Back in Nov 2011 I responded to a add on Craigslist for a M416 for sale. I telephoned the gentlemen and he said it was in pieces and thats how he had purchased it originally. He said he had some life changes and he had to let go of his dreams of building a expo trailer. I told him I would take the trailer and would come down that weekend. I borrowed a trailer from my chief and drove down with my oldest son. It was a little over 2 hours down to Thousand Oaks, Ca. When I arrived I saw what I had been looking for. The trailer was in good condition with surface rust only. The tub had lots of small dents but was pretty straight. The seller stated that the person he purchased it from had cut a tailgate into the trailer. That didn't bother me to bad and I knew I could either reweld a new piece on or continue from from where the other guy had left off. The seller also gave me a box full of miscellaneous parts, nuts, bolts, and the hand brake handle among other "stuff". I handed the seller $500.00 :wings: and proceeded to get it loaded. The tub was off the frame so we reset the tub onto the frame but did not bolt it down. Tires were flat, and only one held air but it rolled along haphazardly onto the street below. We had a "rolling" start and manhandled it onto the trailer and tied it down. Started the drive home. We arrived home and unloaded it and pushed it into my back yard. I did a inventory of parts and proceeded to look at what parts I needed to get this project rolling.
Picture of trailer after loading .
Another view.
Stopped for a snack in Acton.

Trailer after unloaded and sitting in back yard.
Some may ask-Where are the fenders or the tailgate piece? I have the original fenders, and the tailgate. They were in bed of my truck along with the box of parts.
Unfortunately this is where the project hit a stalemate as soon after this my mom became very ill and besides work and family my life was put on hold. More to follow!!!

Some may ask-Where are the fenders or the tailgate piece? I have the original fenders, and the tailgate. They were in bed of my truck along with the box of parts.
Unfortunately this is where the project hit a stalemate as soon after this my mom became very ill and besides work and family my life was put on hold. More to follow!!!