Need Help Planning Volt/Amp Meter Install


Hi folks.

We picked up a pop up tent and looks like we will be spending more time in it. I have decided I want a decent monitor for my batteries (2x 6v) and am going to install a shunt style monitor. Ill be getting something rather small because the fridge is the biggest draw. I am new to shunts, and have a couple of related questions dealing with the install and weatherproofing.

I have read that some shunts need to be protected from rain etc. My batteries are in a plastic box on the tongue of the trailer, but it is not well suited to mount a shunt. So I will have to mount the shunt somewhere on the frame of the trailer near the battery box. Installation instructions from all the monitors I have read make clear that nothing but the lead from the shunt can be connected to the negative battery terminal. I have my MT-45 fridge direct wired from the battery so I will have to move the connection. I do not anticipate any other equipment needing to be directly wired to the battery (but I guess it could come up).

So my first question is where should I attach the negative lead to my fridge (on the ground side of the shunt?) or do I need to wire up a blue sea type fuse box?

My second question is if the shunt needs to be protected from the weather, what type of box is suggested?

I am new to all this, and figuring it out for the first time. My fridge has always been direct wired with an inline fuse in my land cruiser...

Thank you.



Thanks Verkstad I’ll look into some PVC enclosures. Appreciate the suggestion. Good to know I can attach the fridge negative to the system side of the shunt. I’d like to keep it as simple as possible.

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