Need help finding a tent - Family of 5


We use the REI Kingdom 6. Looks like they also make a Kingdom 8. I freakin' love our tent. Funny thing is, when my wife brought it home I was a bit perturbed as I didn't think we needed such a large tent. It's just the two of us, our 3 year old son and 2 pugs.

Now that we've used it for a couple years, I can't imagine car camping without it. We lived in it for two weeks in Glacier NP, 2 more weeks in Arizona and 2 more weeks in the Tetons, with a bunch of weeklong or shorter trips in between. It's spacious, easy to set up, extremely strong - even in whipping winds and torrential rain - and doesn't cost an arm and a leg. We opted for an extra large add-on vestibule that's big enough to store bikes and other gear you don't want to get wet. I don't know if the floor is extra thick but we've not had any issues with it. We do use the ground sheet designed for the tent. On our last trip we also put down 1/4 thick closed cell foam pads which makes it pretty luxurious to walk around barefoot. It's never been snow loaded so I don't know how it would handle such a situation.

With 5 people and a dog, the Kingdom 6 would probably be a bit tight. I think you'd have plenty of room in a Kingdom 8, though.


Brian, is there any reason you wouldn't go for two smaller tents? I find it much more convenient. Yeah, you set up two tents, but it's much easier to set up small tents than a big huge tent. Also, you aren't disturbing the kids when they are asleep and you turn in later.


We considered that, but we are leaning toward the "suv tent" idea so we can utilize the back of the truck and be still together.


I have a Eureka A-frame that I used hard for almost 10 years. Its a bit heavy for backpacking but divided up between three people it wasn't too bad. For car camping its perfect. Lots of floor space and very durable.

Recently I caved in to my wife and bought a popup camper... I'll keep the Eureka for the rare trips she doesn't go on.


Cool. How well can all 5 of you fit in the 4Runner with gear?

Actually, this will be for use with the Superduty. With the carpet kit in the back, Kristi and I will sleep up there with the kids in the tent portion. They loved their own tent for Moab last June, but we want them visible and a place to stand to get dressed.


OZ TENT! Huge inside, super rugged, sets up really fast, back the truck up to the opening and use the inside. Extra cool tent.



Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining.
We went with two four season tents for our family of four. The kids are old enough to sleep in a tent on their own, and really enjoy the independence. This also allows for quality time with the Mrs.
We went with the Mountain Hardware Tarango (3 person), and the Big Agnes (4 person). The extra space allows clothing bags to be stored in the tents.
Although the Mountain Hardware tent is heavier and is made with thicker material, we've tested both tents in everything from whipping deserts winds to 17* winter nights. I would recommend either tent to anyone looking for a quality four season tent.
Good Luck


We use the REI Kingdom 6. Looks like they also make a Kingdom 8. I freakin' love our tent. Funny thing is, when my wife brought it home I was a bit perturbed as I didn't think we needed such a large tent. It's just the two of us, our 3 year old son and 2 pugs.

Now that we've used it for a couple years, I can't imagine car camping without it. We lived in it for two weeks in Glacier NP, 2 more weeks in Arizona and 2 more weeks in the Tetons, with a bunch of weeklong or shorter trips in between. It's spacious, easy to set up, extremely strong - even in whipping winds and torrential rain - and doesn't cost an arm and a leg. We opted for an extra large add-on vestibule that's big enough to store bikes and other gear you don't want to get wet. I don't know if the floor is extra thick but we've not had any issues with it. We do use the ground sheet designed for the tent. On our last trip we also put down 1/4 thick closed cell foam pads which makes it pretty luxurious to walk around barefoot. It's never been snow loaded so I don't know how it would handle such a situation.

With 5 people and a dog, the Kingdom 6 would probably be a bit tight. I think you'd have plenty of room in a Kingdom 8, though.

+1! I research everything to death and ended up buying this tent over the Base camp because the guy that helped me at REI had both tents and said his Base Camp wasn't as good as the kingdom. I took his word for it because the Base Camp is actually more expensive than the Kingdom. I also bought the garage and the extra vestibule and the family of four has plenty of space. Plus you can stand up inside the tent whereas the base camp you can't. It has a nice divider inside to separate sleeping areas or you can fold it out if the way and not use it. The vestibules are huge. I ended up returning the garage because the extra vestibule I bought was big enough for us.

I have owned the tent for a couple years mow and it hasnt truly been tested yet. However, we just got back from camping in Williams a couple weeks ago and got caught in a severe monsoon. We were stuck in the tent for 4 hours while it blew and absolutely poured! It blew over and bent our EZ UP and soaked everything in camp. The tent held perfectly. I had guyed it fairly well but it didn't leak, move or have the slightest hint of collapsing. I was very sure of my purchase at that point. I highly recommend the Kingdom 6! If considering it I would suggest you buy about 6 more stakes, the footprint and either the extra vestibule or the garage attachment. You can't use the extra vestibule and the garage at the same time. The garage would be sweet for your dog though. Best of luck with your purchase. Also remember, all nylon tents this size need to be guyed down. You will not find a strong, high quality nylon free standing tent this size.
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Disabled Explorer
We went with a coleman, it was less then $200

its 16x9 & we use 2 queen sized air matresses in it, even though it has not been used in like 4 years (sits in closet :( )

REI's Basecamp 6 has served us well for a while (7 seasons I think). It can hold up to very strong winds without a hiccup. The larger vestibule is works well for your dog, shoes, ice-chest, etc. The smaller vestibule can handle some shoes. The tent is pretty large, though. It requires a good sized clearance to fully utilize your vestibues. You might have some difficulty is some smaller sites. Can't complain, though. It has been a solid tent.


New member
Cabelas Alaskan outfitter tents. We have the 6man and they make bigger. Rain fly is tight and completely covers the tent all the way to the ground.Also available with a small vestibule and a large vestibule without a floor that you can cook in. I have had in severe winds and snow storms with zero issues. Ours and larger can stand up in. I think the 6 man is around 300-350bones and worth every penny. They also have a couple of larger canvas type tents as well as wall tents. Another thing I like is no matter where you are in the country there is one somewhere along the way for parts or repair. I once burnt a small hole in the door with a lantern in Utah. The following year we were in Michigan and brought it in to get it patched or buy some type of repair kit and they gave me a new tent!

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