need advised purchase 1994 Montero SR


I am seeing 94 montero SR with 175K on it, post on crigslist is expired, can't post pictures, he is asking 2K for it, interior looks ok, except front seats needs seat cover, owner purchased it 7 years a go from dealer, there are no maintanace record, accroding to him engine and trans are good. what do yu guys think is it good price? there are no rust or leaks, what to look for when buying montero specially 94 models.



Expedition Leader
1.5-2k max. I bought my 96SR in similar shape (known engine replacement but condition of engine unknown) for only $1350. This is in CA where everything is expensive these days especially gas so I used that as one of my trump cards saying he'll prob have a hard time selling it. Owner originally wanted 1500 for it.

Also did you test 4WD? Did the wheel lights in the dash blink for a while when going back to 2wd? Once the car's warmed up, does the engine smoke after idling for a few minutes? If so, you'll also need to replace the valve guide seals which is at least ~$700 and up around here. Most mechanics will move you towards a valve job which is a lot more expensive than $700.

The Viper

how to test 4wd? never had monter before. if blink is normal or not?


when u start the vehicle, the rear wheels should be a solid green (dash indicator lights)...when you switch to 4hi, the front 2 wheels should blink (while engaging, for me they blink for 2 sec), then turn a solid green when fully engaged. For 4hi locked, 4 low locked, front differential blinks then turns orange. For the R/D lock button, rear differential blinks then turns orange when fully engaged.


Expedition Leader
when u start the vehicle, the rear wheels should be a solid green (dash indicator lights)...when you switch to 4hi, the front 2 wheels should blink (while engaging, for me they blink for 2 sec), then turn a solid green when fully engaged. For 4hi locked, 4 low locked, front differential blinks then turns orange. For the R/D lock button, rear differential blinks then turns orange when fully engaged.

One possible problem that can occur happens when shifting from 4wd back to 2wd. What sometimes happens is the front lights just blink instead of turning off. This may mean there's a possible problem with the central axle disconnect system. Usually it's just the indicator servo but it could be the actual disconnect mechanism.

I encountered this problem and what I did was put it in reverse and back up for 10' or so (may have been more) and eventually it turned off so I was pretty sure the system just needed to be lubed and regularly cycled. Today, it works fine after replacing all the fluids. Only issue is the valve guide seals need replacing.

So I did take a chance that it wasn't broken (albeit calculated) when I bought it and it turned out ok. I also used it as a bargaining chip (along with poor paint, a slightly dented pass. front qtr panel, it being on a 2nd engine w/ an unknown history, and a smoking exhaust) to further lower the price.


so I am not sure, since this 94 with 175K miles, is it better to pay extra monmey and move up to 98-2000 or even Gen3 XLS , or spend less for initila investment and fix it up?
here in North VA , I see only 1 listed for sale, mostaly are GEN3 or montero sport.


Expedition Leader
so I am not sure, since this 94 with 175K miles, is it better to pay extra monmey and move up to 98-2000 or even Gen3 XLS , or spend less for initila investment and fix it up?
here in North VA , I see only 1 listed for sale, mostaly are GEN3 or montero sport.

Depends on your wheeling needs.

IMHO, I prefer the 94-96 SR models because they already have lower r&p gearing (4.6x:1 vs 4.2x:1) so you can upgrade to bigger tires albeit the wheel well is smaller.

Also the 94-96SR's came with the most powerful engine which is unfortunately also the most complex with DOHC's.

I don't recall for sure but the 97 may also have the same advantages.


so I am not sure, since this 94 with 175K miles, is it better to pay extra monmey and move up to 98-2000 or even Gen3 XLS , or spend less for initila investment and fix it up?
here in North VA , I see only 1 listed for sale, mostaly are GEN3 or montero sport.

If it's going to be your daily driver, yes get the latest you can afford.

I don't recall for sure but the 97 may also have the same advantages.

It has the SOHC and 4.27 gears. It has the SOHC and 4.27 gears. It has the SOHC and 4.27 gears.


no, this is not going to be my daily driver, may be one-twice a week, I saw 2001 XLS with 101K millege for 4K. looks decent .


when u start the vehicle, the rear wheels should be a solid green (dash indicator lights)...when you switch to 4hi, the front 2 wheels should blink (while engaging, for me they blink for 2 sec), then turn a solid green when fully engaged. For 4hi locked, 4 low locked, front differential blinks then turns orange. For the R/D lock button, rear differential blinks then turns orange when fully engaged.

this is for 99 montero, I start the engine, and only right rear wheel was solid green. I did not test 4wd. is this normal. also I noticed not enough antifreeze in radiator, mater of fact was almost empty with yellowish color and oily when I touch it, fron engine eveidence of yellow-to light brownish resedu, it apears radiator or water pump leaks.

let me know.thx


the radiator almost dry? Where the water is going will give you better indication if this is truck you want to take home.
Did you check the oil? and what was it like. Did you check the exhaust for color coming out of the tail pipe? look at the ground under the truck where it was parked overnight?


I look at exhust, smoke apears to be steam color, under the truck where it was parkedpark, I saw OIL leaks around 5-7 inch diameter. no eveidence of rust underneath of truck. Interior and exterior was normal wear. My biggest concern was Radiator resvoir which was filled with water, radiator almost empty. to me this truck was over heated in some point. I am not buying it since seller asking 4K for it, no enough room for reapir.



Any vehicle with 150k+ will likely need several hundred dollars in maintenance. It could probably be driven without doing the work, but that will vary from car to car and how anal you are with keeping your vehicle in tip-top shape. Shocks, bushings, tires, brakes, fluids, etc can all add up really fast and hit $500+ before you know it.

Mitsubishi's engines tend to need valve stem seals between 150-200k miles. Not the hardest job in the world; can be done DIY-style in a weekend by a shadetree mechanic and a shop manual. The bottom end is more important to consider in the used car purchase as it's costlier to rebuild. Depending on the smog laws in your area, you could just live with them for a while. It won't hurt anything. Run some additives to recondition the rubber and keep an eye on oil consumption.

Don't shy away from the 1st Gen Monteros. My '89 LS was a great truck and it went everywhere my Jeep and Range Rover buddies said it couldn't. And the difference in engine power wasn't apparent when crawling around in the dirt or on the rocks. Remember, the SR's rear axle can be bolted on to virtually *ANY* Montero pretty easily, Gen1 or Gen2, so don't let that sway you should you find a clean car without a rear locker. You can also pick up Eaton lockers for the rear for $210, or an Aussie for the front for $290.

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