NATIONAL Parks Right to Carry Petition

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ExPo Original
From the link provided -

[SIZE=+1]To: Department of The Interior[/SIZE]

Dear Secretary Kempthorne,

We are sending this petition to voice our support for the Letter Sent to you on December 14th, 2007 by the United States Senate regarding the removal of National Park Service and Fish and Wildlife Service prohibitions on law-abiding citizens from transporting and carrying firearms on lands managed by these agencies, even citizens who have passed background checks and have valid Concealed Weapons Permits

We, along with the 47 Senators who signed the letter, appeal to you on this in the interest of Second Amendment rights and consistency in firearms policy across federal public land management agencies.

We feel that these prohibitions are an infringement on our rights and would ask that you please institute an exception to 36 CFR 2.4 and 50 CFR 27.42 to allow law-abiding citizens to transport and carry firearms consistent with state laws where these resources are located. We feel that this regulatory change is the only option to respect the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding gun owners.

The Undersigned


Scott Brady

This was a good post, and in the correct section. It is not something for debate, just an issue BadVodoo wanted to bring to the sportsmans and gun carriers attention.

So, I pruned the posts and locked the thread.

No one did anything wrong... but we can debate the merits of CCW of otherwise in another thread.
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