Need Suggestions


Expedition Leader
Getting back into hiking and camping,Any suggestions on hiking boots and equipment? Also best way to get back into shape?I Would be starting off small and working to multiple day hikes. Want to do the Apalachian trail someday?:tent:


New member
Hiking boots

For the past 20+ years I have used Merrill Wilderness boots for everything! hiking, daily use, riding motorcycles, everything. One pair has been resoled probably four or five times and still work great. No matter which boot you choose keep them sealed with a coat of Snowseal sealer and who knows how long they will last? Suggestion, carry a spare pair of shoe strings in your pack.

Trail Monkey

Adventurer, Overland Certified OC0014
Remember that you need to consider your load weight. For instance what size backpack will you carry with how much weight. This is a serious consideration when choosing boots. Generally boots are designed with the shank stiffness to match your use. If you wear for instance a lightweight hiker like the Merrell ventilator you might like it when just going for an unloaded day hike. But if you are carrying a 35lb bag for two days you may like the Asolo Fugitive GTX, i love mine. And then again if you are carrying 55lbs for a week long trip, you will need something much stiffer..

Using a heavier built boot when not needed is a bit of a waste of energy for your legs. But using a lightweight boot when a heavier one is needed is a big risk to injury.


I use two different pairs of shoes/boots depending on what I'm doing. For light hiking and trail running, carrying a light camel back or less, I wear Montrail Odyssey Trail shoes


For longer hikes with a heavier pack and for climbing 14neers I absolutely love my Vasque Wasatch GTX Boots.

Bear Chow

New member
You could spend 10 dollars or 10000 dollars. If you want to hike. Go Hike! Find out were the local trails are and head out.

Throw on a comfortable pair of shoes you don't mind getting dirty. Cargo pants or light backpack for a bottle of water and 2-3 quick snacks. Let someone know where your going stick to marked trails. Check the weather for rain, bring a rain coat if it's due. Grab a hat for cold weather and/or shade for your eyes.

If you have kids take them with you, my 6 year old regularly does 4 miles that's about his limit before he's dragging. Take a friend, take a dog. Take your time and just enjoy the outside.

You can get cheap gear or spend spend spend and not have a clue on what you need.

Cheap light tent + an old small pot from the kitchen change of socks, heavy shirt, for cold evenings and an old blanket. Bit of food what you would typically consider 2-3 servings and your good for an overnight hike. Of course you'll need a few more basics.

The first few times just set yourself up so worst comes to worst 1 hour in a rainstorm and you can be back in a car headed home to a warm shower.

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