That's been my plan but my wife seems to think our daughter (2 y/o) will outgrow the Tacoma ExtraCab rear seat soon. I don't think so given that we don't intend to do any high mileage either on weekend trips or an international one (~200-300 miles max). Flat-bedding and completing a standard FWC on a Taco is pretty reasonable. Stan at FWC quoted me a pretty modest price to retrofit my Fleet with "sponson boxes". No re-arranging of the galley would be required; They'd simply extend the frame, insulate the new walls and install the hatches for outside access. The flat bed isn't that expensive (shipping's a little tough), either. My plan for the current bed would be to make a trailer out of it by mounting it on a salvaged rear Tacoma frame to haul the usual supplies and outdoor toys.
However, as much as I love my Taco (paid for, primo condition, low mileage), I wouldn't protest to getting an F250 and a Keystone. Trailworthiness going from a Taco to an F250 with a Keystone would be the only bummer for me.
Anyways, back to your camper. It's even better looking at it a second time. Very well thought out use of the space.
I talked to a few different companies about this concept over a period of about 2 years. The result of my research and discussions was that I was not going to do the project at all if I had to compromise on the design. To spend all the extra time and money getting the flatbed and committing to a long design and fabrication process that results in a regular camper with the extra space just filled in with storage boxes was not acceptable to me. My project had 2 important requirements:
1. The frame must be custom. Not a standard FWC or ATC frame with the extra space filled in with storage.
2. The door must be on the side.
If those two requirements could not be met I would not have proceeded with the project. ATC was the only company willing to do the build for me with these requirements in mind.
My hope is that I can spur some more interest in the flatbed design and more people will be contacting ATC and FWC with interest in this kind of product.