My new vehicle: 2005 Nissan Frontier

david despain

hmmmm do u think they would charge me extra if i turned in my truck at the lease end with a big hole cut into the fender? :jumping: yeah i want some of that.


Expedition Leader
BajaTaco said:
:jumping: chant now... "DOOOO IT, DOOOO IT, DOOOO IT!" :p
Yup, I am chanting with you Chris. C'mon Mark, you know you want it, just do it and get it over with. It'll make ya feel good:shakin:


Expedition Leader
datrupr said:
Yup, I am chanting with you Chris. C'mon Mark, you know you want it, just do it and get it over with. It'll make ya feel good:shakin:
Hang on here....

something might happen.

I need a friend to take my wallet...

Guys, you're the BEST. Just what I need is encouragement.


Expedition Leader
articulate said:

ARB has released the bull bar for D40 Nissan Frontiers/Navaras. The refined craftsmanship, design, fit-n-finish of ARB products is not easy to argue with. I don't know, though, if these are available in the U.S. yet.

Bolting one of these on the truck would have the emotional equivalent of going out with that hottie you drooled over in high school but never had the gonads to speak two words to her.

Should that not be enough of the fun news, TJM has released their fording kit (s-n-o-r-k-e-l) for the Nissan D40 Frontier/Navara as well:

Again, I don't know if these are hitting the U.S. market anytime soon. But this makes interesting news nonetheless.


Oh crap!
Well, I found this today:

Nissan Frontier Snorkel For a mere $280. No documentation on the fit and finish, but it looks like an ARB unit, doesn't it? And far better looking than the TJM one.

You know what's really sick? Brooke would LOVE it. :Wow1:

I cannot think of a single reason not to have this thing. Can someone please provide me with one? Just one. That's all I ask.

But I've got Chris and Aaron saying: chant now... "DOOOO IT, DOOOO IT, DOOOO IT!"


david despain

oh man that arb snorkel looks so much better! its so kick ass i dont even know what to say except buy it then i can try to use that to convince my wife to let me get one :violent-smiley-031:



Yea, that looks like an ARB. Sweet. Not a bad price either considering they have gone up a lot in the past year or so.


Expedition Leader
Well, Mark, if Super Cool Chick would love it, then there is only one thing to do.


You gotta keep the Missus happy:victory: :D


ExPo Original
Doooo It! Doooo It!

...and I quote -

[FONT=Tahoma,Courier,Monaco]While getting air back in my tires at the gas station in Superior, a heavy, middle-aged man with a beard and a baseball hat approached me. [/FONT]

[FONT=Tahoma,Courier,Monaco]"Hey," he began pointing at my Jeep. "You use that snorkel very much?"[/FONT]

[FONT=Tahoma,Courier,Monaco]"Every time the engine is on, buddy." I winked, trying to be good humored.[/FONT]

[FONT=Tahoma,Courier,Monaco]"Ha. I mean the water. You ever go in that deep?"[/FONT]

[FONT=Tahoma,Courier,Monaco]"Well, I've been up just past the hood once in a flash flood - and it was scary has hell. At least my engine could breathe. I've got the snorkel really for getting clean air; then again, why do any of us put stuff on our Jeeps anyway? Know what I mean?"[/FONT]

[FONT=Tahoma,Courier,Monaco]"Yeah. You locked in either axle?"[/FONT]

[FONT=Tahoma,Courier,Monaco]"No. My rear axle is just a Dana 35, so I think putting a locker in that would be dangerous. It has a limited slip differential, and I've used the e-brake trick in a couple of circumstances for the locking effect." He looked puzzled at this, and changed the topic.[/FONT]

[FONT=Tahoma,Courier,Monaco]"I've got a eighty-two CJ. You know anyone who wants one? I restored her up from nuthin. And I mean nuthin. It had been buried in mud fer 'bout three months. My buddy and I dug it up and spent 3 years getting it running again. We put in a Dana 44 with a Detroit, a new engine from a YJ, all new interior, bed-linered the tub, chrome wheels with thirty-fives. The works."[/FONT]

[FONT=Tahoma,Courier,Monaco]"No, sorry man"[/FONT]

[FONT=Tahoma,Courier,Monaco]"No big deal. So, you ain't gotta locker in that thing, but you gotta snorkel? How the hell you do any trails out here? You can't do squat in Arizona without bein' locked....."[/FONT]

[FONT=Tahoma,Courier,Monaco]Like most middle-aged men with a young guy at his mercy, he lectured me on how tough Arizona trails are and how important certain pieces of equipment are absolutely necessary. [/FONT]

[FONT=Tahoma,Courier,Monaco]How do you go about telling someone, I'm just out here trying to regain my feet and pounding heart. Try interrupting with that one...[/FONT]

You like this little tete-a-tete?
Read more of these insightful adventures into the why, how and where we do what we do, right here - MarkF'


Expedition Leader
Dave, Chris, Aaron - you guys are three for three. Like me, you can't find a single reason why I shouldn't ********** on a snorkel, eh?


My palms are getting all sweaty. Both vehicles in the suburban garage of the Stephens Homestead with snorkels? How inappropriate. (which is part of the appeal!)


These new smilies rock.


Expedition Leader
kcowyo said:
...and I quote -

What is this? Using my own words against me? The web backfired on me!

Yet another side effect of having a snorkel is answering everybody who asks, " use that often?"


ExPo Original
articulate said:
What is this? Using my own words against me? The web backfired on me!

"How do you go about telling someone, I'm just out here trying to regain my feet and pounding heart. Try interrupting with that one..."

Best explanation I've ever read of something so difficult to put into words. You've had the power to go home all along Dorothy.....:box:


Expedition Leader
kcowyo said:
"How do you go about telling someone, I'm just out here trying to regain my feet and pounding heart. Try interrupting with that one..."

Best explanation I've ever read of something so difficult to put into words. You've had the power to go home all along Dorothy.....:box:
Okay, butthead.

Thanks to you using that line, and these interesting posts about conservation lately, I've been having an inner conflict. A "going within" regarding all this nonsense about smacking a snorkel onto the truck. There is not much of a connection between having a cool gear and doing this thing of getting outside by means of feet and heart.

I thank you. I'm close to getting re-centered.

erin said:
Just remember, giving in to temptation is sssooooooo satisfying!
Aye, carrumba! Reminds me of a conversation between the first woman and a serpent. :ylsmoke:

I still think the snorkel will happen. :) I feel better after sorting it all out with the feet-n-heart of me that gets the real benefit of four-by-fourin'.

You fellas rock.:beer:


Expedition Leader
articulate said:
There is not much of a connection between having a cool gear and doing this thing of getting outside by means of feet and heart.

On the other hand, if you don't get the right cool gear for the cool places you want to go, your heart and feet will have lots of time to connect with mother earth. :D

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