Hi everyone, here are some updates following my return from Portugal. I spent 20 days there, covering about 3700 miles, mostly on off-road trails. I'll leave you with the prologue video for the 6 videos that will follow... They are in French, but the images can be enjoyed on their own
Despite everything, there was a bit of damage during those 20 days. I blew up my Ford fan, so I had to find an original fan on site. I also cracked my windshield, and that's about it
But it was an absolute pleasure driving there, with a lot of tolerance (for now) for driving on off-road trails... Truly a joy
Photos should follow in a little while, my photographer friend who accompanied me is currently editing them
On another note, I need to get custom 2" rear springs made, since the KingSpring HD ones I have are no longer sufficient. If you have any ideas for a brand that can provide +660 lbs springs, it would save me from paying for custom ones...
Oh and you can see my new Molle side panel prototype