Hi guys new here. I know nothing about these old 4x4 vans but I'm really loving the idea of getting one. I really like the super short wheelbase ones as well... Well this is the only one I can find right now and I'm considering buying it. But the guy "doesn't need to sell it" and will only let it go if he gets 6500. Trsut me tried to make an offer of 6 flat and he said no. Anyway I don't know what these are worth...I come from the Toyota landcruiser world so excuse my ignorence. But I just don't want to buy a marked up van find out I don't like it and go to resell it and end up losing money. (not a flipper but just want to be able to get what I bought it for if I do sell it.) So I came here to hopefully find someone who knows more about these than I do and will hopefully tell me that this is either too high or a decent price? I went and checked it out. The rhino liner is cracking in places. He said they didn't prep the van before paint so it's not sticking well. That doesn't bother me to much as it will probably be repainted at some point. The underside is pretty clean. Only some seepage around transfer case. Nothing dripping (probably just needs a new seal). Engine miles are unknown since the Speedo cable is out. But he estimates between 80 and 100k. And I have to agree engine seemed really clean and strong for it's age. Drove straight A's an arrow. Brakes seemed fine. Any way any thoughts would be helpful. But if this is the wrong spot for this let me know and I'll remove it.
Thanks for any help.
Hi guys new here. I know nothing about these old 4x4 vans but I'm really loving the idea of getting one. I really like the super short wheelbase ones as well... Well this is the only one I can find right now and I'm considering buying it. But the guy "doesn't need to sell it" and will only let it go if he gets 6500. Trsut me tried to make an offer of 6 flat and he said no. Anyway I don't know what these are worth...I come from the Toyota landcruiser world so excuse my ignorence. But I just don't want to buy a marked up van find out I don't like it and go to resell it and end up losing money. (not a flipper but just want to be able to get what I bought it for if I do sell it.) So I came here to hopefully find someone who knows more about these than I do and will hopefully tell me that this is either too high or a decent price? I went and checked it out. The rhino liner is cracking in places. He said they didn't prep the van before paint so it's not sticking well. That doesn't bother me to much as it will probably be repainted at some point. The underside is pretty clean. Only some seepage around transfer case. Nothing dripping (probably just needs a new seal). Engine miles are unknown since the Speedo cable is out. But he estimates between 80 and 100k. And I have to agree engine seemed really clean and strong for it's age. Drove straight A's an arrow. Brakes seemed fine. Any way any thoughts would be helpful. But if this is the wrong spot for this let me know and I'll remove it.
Thanks for any help.