Need Mac Advice: Help Scotty to the dark side...

Scott Brady

So, Lance and I started talking about computers. He wanted a newer laptop, a little more rugged, faster and with all the software. Well, I just happen to have that (Toshiba U205) and a deal was struck.

So now, my PC days are numbered (quite literaly) and I need to order a Mac. This will likely be the sole computer we bring for South America and will need to work for design work (Adobe CS3 Suite), writing, web work, image processing, etc.

Well, there are three choices now, which makes life interesting (as choices usually do).

Here are my requirements:

Needs to run CS3 somewhat efficiently
Needs to run Aperture somewhat efficiently
Reasonable screen size

the MacBook Pro seems like the logical choice, but the new Air (with SSD) and MacBook are certainly viable too.

What are your thoughts?

With this, the entire team will be Mac users, crazy :)


Expedition Leader
I can't really help you because I'm not familiar with those programs. But, I'm sure won't regret your decision no matter which way you go. I'm going on 4 years with my Powerbook and its even made a trip to Iraq and back!! I just added a new turbo to mine (1 GB RAM :wings: ).


New member
expeditionswest said:
So, Lance and I started talking about computers. He wanted a newer laptop, a little more rugged, faster and with all the software. Well, I just happen to have that (Toshiba U205) and a deal was struck.

So now, my PC days are numbered (quite literaly) and I need to order a Mac. This will likely be the sole computer we bring for South America and will need to work for design work (Adobe CS3 Suite), writing, web work, image processing, etc.

Well, there are three choices now, which makes life interesting (as choices usually do).

Here are my requirements:

Needs to run CS3 somewhat efficiently
Needs to run Aperture somewhat efficiently
Reasonable screen size

the MacBook Pro seems like the logical choice, but the new Air (with SSD) and MacBook are certainly viable too.

What are your thoughts?

With this, the entire team will be Mac users, crazy :)

Your requirements is not at the maximum of the scale. I will skip the AIR the harddrive is small and slow, You need to have external optical drive and also there are no network port.

I have one more suggestion: MODBOOK

Its a tablet with pen input - good for CS3 and photo editing work. Build in GPS so you can mount it as GPS in the car. I am really think about it


Scott Brady

Building a few examples here:


Subtotal $1,799.00
Free Shipping

2.2GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
2GB 667MHz DDR2 SDRAM - 2x1GB
250GB Serial ATA Drive @ 5400 rpm
Superdrive 8x (DVD±R DL/DVD±RW/CD-RW)
Keyboard/Mac OS - U.S. English
AirPort Extreme Card & Bluetooth


MacBook Pro:
Subtotal $3,399.00
Free Shipping

2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
4GB 667 DDR2 SDRAM - 2x2GB
200GB Serial ATA Drive @ 7200 rpm
SuperDrive 8x (DVD±R DL/DVD±RW/CD-RW)
MacBook Pro 15-inch Widescreen Display
Backlit Keyboard/Mac OS - U.S. English
Accessory Kit


MacBook Air
Subtotal $3,197.00
Estimated Ship:
2-3 weeks
Free Shipping

1.80GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
64GB Solid State Drive
Apple MacBook Air SuperDrive
Keyboard/Mac OS - U.S. English
Accessory kit
Last edited:

Scott Brady

I am having trouble seeing the $1,600 advantage of the MacBook Pro.

Obviously, the graphics card is better, it is a little faster, and the screen is larger, and uber cool aluminum too, but dang, that is a BIG premium.

Scott Brady

Ok, built a cheaper MacbookPro

Subtotal $2,274.00
Free Shipping

2.2GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
2GB 667 DDR2 SDRAM - 2x1GB
200GB Serial ATA Drive @ 7200 rpm
SuperDrive 8x (DVD±R DL/DVD±RW/CD-RW)
MacBook Pro 15-inch Widescreen Display
Backlit Keyboard/Mac OS - U.S. English
Accessory Kit


Scott , personally this is what I run CS3 on and have no issues. Speed is great and the 13" monitor is a wide screen so it's not that bad when editing. The macbook does support external monitors so if I'm pressed for more space I just add my 20" desk top monitor. Don't bother getting the extra memory from Apple just get it from , only $110 for the 4 GiGS and it only takes ten minutes to change it yourself.

MacBook 13-inch (Black), 2.2GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
Part Number: Z0FB
2.2GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
250GB Serial ATA Drive @ 5400 rpm
Keyboard/Mac OS - U.S. English
1GB 667MHz DDR2 SDRAM - 2x512MB
Accessory kit
Superdrive 8x (DVD±R DL/DVD±RW/CD-RW)

Remove $1,649.00 $1,649.00
Estimated Ship: 1-3 business days

Scott Brady

gjackson said:
Go with the AIR. Then review it for OJ! That way I can justify waiting. . .


You are not helping ;)

(even thought the Air is what is secretly want, with the SSD. Imagine the HD access speed on that one.)


Expedition Leader
expeditionswest said:
Has anyone tried the O2M software for converting the Outlook .pst files to Mac mail?

I have 10 years of emails saved and a 6 gig .pst file :oops:

During one of our recent "one-on-one" sessions at our Apple store (when I asked the very same question) we were told it was a lot easier to just bring the PC in to the Genius Bar and they would transfer/convert all Outlook (and anything else you want moved from PC to Mac) to our new Macs...FWTW.

But I'm sure DD and/or Alvaro could walk you through it if you wanted to tackle it yourself.


Expedition Leader
spressomon said:
During one of our recent "one-on-one" sessions at our Apple store (when I asked the very same question) we were told it was a lot easier to just bring the PC in to the Genius Bar and they would transfer/convert all Outlook (and anything else you want moved from PC to Mac) to our new Macs...FWTW.

But I'm sure DD and/or Alvaro could walk you through it if you wanted to tackle it yourself.

And...we really like our new MacBooks. They run cool...and supposedly, per the sales rep at Apple, will take a little more abuse than the MacPro...


Expedition Leader
I don't really have anything to say other than I love my Pro. The only thing I can add is the 15" screen is a lot easier to utilize the desk top when you have multiple programs running than the 13". I was worried I bought too much computer for my needs but I am happy with it so I am done second guessing it.

One thing I found out was the real advantage of the 2.2 vs the 2.4 chip. All the techie geeks I spoke with said the 2.2 is actually better than the 2.4 unless you are playing a lot of games. I understood that but it wasn't until one gue told me they were the same chip but the 2.4 was just clocked up a little faster and it runs a lot hotter and therefore would be more finicky and tempermental. Kinda like a supercharger and long term reliability I guess. I had the money to get either and I am glad I got the cheaper one, more computer than I will ever need.



Dave Druck [KI6LBB]
I wouldn't bother with the air. It's cool and thats it IMHO. Big deal its thin, and it's also easier to damage that way. Did you know you have to plug in your cd/dvd drives? Theres no room for them in that book. I dont think it would be a good beefy laptop to have in the field.

I would go with a macbook pro all the way. We have one here and we do video editing with it if we have too. Doesnt stumble at all. We even have ran DVD Studio Pro on it, along with compressor. Never a problem.

CS3 isn't a big deal, i can run that on my old dust collecting G4 here at my desk with 10 other programs open.

Aperture takes a ton of resources. I used it once on our dual 2.7ghz G5 here and it even didn't run at full potential. Make sure to check the specs of what is needed for that program.

And yes, welcome to the dark side. You wont be going back anytime soon.

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