NAS LR3 build with an overseas twist


One of the things I realized was some of the tools I kept in my pelican cases really should just be in the truck 100% if the time, with the left rear seat being a good place to store them given limited clearance bc of the shelf setup.

After URE it was time to focus on the RTT install. We had done a fairly deliberate examination of our requirements. Both on paper, as well as examining a friend’s JB Evo Space and taking advantage of Adam at BROG’s roofnest. We knew we wanted hard shell vice soft, wanted to minimize weight and have it flow well with the prospeed. In the end that’s how we ended up with the previously pictured Autohome Colombus Variant (small).

So we took it to a local vinyl place to get wrapped. We used the wife’s taco since that was a far easier transport. A lot of sheen in this pic but basically it matches the wheel color of Saqr.

Concurrently we sourced prospeed XRS crossbars since they provided the simplest solution for getting the tent on (& off)


By getting some longer M8 bolts I retained the flooring on the rack. (Side note, I have a 2nd set of bars if someone needs a set...long story).

With the tent back from being wrapped and Labor Day this was time to mount it. A challenge for two short people but we got after it.

Not too many pics of that since she wasn’t having me just document while she did the work....

Then loaded the truck up to validate the new setup.

All told, laden, spring sag is negligible and the truck handles quite well even with weigh on the roof.

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Ray, did you use 3 XRS Bars or just two on the Prospeed? I have an LR4 with Prospeed an dlooking to add the Columbia Variant so if you still have those extra bars, I would be interested in acquiring them, Paul


Ray, did you use 3 XRS Bars or just two on the Prospeed? I have an LR4 with Prospeed an dlooking to add the Columbia Variant so if you still have those extra bars, I would be interested in acquiring them, Paul

Just used two of the bars, have the other two in the garage bc, well, how many of us have the PS and need the bars?

Hit me at ray.gerber(at), I'll make a good deal compared to retail!

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Paul tapping my thread made me realize I'm long overdue for an update but in truth not too much modification going on specific to Saqr. Plenty of winter utilization mind you.

Some maintenance, 145k oil change and tire rotation.

Other things have taken some attention. Like getting my youngest an off-road go kart so she can get wheel time.



That will need some front fenders...we are also doing an ATV winch and such for it.

Kinda nice to do an engine swap that is a bit easier to manage...

With a public transit calamity scheduled for this summer I needed a commute option that was a little more I did a thing.

And brought it home just after the new year.

That said, with spring coming it's time to get back on some stuff before the RTT goes on and we get her back in that mix.

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I guess your daughter learned to keep her mouth closed when the mud starts to fly. That looks like a lot of fun.

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Just used two of the bars, have the other two in the garage bc, well, how many of us have the PS and need the bars?

Hit me at ray.gerber(at), I'll make a good deal compared to retail!

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I assume you lose satellite / radio reception with the tent on ?


Actually no. It can be masked at times depending on which direction you are driving but by and large it works fine.

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So the front end is getting wobbly...based off inspection during that recent oil change, I believe the LCAs are going-and the UCAs have some nice rust streaks coming out of the bolts so they may well finally be going too (147k on the truck, believe the UCAs are original)

Thoughts from anyone looking at this on anything else I should do? Here's my plan:
-UCAs (normal LR3)
-LCAs (RRS for the larger bushing)

-Tie rods
-Wheel bearings

Will get the hardware for the UCA & LCAs since I'll likely outsource this to my local indy garage and tell them they can unbolt if desired...or just cut.

What am I missing or doing wrong?


Expedition Leader
I'd take it to your local indy shop and have them do a complete suspension inspection with the trusty ole pry bar, both front and rear. Take that short list, order the parts and schedule the indy shop down the road.


That's an option, but given age of components and the way they tend to be interdependent-not to mention my own inspection from being on the lift, it's about time to replace the consumables known as LCAs thus I'm about 99% certain that will already be on the list.

Since we're nearing 150k, with big trips this summer, I'd rather knock out a suspension refresh than piecemeal it.


Expedition Leader
I was assuming LCA/UCA's as the minimum. Also put it on a lift and inspect rear suspension with pry bar. Here in the Southwest not only do bushings wear out, they also dry out at equal rates (front and rear) in consideration of not only 147k miles but 13 years of age.


New member
150K seems like a solid interval for preventative suspension maintenance, particularly with big trips planned. Anyone headed to the Uwaharrie Safari in April?


That's an option, but given age of components and the way they tend to be interdependent-not to mention my own inspection from being on the lift, it's about time to replace the consumables known as LCAs thus I'm about 99% certain that will already be on the list.

Since we're nearing 150k, with big trips this summer, I'd rather knock out a suspension refresh than piecemeal it.

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My mechanic just replaced LCA ‘s on my LR4 @ 75k as they were rattling on bumps and expansion joints and recommended uppers @ 120k

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Makes sense, my LCAs were done at 80k. That I've nearly gotten to 150 on the UCA's is good enough.

Will start with the front, and then likely do the back. I do wonder if the coils change the wear/tear on this at all.
My uppers and lowers I think I did at around 90-100k and did them and everything else up front at once so the alignment was square right out of the gate and reset the clock on all components at once.

I don't think the coils matter, I honestly believe that replacing worn parts in the suspension and with part new with remaining old causes the old to wear out faster and the new ones slowly behind them. But this is purely my opinion from dynamic components on aircraft so I stick with what I

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