

Expedition Leader
I was a little worried about that when I saw how large
the light bar is. So far, the light has stayed put. Maybe
over time it will loosen up, but for now it's fine.


What about HPs mini 1000?
looks like you would have a choce between a SSD or a trad-hard drive. and a 8.9 or 10.2 inch screen.



O.K. Chip

If you were looking for a netbook to run GPS and maps in the rig, which one would you get? It will need to pull double duty; A laptop around the house and ExPo sled navigation.

Thanks in advance

Ever look at the IBM Thinkpads? I have an X31...12" screen. Weighs 3 lbs or less. Good for double was my business laptop that I just now started using for GPS.

Also, since it's not a new model, they are very affordable...$200 or so usually.


Expedition Leader
Here's an interesting development: GPS in your Dell Mini 9.

It seems that the G3 modem Dell is providing in the Mini 9 has a GPS function. It's possible to use a couple of commands (remember the old Hayes "AT" command set?) to switch the modem into GPS mode, and then feed the coordinates into a program like Google Earth or Earth Bridge to see your position on a map.

The fun part is that you don't have to have to be connected to your 3G carrier (ATT in USA, Vodaphone in Europe, etc.) while you use the GPS.

The Dell part is called the Dell Internal Wireless 5530 3G/HSDPA. It's available as a $125 option when you buy the Mini 9. Unfortunately, older Mini 9s don't have a socket for the 3G modem, only the new ones do.

Here's the discussion about the discovery:

Chip Haven


L8 APEKS said:
Ever look at the IBM Thinkpads? I have an X31...12" screen. Weighs 3 lbs or less. Good for double was my business laptop that I just now started using for GPS.

Also, since it's not a new model, they are very affordable...$200 or so usually.

Most makers have one like that. Dell has the C400/D400/D410, etc. I have a 6 year old C400.


I bought the Acer Aspire one, So far so good only had it for about 3 hours, Cool thing is i'm sitting in bed writing this, don't worry i have my clothes on, sorry it's my first laptop.


Expedition Leader
Sony Vaio P at CES

Sony has finally released a netbook model. It's called the Vaio P. The Vaio P starts at $900, which to my mind makes it an ultraportable toy (oops, I mean an executive productivity enhancer), not a netbook.

The base Vaio P is well equipped, including an Intel Atom Z530 processor, an 8 inch display, a 60 GB hard disk, and 2 GB of RAM. GPS and a 3G wireless modem (EVDO Rev A, which will work on the Verizon network) are built in.

The standard operating system is Windows Vista Home Edition. But the Sony includes an instant-on feature that boots simplified version of Linux, with a web browser. It takes about 20 seconds to boot, versus more than a minute for Vista.

The dimensions of the Vaio P are tiny: 9.6″ x 4.7″ x .78.″ The Vaio P weighs only 1.4 lbs. with a battery good for 4 hours of runtime. Despite the small size, the 8 inch screen has 1600 x 768 resolution. That's enough room for a 1366×768 high definition movie, plus an on-screen movie control panel. The Vaio P's display is about 180 dpi. The iPhone screen has 160 dpi. So the Sony will have a tack-sharp display.

An 8 hour battery and a couple of solid state discs (SSDs) are optional. A fully-optioned Vaio P can cost $1500!

1600 x 768 is higher resolution than most 15 inch laptops, so a lot of information will fit on the screen. Whether you'll be able to read it clearly without a magnifying glass is an open question at this point.

One reason why the Vaio S is so small is that there is no trackpad. Instead, a pointing stick "eraserhead" appears in the middle of the keyboard. The keyboard is an island type, with individual keys sticking up through holes in the surrounding surface. The new Mac portables use this design, too. The keyboard is barely 9 inches wide, but the key layout is good for touch typing. People with fat fingers won't be happy, but some men and most women will find the keyboard to work OK.

A touch sensitive swivel screen would be a natural addition to the the Vaio P design. The eraserhead pointer won't let you do multi-finger gestures like some trackpads do.

Sony displayed the demo units on a bar-height table, so it was hard to judge how easy it would be to use the Vaio P on your lap or when held in one hand. Best to check this if you will use the computer while on the go. This is an area where a smart phone has the advantage over the netbook style of computer.

I have doubts about Windows Vista on a netbook. The beta version of Windows 7, the Vista replacement, seems to run faster than Vista on netbooks, so there is hope.

Would I like to play with the Vaio P? You bet. Would I spend $900 for the opportunity? No way!

Chip Haven

Maximus Ram

Expedition Leader
Just saw an ad for the Acer Aspire One the other day and thought that it is the pefect size for travel. And at 350 bucks for a 160 gb hard drive, it might be worth it. I have read the reviews online, but was wonder what are the thoughts of it from the folks that have had it for awhile now. Its for travel and I would like to put some form of GPS software on it. Plus its small enough to put in a pack and not be noticable.

Thoughts ???


I've played with a number of these. If you are looking for low cost of entry and best keyboard, I highly suggest the HP Mini 1000 or the replacement to the 2133, the 2140 which you should see out there shortly. In my opinion, most of the netbooks simply have two small of a keyboard to use effectively. The Dell Mini 9 made some odd tradeoffs with the keyboad, but HP got it just right. Spec for spec, nearly all of the current netbooks are identical so really you are shopping for "fit" and price. The new Dell Mini 10 just introduced at CES might be the perfect one of the bunch, although at this juncture I would find it hard to beat the HP and this is coming from somebody who specs a TON of dell equipment for work. Supposedly there is a new 10" MSI Wind coming with built in GPS that sounds like a true all in one, but time will tell.... the keyboard is a big deal for me. In all honesty, I actually switched over to a cheap tablet and that is what sees primary expo duty for me. I run a bluetooth gps in the Xterra. It is ALWAYS plugged in and it goes to sleep when not paired with a device after a few minutes. It automatically wakes up when a paired device connects back up to it. Been running one now for 3 years or so with GREAT results. With the latest version of streets and trips on the tablet being VERY touch friendly, I find it a great package to keep in my "navigator's" hands vs the laptop.



Expedition Leader
Netbook trends as seen at CES

Netbook trends as seen at CES

I finally took time to gather my thoughts about netbooks I saw at the recent Consumer Electronics Show. In summary:

--more manufacturers are entering the netbook arena

--10 inch screen has emerged as the standard

--Netbook technology is also adapted for use as a desktop

--Windows 7 beta works well on netbooks

--The race to deliver sub-$200 netbook begins

--Expensive models are using the netbook form factor, too

--Linux variants show improvements in ease of use

--Netbook manufacturers start to explore larger formats

--Challengers are emerging to Intel dominance

--New communication options

--Prices for current models fall to make room for new models

My detailed comments on each of these subjects follows.

Chip Haven

Netbooks were one of the few bright spots for computer retailers in 2008. So more manufacturers are entering the netbook arena. Look for products to be marketed by retail brands Epson, Archos, BenQ, Viewsonic, Commodore and possibly NEC. OEMs like HiVision, FirstView, Velocity Micro, and First International Computer are looking for retailers to buy their netbook models.

The 10 inch, 1048 x 600 LCD screen has emerging as the standard netbook display. Most new models have this size screen. The companies listed in the paragraph above all sell netbooks with 10 inch screens. The Dell Mini 10 was introduced at the show. HP recently introduced the 2140 and 2150 models with 10 inch screen. Gigabyte has a tablet computer with 10 inch display,

Netbooks with their LCD screen removed make fine desktop system units for simple web browsing and email. The system unit sits on the desk beside a conventional larger LCD, or sometimes they are attached to the back of the monitor, like an iMac, to reduce clutter on the desk. Models announced recently include the MSI NetTop D130, Asus eeeTop and eeeBox. Micro desktop maker Shuttle also has announced a product that uses the innards of a netbook.

Not all netbooks are cheap. Expensive "ultraportable" computers using the netbook form factor are coming soon. Dell announced its Adamo line, and Sony created a sensation with their Vaio P. These models will cost $800 and up, so they are really luxury items, and not in the original spirit of the netbook. But if you've got the cash, indulge yourself.

More manufacturers are offering 3G wireless modems built in to the netbook. Examples include Dell Mini 9, Mini 10, HP 2150, Asus eee 1003HG, and MSI Wind U120. Today, Dell is offering the Mini 9 with 3G modem, and Radio Shack is selling an Acer Aspire One with 3G modem. Either costs $99 when you sign up for a two year data contract with ATT.

Another interesting development for netbooks is a digital TV tuner in a USB module that looks like a flash memory thumb drive. Plug in and watch free over-the-air broadcasts on your netbook. Dell is offering a TV tuner for its Mini line. Hauppage and AverMedia are other companies with similar products. It should be noted that these tuners wold work for any PC with a USB port, not just netbooks.

Windows Vista doesn't work very well for netbooks because of their relatively slow processors, simple graphics, and limited memory. Windows 7 is the successor for Vista, and a beta version is available. Several web sites report that Windows 7 works better than Vista (or Windows XP) on the Asus EEE, Acer Aspire One, and MSI Wind models. It's likely that a version of Windows 7 will be developed specifically for computers with modest performance like netbooks.

Prices for current models have fallen to make room for new models. In the past week I have seen deals like: Asus EEE 900A $230 at Best Buy, Asus 1000HA $310 at Zip Zoom Fly and MSI Wind U100 $345 at J&R. I expect the discounts to continue this Spring.

Sometimes a lower price doesn't make a deal better. For example, HP has released a version of its Mini 1000 that has a smaller 8.9 inch screen and Linux OS so it can sell for about $300. Kind of a bait and switch.

The race to deliver sub-$200 netbook is officially on. A number of Taiwan and China manufacturers were at CES, talking up their inexpensive models. You won't see the HiVision, LimePC, Pegatron, Coby, King Yun and Exon Technology names on computers. They will sell to others to distribute. To reach the $199 retail price, most have 9 inch screens and limited disc space.

Linux variants are showing improvements in ease of use. HP has released the Mini 1000 Mi (yes, the "Mini Mi") with a simplified interface for $330. Asus is touting eeeBuntu 8.1. Independent developer Easy Peasy has a version for Asus models, and an Italian group has developed Linux4One, a simplified Ubuntu desktop for Acer Aspire One. An English version of Linux4One wiil be available soon.

Several companies were offering "instant on" features. It takes 45 seconds to start up Windows XP, and about 75 seconds to load Windows Vista on the typical netbook. Linux can be configured to start up faster. The simplified Linux desktop loads in about 10 seconds, and is limited to web browsing, Skype sessions and the like.

A company called DeviceVM produces an instant on Linux desktop called SplashTop. It's used by
the LG X120, Sony Vaio P, and some Lenovo models. Phoenix, the company that writes BIOS software for many computer companies, has an instant-on product called Hyperspace. It can install on any nebook, but the license is a steep $40 per year.

After introducing 9 inch and 10 inch netbooks, several manufacturers are exploring larger screen formats. The Dell Mini 12 was first. Samsung will shortly the NC20 (12 inch 1280 x 800 display). Asus announced the S121 (12.2 inch display). HP will offer a screen upgrade for the 2140 (10.1 inch 1366 x 768 pixel display). And HP is rumored to have a model with a 13 inch display in the works.

The overwhelming majority of netbooks use Intel N270 processor. The next year will see challenges to Intel's dominance. VIA has a new processor named Nano, which is faster and uses less power than previous VIA models. AMD has a processor named AMD Neo which is aimed one step above netbooks. The widely acclaimed new HP Pavilion DV2 notebook uses the Neo.

Along with Intel processors, most netbooks use Intel's 945GSE chipset, which includes graphics support. The 945GSE uses too much battery power, and does not handle display of high definition movies very well. Graphics design firm nVidia has announced a new graphics chip just for netbooks. The new nVidia chip will extend battery life, and increase the speed of display for HD material.

Intel will be difficult to catch, however, because they have new processors in the pipeline. By mid-2009, the standard netbook processor will be the Atom N280, which is a little faster than the N270 used today. The big improvement will come from the use of the Intel GN40 chipset. Like nVidia's product, the GN40 will reduce power and increase graphics performance.

For 2009, several companies are preparing computer tablet designs. Tablets have the basic netbook hardware, supplemented by a rotating LCD that is sensitive to touch. The screen can be rotated and laid down on the keyboard, making a package that's easier to use when on the move. Some touchscreen models include the Viliv S7, an inexpensive design about the size of Sony's new Viao P, the ASUS EEE T91, the CTL 2Go PC, and the Gigabyte M912X. The $800 M912X is intriguing because its 8.9 in screen has higher resolution: 1280 x 768 pixels.

Maximus Ram

Expedition Leader
WOW, thanks for the updated info, Chip.
Looks like I'll have to hold off on getitng one anyways, since I need to gt a new t-case for the Dodge. My "toys" will have to wait. But it seems like I should anyways, since they seem to be upgrading the netbooks at this time.


been lurking here for about 6 months and I just joined because I had to post about my newly aquired ACER!

Love it, slower than the desk top, but that was to be expected. I got it at BEST BUY for 284.00!!!! not the display model. They didn't have one in stock so they gave it to me for the internet price and shipped it to the store for free. I just had to pick it up. The sticker in front of the display model says 299. Get em while they last. This thing is sweet.


Expedition Leader
Acer's new Aspire One model with a 10 inch display is being offered for $349 through online merchant J&R. The configuration includes Windows XP, a 160 GB disc and a 6 cell battery.

This ad establishes $350 as the price for the well-equipped 10 inch netbook. Asus and MSI models with similar configuration can already be found at or near $350. I purchased a MSI Wind with this configuration for $450 just a couple of months ago!

This development effectively pushes the 8.9 inch models below $300.

Speaking of low prices, Dell Outlet ( regularly offers refurbished Mini 9 models with unix operating system, 512MB RAM and 4GB solid state disc for $229. A machine with Unix, 1GB RAM and 8GB SSD costs $259. Shipping is free. The trick is to wait until Dell offers a 15% or 20% discount on these prices, which they do regularly when the inventory of refurbished models is high. That puts a Dell Mini 9 on your desk for about $200.

The Mini 9 is very well supported by hobbyists. You can find instructions online to load Windows 7 or Mac OS X on the Mini 9, it's easy to upgrade the memory and hard disc, and there are hardware hacks like adding a 3G modem.

I sent back the Dell Mini 9 I purchased because the screen was too reflective. I got tired of looking at the lights on the ceiling while I used the computer, and I wasn't happy with the cramped keyboard. But for $200, I might be willing to use one again.

Chip Haven

Maximus Ram

Expedition Leader
dang, for what you get , that is an excellent price on the acer, but unfortunately you have to wait for it and I didn't see any info on when they would be in . I'll have to keep checking staples for it, since they now carry the acer in store here.


I picked up the asus eee pc and I am really happy with it. I went with the 120Gig with windows xp for $349 at best buy. I have been using it for a few weeks as a mobile office and I am really surprised at how well it works. I got the windows one because I have found out the hard way when traveling oversees that very few people in out of the way places support any other operating systems.

You wouldn't think this would be an issue but so far I have been burned twice while oversees with computer problems. Once with a dell that had battery problems and once with a mac that the local internet access would not work with. Hopefully this one will do great for me on my next africa trip.

What I like:
fires up easy
no crappy free trail software
comes with skype preloaded
lots of usb ports
SD card reader built in
pretty good battery life

Dislikes (all minor)
the finish is weird and holds on to fingerprints
the power cord is not that long
no bluetooth built in

One a scale of 1 to 10 I would give it a 9 or so, I am really impressed.

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