Need Advice About Welding on an LR4


Hey Guys,

I would appreciate some opinions on heliarc welding on an LR4 frame.

I don't weld, so I would be having a local shop do this. I'm looking to get the front wheel well frame horns cut out, shaved down, and then welded back in place over the holes.

The shop I have spoken with said they would be heliarc welding the shaved horns back in place.

Is this a categorically stupid idea, given the highly electronic nature of the LR4, or would disconnecting the battery take care of any potential electronics issues.

I value all opinions, as I have, literally, zero experience with welding on vehicles.



I've welded on my LR3 for my rear tire carrier and only disconnected the battery and had no issues


I've done this on both my LR3 and a friend's LR4. I used my little 110v MIG with no problems. Just disconnected the battery and went at it. I do have another friend who had his LR4 done by a 'pro' who promptly set the inner wheel well liner on fire though, so do be careful. :)


I've done this on both my LR3 and a friend's LR4. I used my little 110v MIG with no problems. Just disconnected the battery and went at it. I do have another friend who had his LR4 done by a 'pro' who promptly set the inner wheel well liner on fire though, so do be careful. :)

That went from 0-100 really quick. Full spectrum of best-case/worst-case.


Thanks guys.

I guess I might don a helmet and stand over the fellows shoulder with fire extinguisher close at hand.


New member
Professional schooled welder here. My opinion is just disconnect battery and weld. I personally pull the battery completely out. No logic, just weird I guess. But it is a land rover and we all know they can do weird things from time to time. And always when welding have the appropriate fire extinguisher and good insurance.


The liner is a thin plastic, so no surprise on the burn. They are cheap to replace if that happens. I had to swap out my rear liners after the tires chewed through them on a full bag deflate at highway speeds.

LR Max

Local Oaf
Check the owners manual as sometimes they have suggestions.

I recommend disconnecting the battery and all of the computers. A bit overkill, but when them computers cost $1k a piece, I'll take the extra 30 minutes since frying an ECU is a bad time.

On other computer controlled engines (in the industrial market), this is pretty much always recommended.

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