley was vacant for a few days. A few days showers, clean laundry.....I pushed the mower.....the sweet smell of freshly mowed grass.....carefully placed the sprinklers, leaned on a fence post and talked with a

After a few nights there I decided it was time to leave the valley.....when I came to Montana a month ago coronavirus was barely a thing here. While the numbers are still low (compared to other states), the rate of infection is quite high. Gallatin and Yellowstone Counties having the highest numbers in the state.....


We drove north out of Bozeman, Montana on Highway 86 and stopped for the night and camped in Gallatin National Forest.....


The goal here was to hang out at Fairy Lake located at the base of the Bridger Mountains and get some backcountry hiking in.....


The first evening we hiked along the forest service road.....and I was surprised at the number of the vehicles that were traveling this road.....


My guess is that 90 % of the license plates I saw were from out of state.....Colorado was easily the most seen, followed by Washington and then California. I saw license plates from as far away as New York, Pennsylvania, and Maryland. The virus is making its way here too.....perpetual motion.....


The creeks coming out of the mountains are crystal clear with the snow melt.....


This camper along the roadway reminded me of the Magic Bus in Alaska.....


Fairy Lake is 7 miles from Highway 89 up a really rough road. We bounced around for 2 miles and at the "Y" in the road we found a large gravel lot and this became our campsite for the night.....


The following morning we hiked along the road.....amazed at the number of cars making their way to Fairy Lake.....came across a trail and took it.....

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Great photos Jerry. I to have felt a need to scheduled 3-4 days in places, hopefully with few people. Outside of RMNP or our back-up plan we will be spending the rest of the time, besides Telluride, in the back country. Hope to fish and hike. Be safe. Another place that Foy put me onto was the Gravely Range Rd. from just outside Ennis to the Centennial Byway, and Red Rock Pass Road. The drive along the ridge is stunning. Happened to drive it right after 2 double Grizzly attacks. They had signs posted along the way.
JD.....thanks. I've spent the past few days hiking in some of the most beautiful bear country. Unfortunately I haven't seen any bears this year.....

Ace.....I'll have to look at my climbing log to see if I've climbed that one. I'm not sure where I'll be then but if I'm close I'm sure I'll be contacting you. Thank you.....

Now I had no idea where the trail would eventually end but it felt so good to get off that busy forest service road and to hike in the quiet forest.....


Eventually that trail led us to the shoreline of Fairy Lake.....



We circumnavigated Fairy Lake along the rocky shoreline and Tanner was able to wet his 4 feet.....not sure why but he chose not to swim.....



Our walk around the lake ended as we approached the massive gravel parking lot. This parking lot was overwhelmed, jam packed with cars and trucks.....



I've been to Fairy Lake several times over these past years but I can say with great certainty that I've never seen it so packed. I decided then and there that it was time to move on.....


It was a five mile dusty walk back to our campsite as so many people seemed to be so hurried and chose not to slow down as they passed us by.....I chose to walk along the forest service road to expedite our departure and get back on the road.....


Fairy sure is a beautiful place.....

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After a few hours we had packed up our stuff, bumped back along that rough 2 mile stretch of forest service road that we had traveled the day before, connected once again with Highway 86 and headed northeast.....


We passed through the barely visible town of Sedan, Montana.....


I do believe that this one house makes up the entirety of Sedan, Montana.....but don't quote me on that.....


Highway 86 connected with Highway 89 just north of Wilsall, Montana. I gave thought to hanging a right at the stop sign and turning south to see Wilsall, Montana but I decided not, I turned left instead, and took Highway 89 north.....


We passed through many more small Montana towns that day.....


.....and now that we had left the Rocky Mountains behind Mother Earth took on a whole new look.....


The views from the highway were broad and expansive.....



We stopped often and took it all in.....the beauty here I'm unable to photography can do it no justice.....


It had been years since I'd visited this part of Montana.....few visitors that come to Montana make it to the prairies as most prefer the mountains on the western side of the state.....and it was just for that reason that we came to the prairies.....



New member
Definitely enjoying the pics that you are posting Jerry and the area's that you visit! Looking forward to getting back on the road and enjoying what you are seeing! Do you use any apps (Ioverlander, Campendium) to locate you camping spots or just happen across them?

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