My Wandering Soul

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Ok went to my brothers house and took a pic of his van and got some details.
It is a 1984 e350 I believe it has the c6 trans and 6.9 diesel dual fuel tanks, milage is around 140k, he bought the van years ago to haul stuff from Texas to here so it has made several long trips. The glow plugs have been replaced and also the batteries and water pump. Overall it isnt too bad and I was actually going to buy it myself for a camping rig but I have a ton of medical bills right now from my recent illness. Please keep in mind this is a old vehicle and it has been pretty much sitting for the last couple years, he does go out and start it though it hasnt been started in a couple months. I know very little about diesels.
I'll pm you my number and my brothers number, you can go from there.

Off topic but have you ever considered becoming a truck driver?
Most of the big companies will hire you on and put you through truck driving school on a 1 year contract you work for them. You would get paid to travel and always have a place to sleep, I did long haul driving for about a year before going local and it wasn't too bad.
anyway heres a pic of the van


New member
Have been reading and following your thread and just wanted to chime in and wish you Good luck on your travels and transport situation. It is these struggles and speed bumps in life that make us stronger and at the end of all this, it will have been worth it.

All the Best,



2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
Hey at least if the van breaks you have somewhere to stay that has some room...
If you can get that van either as a straight trade or come out with some cash then you are way way ahead of the game.
Diesels go on forever, not sure on the 6.9 but that is easy to research.
My rule with a diesel is that if it starts and doesn't overheat after a freeway run then you are good to go :)

There is a large good of crusier folks in Phx so selling off your mod parts should not be hard to to.
Heck selling the Cruiser would not be hard...and honestly if you can hit a dealer & trade it for a conversion van or something you could live/travel in then even better.

VW buses are another great option as they are stupid easy to fix and hard to kill.

But since you know some history on RoamingAz's vans then I would go that route...

Moto always sounds great and of course fuel mpg is amazing...but oh do I remember riding in the rain, snow, wind, and!

No matter what know that cigars, food, sofa & laundry await you in Phx.


This thread really isn't any of my business, and I have been following it as another adventure in progress, different than most, but still an adventure.

I have to say I think a lot of you should step back for a second and take a few deep breaths. This young man didn't ask for help from anyone. He posted up about something he is trying to do in his life and was sharing it with the forum. As his circumstance became more difficult, many, many people offered unsolicited help. Advice, offers of lodging, labor, cash, food, all of theses things were offered up but NOT asked for. He has, however, shown considerable gratitude and appreciation for people's support. I doesn't seem very fair to me that after pages and pages of unsolicited offers of support, when he finally does ASK for help, he is criticized for it.

A gift is just that, a gift. It is not conditional. It does not give you the right to pass judgment. I don't recall many "What do you think I should do?" posts by the OP. I don't recall him asking for validation of his quest. This is his journey. Whether or not he achieves what he set out for is HIS business. I believe that we should be grateful that it is being shared with us. One of the things that I have found appealing about this site is the accepting, non-judgmental atmosphere. Not everyone has the same resources or ambitions. A day trip to the beach with the family is just as welcome as a safari through deepest Africa here on expo. THAT'S pretty cool if you ask me.

Good luck with your journey mate. I hope you find what you're looking for and thanks for sharing.


Expedition Leader
Guys, I know Phil very well and I also know about 95% of his background story. I was with him when the poop hit the fan. I know what is in his head and heart and while I don't agree with a few of his decisions, I really don't agree with kicking a guy when he is down. Phil has had a terrible run of bad luck over the years. A bit of this was due to mishaps, some was because of his own doing and some just because life serves up a crap sammich from time to time. All Phil wants to do is try a path he hasn't taken before. You know, keep doing the same thing and keep getting the same results and all. He simply wants to change his life and go looking for the ship instead of waiting for it to come in. I know Phil will come through this for better or worse but he will come through this. The only question is will you be there when he does?


The last thing you need is another opinion, but here goes.

Sounds like you are leaning toward ditching the cruiser. I would think looong and hard about the motorcycle route. If your looking for free places to overnight along your adventures, you can boondock at Walmarts, truckstops, and rest areas... I doubt you can pitch a tent however. With a bike and a tent you are limited by weather and where you can put down a tent. A vehicle provides security, reasonable shelter, and more options than a bike.

For consideration, here is a reasonable piece of transportation that does everything your cruiser does, and with probably better fuel mileage. Assuming it's not crap, this seems like a smokin deal:
I need to sell the Cruiser first. I will be able to go from there. I will get to Montana no matter what. There is always a way.


Unless I've overlooked it, I don't see the Cruiser for sale in the classified section of this very website. Wouldn't that be an obvious place to list it? :cool:
Unless I've overlooked it, I don't see the Cruiser for sale in the classified section of this very website. Wouldn't that be an obvious place to list it? :cool:

When I am done doing my job for the day here on Expedition Portal and finish writing the ad up sure.
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