Need advice, upgrading current solar system...


Expedition goofball
Each day my usage varies, I'm just looking to keep my batteries happy and topped off.
I'm aware of the limit of the ecoworthy, and don't think I need 20a all day long. It's usually in float before solar noon. Now float mode comes on an hour or so earlier.
Atm it's solar noon 1:32 and with my draw (two fans, lights, two phones, engel, BT speakers and occasional water pump) the SCC is putting out 6a at 13.8v
I don't see any problems atm... just stating some updates.


Oh no worries man.

All Im saying is that you are probably just fine with keeping the ecoworthy, unless you really need >20A at any given time.

And even if the ecoworthy gives up, they are dirt cheap anyhow :LOL:


Expedition goofball
I would... like to get the victron SCC but highly doubt I honestly need it but the BT features would be nice so I can check on it while in work lol


Expedition goofball
I'd rather take the $ and put it towards getting the UJOR kit completed...
The house batteries are just over three years old and solid AF, besides working on all the rigs here makes me want to get my van done sooner lol.

While I didn't sign a NDA I'd rather not disclose where I am employed hahhaah! But Chris is the best friend and boss I've ever had.


Engineer In Residence
How long does the controller hold absorb before going to float? Early float is undesirable.


Engineer In Residence
Ideally 2 hours minimum at absorb setpoint. Many (most?) controllers don't do this out of the box.


Engineer In Residence
A quick review of the manual shows no details on the charge algorithm. Sorry. At least you can adjust the absorb voltage to match your battery. Adjusting the float voltage up a tenth or two of a volt may be worthwhile.

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