Need laptop suggestions


If I do get one, I will get it with 8gb ram, is it worth another 140 dollars to jump from 128gb storage to 256? or just get an external hard drive?


New member
The Ativ9 got my vote recently, for a few not so obivous reasons:
- the mouse pad is right in the middle (not off center like on my last laptop, I hated that)
- it has a backlit keyboard so I can type at night
- it runs my Linux distribution of choice
Haven't used any of the other mentioned laptops to compare against though...


Autism Family Travellers!
The asus or surface pro 3 are my votes. I am using a vivotab RT. It runs the RT version of windows 8 and its awesome. At the time, We were just trying out RT and seeing if we would like the whole "experience'. Now, I can say that its the best tablet experience we both have used. My android tablet is now my navigation tablet, and our Ipad is now our 7 year old sons. We are windows users for life. Dabbled in the apple, and found the fruit more rotten than we liked. The OS is just so cumbersome compared to windows. So much so you have to learn Keyboard short cuts to fully close out programs instead of just hitting the X in the top corner to fully close out programs in windows. Also, running windows on a mac machine, its not as cut and dry as the mac faithful have you believe. I tried that for my work programs that are propriotry windows programs and they would not run on a mac running windows. Kept crashing and getting errors. While on my Acer laptops and HP desktop they all ran fine. So, there is a chance that windows programs will NOT run on a mac running windows. Im glad I figured this out before sinking many thousands of dollars into the "ecosystem". I take my windows tablet with me on work meetings and everything works great.

I will be getting us two new surface pro 3s in the near future. The change in screen size, more memory, storage space, ram and overall awesomeness of the SP3 is a no brainer for the two of us. Just waiting on HTC or Microsoft to release their new windows phones to upgrade our Samsung ATIV's as well. While no running issues with our sammies, I just like the design of the HTC more, and if the new MS phones are like the desgins of the surface phone on the net, I would be hard pressed not to go for 2.


I picked up a Lenovo IdeaPad Yoga 11S about 6 months ago.

It is a convertible in that the screen can rotate 180 and butt up against the back of the keyboard.

I like it because it replaced my old tablet and laptop. Now instead of carrying two devices I can get away with one.

What is a little odd about the new ultrabooks is that they come with touchscreens. I didn't think having a touch screen in laptop mode would be that useful but I find myself using it quite a bit.

My only complaint about the Yoga 11S is that it does feel a little light weight. I do travel a ton with it but I am concerned that one good drop will render it a loss.

I picked mine up at a Best Buy after checking out a number of systems there. I would recommend you go to a local computer shop and do the same. The Yoga wasn't even on my radar until I got my hands on it.


Expedition Leader
If I do get one, I will get it with 8gb ram, is it worth another 140 dollars to jump from 128gb storage to 256? or just get an external hard drive?

YES! I have 256gb hard drive on my rMBP and it fills up pretty regularly. I shoot a lot of photos, which is the culprit, but I have to be very disciplined to move over the bulk of my images on a regular basis to clear room for the next batch. I'd love a bigger drive!


Since the Lenovos have been mentioned here a few times, I'll throw my two cents in...

I would stay away from Lenovo...I bought an IdeaTab last year...While it was really nice, and I liked it...(other than Windows 8)...three months later, I was having issues with a very cheaply made and poorly designed microUSB port...After sending it in, it took 3weeks to get it back, and it STILL had the loose USB plug!!...They sent me a new USB charger cable, saying THAT was the issue...Although, I had told them i couldnt factory reset my Windows install, due to partitioning the SSD, and I wanted them to re-image it to factory spec...To do that, I guess they had to replace the mainboard... ???

Ever since, it has been glitchy as far as powering up and down...Sometimes it would refuse to power up...

So here it is 6mos later, the USB plug is as loose as ever, and now it just died while I was using it and wont power up at all...So another lengthy call to customer service, which is horrible, to get it sent in under warranty for a SECOND time...
You get someone in the Phillipines, who is very difficult to understand, and they run you through about 20 mins of repeated "Well, are you SURE the battery is charged?...", "Are you sure you have tried it with the charger attached?...", "Lets do a factory reset..." (on a unit that does not power up at ALL)... Yeah, OK....When I get it back again, it is promptly going on eBay..

I suggest WHATEVER brand/model you lean toward, look for online forums dealing specifically with that model, and see what real-world issues people are having...I've learned this the hard way.

And actually, Windows 8 is NOT all that different from 7...Especially since the 8.1 update...though there ARE a couple major issues with 8/8.1 that I really hate Microsoft for, and hope they wise-up and fix in a future update, or at least put back into Windows 9 when it comes out...
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YES! I have 256gb hard drive on my rMBP and it fills up pretty regularly. I shoot a lot of photos, which is the culprit, but I have to be very disciplined to move over the bulk of my images on a regular basis to clear room for the next batch. I'd love a bigger drive!

You can actually upgrade the ssd in the rMBP yourself btw. There are a few how-to's out there. Most people think that you are stuck with it for life, but its not the case.


You got ten years out of your HP, and it does everything you need. Time for another. Don't waste money on a Mac. It seems like you need a basic laptop for surfing, email, entertainment etc. why pay more fore Photo and video editing etc. The windows 8 interface is horrible but it can be changed easily. I do not like the Mac's "intuitive" interface, I found it anything but.


throwing in another vote for Macbook Air. I made the switch a year ago and haven't looked back. The new Airs are all solid state, boot up lightning fast and a incredibly snappy. I regularly run Photoshop and Autocad on mine without any problems at all. Plus, the battery lasts for DAYS. I have an 11", but I'll probably buy a 13" in another year, likely when the next generation come out.


I vote for a Mac, i switched last year and really like it. I do run a virtual desktop with Windows but spend most of my time in the IOS side. Looking back I would not have ever installed the windows side, it just seems slow compared to the Mac side. The battery life is awesome too, 7-8 hours with the wifi on, 9-10 if you turn everything off. Good luck with your search.


Looks like I am getting a macbook air 8 g ram 256 g hard drive in 13inch screen. Looking forward to learning something new, still not sure I want an iphone since i am also shopping for a phone too, but maybe the new iphone 6 will be something to think about. will update as a get the new computer. should arrive in 5 days .


Expedition Leader
excellent. Like I said earlier, getting a 10 year newer machine, it's going to be a world of difference. SSD's are FAST!


Autism Family Travellers!
I have SSD in all my machines except for my shop computer. I have an acer timeline 4810 and get 12 plus hrs out of the battery on that one, and an Acer 7720 and I get 6 plus hrs out of that beast. Plus, side by side with a new machine, you can't tell the difference in speed. I have the 14" notebook for travel, and my asus windows 8 tablet, and the 17" notebook for lounging around on the sofa with its big screen.

I have an HP touchsmart 22" home computer for everyday stuff as well as photo editing, video editing and other stuff like that.

We are a pretty "wired" family. I am getting ready to upgrade my son's acer 5252 notebook as he has it beat to pieces. I am installing a new keyboard, battery, 500gb hybrid drive and some software he is using to write articles for a montreal canadiens website.


Expedition Leader
Also, running windows on a mac machine, its not as cut and dry as the mac faithful have you believe. I tried that for my work programs that are propriotry windows programs and they would not run on a mac running windows. .

VMWARE ******! Makes running windows stuff super easy.

I've seen also seen dozens of articles that prove that Windows often runds better and faster on a Mackbook.

In he the end, there three great reasons to run a Mackbook.

1. Choice. Can run anything apple or windows! Can't run apple stuff with a windows only machine.
2. Build quality. They simply last!!
3. Resale. You can often sell an old (even 5-6 years)Mackbook for half or more of new. An old windows laptop often needs to be sent to the recycler or sold off for parts for the price of a cup of coffee.


and my asus windows 8 tablet,

Kojack, if you dont mind my asking, which tablet?...and do you like it?..Overall impressions?...I was considering a VivoTab Smart, but went with the Lynx instead...And now I'd like to dump the Lynx, and need a replacement...You can PM if you like, so not to clutter up this thread...Thanx!

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