My new custom ATC flatbed camper


That's been my plan but my wife seems to think our daughter (2 y/o) will outgrow the Tacoma ExtraCab rear seat soon. I don't think so given that we don't intend to do any high mileage either on weekend trips or an international one (~200-300 miles max). Flat-bedding and completing a standard FWC on a Taco is pretty reasonable. Stan at FWC quoted me a pretty modest price to retrofit my Fleet with "sponson boxes". No re-arranging of the galley would be required; They'd simply extend the frame, insulate the new walls and install the hatches for outside access. The flat bed isn't that expensive (shipping's a little tough :D ), either. My plan for the current bed would be to make a trailer out of it by mounting it on a salvaged rear Tacoma frame to haul the usual supplies and outdoor toys.
However, as much as I love my Taco (paid for, primo condition, low mileage), I wouldn't protest to getting an F250 and a Keystone. Trailworthiness going from a Taco to an F250 with a Keystone would be the only bummer for me.
Anyways, back to your camper. It's even better looking at it a second time. Very well thought out use of the space.

I talked to a few different companies about this concept over a period of about 2 years. The result of my research and discussions was that I was not going to do the project at all if I had to compromise on the design. To spend all the extra time and money getting the flatbed and committing to a long design and fabrication process that results in a regular camper with the extra space just filled in with storage boxes was not acceptable to me. My project had 2 important requirements:

1. The frame must be custom. Not a standard FWC or ATC frame with the extra space filled in with storage.

2. The door must be on the side.

If those two requirements could not be met I would not have proceeded with the project. ATC was the only company willing to do the build for me with these requirements in mind.

My hope is that I can spur some more interest in the flatbed design and more people will be contacting ATC and FWC with interest in this kind of product.


Expedition Leader
I'd love to see someone do a flatbed camper on a Tacoma. Possibly a Tacoma camper with adequate storage and functionality?

I have been pondering this type of build on a tacoma for a long time...and would love to do this with my Tacoma but IMO the payload kills the idea pretty quick.

My double cab 4x4 tacoma has a payload of 1295 according to Toyota. Even if I calculate 350lbs for me and my gf +gear...that leaves less than 950lbs for bed, camper, fuel, water, room for bikes/canoes/etc...I know lots of people run their trucks over recommended payload but I think you really need a 3/4 ton to justify this type of build.
The big question I would have is how much a composite tacoma bed weighs...even the aluminum Ute I would think is heavier than the resin bed...????

However, Ute said I could fit a 5'8" bed on my double cab which would give me the 8 extra inches for a finch camper since I have the short bed...make this finch a custom flatbed style and you would have a sweet small setup...:) Maybe I will just go for it... :)

PS... Stan? Do the flatbed builds weigh a whole lot more than the standard style...I can imaging a whole lot more framing?
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No re-arranging of the galley would be required; They'd simply extend the frame, insulate the new walls and install the hatches for outside access.

Seems like lots of the flatbed benefits are overlooked going this route. Still confined to a center isle and weight is high on the driverside.


lost, but making time
Hi DD,
This is such a great set-up !
Really glad it turned out so well !

Since a few folks mentioned putting a flatbed camper on a Tacoma, how about XPCamper's new V2 ? I think Marc said there were some big changes to the design he posted
This is a design already made for a flatbed, rather than having to go custom from a slide-in design. It's also all composite, so no wood.

Just a thought :coffeedrink:

My hope is that I can spur some more interest in the flatbed design and more people will be contacting ATC and FWC with interest in this kind of product.


Seems like lots of the flatbed benefits are overlooked going this route. Still confined to a center isle and weight is high on the driverside.

I completely agree with your assessment. However, for us it's a good interim solution from an economical standpoint. We're on a debt-free trajectory for retirement [32 months (and counting :D ) away] which is the prime reason I haven't offloaded the Tacoma and Fleet to spring for an F250 SD + a new camper.
The Taco + Fleet retrofit is an affordable solution for the next few years and would alleviate the storage / clutter problem of all the little camping knick-knacks and baggage that either must go IN the camper or ON the hitchbasket while underway. My wife and I aren't terribly bothered by the Fleet's narrow floorplan or getting in and out of the camper to fetch's the Tetris game of loading and unloading when we want to move that gets a little distasteful after awhile. I like to be able to pack up and move quickly without a lot of fuss.
I keep submarining DD's great post and spinning it off into a more general theme of "Flatbed with a retrofitted ATC/FWC Camper VS Flatbed with a custom ATC/FWC Camper" thread :snorkel: .
Sorry, DD....when I get off my duff and spring for the flatbed, I'll know who to contact for some concept / design input for the camper I slap on the back whether it's a Taco or a SD just like yours.

a custom bike rack..... NICE!

if you ever get a chance...

I would love to see some close up photos of the bike rack.... open and folded and loaded, as I love the design.

mostly just want to see how the wheel brackets mount for folding when not in use, and see how they support the front wheels at an angle.....

have fun with your rig!




a custom bike rack..... NICE!

if you ever get a chance...

I would love to see some close up photos of the bike rack.... open and folded and loaded, as I love the design.

mostly just want to see how the wheel brackets mount for folding when not in use, and see how they support the front wheels at an angle.....

have fun with your rig!


Sorry for the late reply. A local blogger did a story on the rack with photos and video:


I completely agree with your assessment. However, for us it's a good interim solution from an economical standpoint. We're on a debt-free trajectory for retirement [32 months (and counting :D ) away] which is the prime reason I haven't offloaded the Tacoma and Fleet to spring for an F250 SD + a new camper.
The Taco + Fleet retrofit is an affordable solution for the next few years and would alleviate the storage / clutter problem of all the little camping knick-knacks and baggage that either must go IN the camper or ON the hitchbasket while underway. My wife and I aren't terribly bothered by the Fleet's narrow floorplan or getting in and out of the camper to fetch's the Tetris game of loading and unloading when we want to move that gets a little distasteful after awhile. I like to be able to pack up and move quickly without a lot of fuss.
I keep submarining DD's great post and spinning it off into a more general theme of "Flatbed with a retrofitted ATC/FWC Camper VS Flatbed with a custom ATC/FWC Camper" thread :snorkel: .
Sorry, DD....when I get off my duff and spring for the flatbed, I'll know who to contact for some concept / design input for the camper I slap on the back whether it's a Taco or a SD just like yours.

FYI, for 2012 Ford is offering a cargo upgrade option for many of the F150s. Brings load capacity up to just over 3K lbs.


Expedition Leader
Love the flatbed/custom camper. We loose so much space with our conventional truck bed/standard camper platform. Flatbed and custom popup are in our future.


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