post mortem:
The trailer idea seemed like the best solution to me, but the wife was not going to budge on the MDX, which meant that I needed to get a new vehicle.
This past weekend I ended up pulling the trigger on a 100 series LX470. After looking at F150's, Sequoias, Suburbans, vans, etc the last couple of weeks, I kept just asking myself: 90-99% of the time I'm going to be driving this new vehicle to work, and 1-10% of the time we're going to be camping. What vehicle do I want to be driving that 90-99% of the time, and can it be made to work for the 1-10% of the time we're camping? About a week ago I found a great deal on a yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge Yakima Skybox 21 ($60 at goodwill!), I figured that the huge skybox plus the cargo space of the 100 series would be more cargo space as a sequoia (though not as much as the Suburban, which I was very strongly considering). If the vehicle was going to only be for camping, I very likely would have gone with a Suburban, those things seem like great values. But I guess I sort of ended up going with vanity, or at least as much vanity as can attach to a 15 year old SUV. Hopefully we will have time this weekend to go camping, I'll update with some pics.
Thanks everyone!