New 2014 Xterra Owner- Icedragonmx's trip reports


And this is where my 4 day weekend took a turn for the worse. Best part was I had covered approx. 126km from the last gas station and had seen no one on the logging roads for the whole time I was exploring. Middle of nowhere! Tried to drive north on an old road that had grown in and crossed the flooded trail with no issues going north, but on my return that all changed. Under a very thin layer of sand was mud! Deep soft mud! And I sunk it with 33Mt’s and the locker engaged. This was the start of a big rush to get it unstuck using a power puller and assorted gear including the four Maxtrax and the pulley system to double the pull to 6500lbs.

After bending a extended 4’ handle I was out on higher ground but the truck stopped running and water was in the airbox. Electronics were submerged and I had to manually pull fuses to stop the speaker or electronics under the passenger seat from continuing to short out after turning off the fan and radio at the start of the fun. I hope it was the speaker making noise and not the computer! Ended up camping in the truck on top of the wet gear trying to hide from the hundreds of mosquitoes trying to bleed me dry. Not a fun night and the day time temps were crazy hot and humid too.

Next day was a long hike out looking for anyone and lucky me I found a group of campers within a half days hike. I had packed all my remaining food and water with and after my boots had gone for a swim the day before. I started my hike in the morning with water shoes and a 41lb drybag on my back as the hike was looking to be a multi-day event if no people were seen prior to the main roads. Glad I found the campers and a big thanks for the drive to Minaki ON. The rescue drive into town allowed for me to call for help when in range for the cell and less than 4hrs later a good friend arrived with a full size deluxe 4x4 and trailer. After a rough flat tow out of the tight trails we got the truck to the logging road and on the trailer. Loading went good and the drive back to Winnipeg happened the same night! A HUGE SHOUT OUT to my Pal for the rescue and I owe you huge for any scratches your new truck received!!! Great to have friends like this!

Now on to the pictures of my flooded 2014 Xterra with less than 47,000km on the clock, whaaaa…






After stripping it for all my gear and camping platform and extras the truck was towed to the insurance compound and I am now waiting on what will happen next. Not sure if they will be able to get it running with the electronics under water for that long? Might be issues with water in the airbox too as I hope it didn’t hydro lock or damage the block.

Interior shot reminding to never sink on a wet trail again! :(


Going to be interesting to see what happens next! Might have to find a replacement for mine and they don’t build them new anymore! A Colorado ZR2 with a Vagabond Drifter on top so I can sleep even with the short 5’ box crew cab style might be the new thing. Hard to find a 2014 Xterra with 47k or less in mileage. Grr.


perpetually lost
I don't think I'll eve get another midsize vehicle, certainly will not be getting another 5 foot bed.... but thats just me.

That looks like a serious sink, I hope they take care of you.


I don't think I'll eve get another midsize vehicle, certainly will not be getting another 5 foot bed.... but thats just me.

That looks like a serious sink, I hope they take care of you.

Thanks, was a bad day for water but hoping it will all sort itself out in the end one way or the other!


Aww man. That sucks. I’m very worried about water crossings.. how did you make it on the way in, but not out? Adventure for sure, hope the insurance comes through.

One question I got is about the power puller. How do you like it and why not a powered winch? Would it have made an difference in this case? I have a slightly older 2010 xterra but indentical weight wise. I’m not keen on having a permanent winch mounted.

Thanks for posting.

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Aww man. That sucks. I’m very worried about water crossings.. how did you make it on the way in, but not out? Adventure for sure, hope the insurance comes through.

One question I got is about the power puller. How do you like it and why not a powered winch? Would it have made an difference in this case? I have a slightly older 2010 xterra but indentical weight wise. I’m not keen on having a permanent winch mounted.

Thanks for posting.
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The crossing was below the body going north but I must have broken through a very thin top layer of sand and found the swamp mud underneath as the return trip was totally different. Started sinking in the loose muck and when the tires started hunting for traction I was already much deeper in than expected. I am worried about how much of a loss I am going to suffer with insurance as this has seen very little use for the years I have owned it. (Under 47,000 km in 4.5 years) :( This was going to last me 12+ years...

The Power Puller is AWESOME!!!! I can't say how great they are. Normal come-a-longs are a disposable item where this is a heritage tool that can be passed down to the next generation. The handle is the fusible link so that the main body and gears are not destroyed. I maxed it out with over 230lbs of weight on the extended handle and this kept working for the whole show! I do need to replace a handle (can still use it as is) but at $6.49 for one that's a cheap fix. I bought it with several spares just for this reason.

A power winch would have drained the battery reserves in short order so not sure if that would have been enough to get me out completely. I have not installed a winch and winch bumper due the additional weight that would add and for the extra suspension work to balance it out. Was trying to keep it street comfy. Get a Power Puller, it is worth every penny and is very easy to use and store. Buy an extra handle or two if you plan on resting the frame on swamp muck while stuck in deep water with a high bank to pull over! Lol.
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Aww man. That sucks. I’m very worried about water crossings.. how did you make it on the way in, but not out? Adventure for sure, hope the insurance comes through.

One question I got is about the power puller. How do you like it and why not a powered winch? Would it have made an difference in this case? I have a slightly older 2010 xterra but indentical weight wise. I’m not keen on having a permanent winch mounted.

Thanks for posting.
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The crossing was below the body going north but I must have broken through a very thin top layer of sand and found the swamp mud underneath as the return trip was totally different. Started sinking in the loose muck and when the tires started hunting for traction I was already much deeper in than expected. I am worried about how much of a loss I am going to suffer with insurance as this has seen very little use for the years I have owned it. (Under 47,000 km in 4.5 years) :( This was going to last me 12+ years...

The Power Puller is AWESOME!!!! I can't say how great they are. Normal come-a-longs are a disposable item where this is a heritage tool that can be passed down to the next generation. The handle is the fusible link so that the main body and gears are not destroyed. I maxed it out with over 230lbs of weight on the extended handle and this kept working for the whole show! I do need to replace a handle (can still use it as is) but at $6.49 for one that's a cheap fix. I bought it with several spares just for this reason.

A power winch would have drained the battery reserves in short order so not sure if that would have been enough to get me out completely. I have not installed a winch and winch bumper due the additional weight that would add and for the extra suspension work to balance it out. Was trying to keep it street comfy. Get a Power Puller, it is worth every penny and is very easy to use and store. Buy an extra handle or two if you plan on resting the frame on swamp muck while stuck in deep water with a high bank to pull over! Lol.

Thanks icedragonmx. In BC, our provincial insurer typically pays out the market value of the vehicle..your rates do go up of course. Hopefully your insurance takes care of you as well. Xterras are becoming rarer and clean pro4x even more so.

What other equipment do you have in addition to the power puller? Extended winch lines? Snatch blocks? I’m hoping to avoid adding 200lb to the front end. My x is my dd.

Thanks for the advice.

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Thanks icedragonmx. In BC, our provincial insurer typically pays out the market value of the vehicle..your rates do go up of course. Hopefully your insurance takes care of you as well. Xterras are becoming rarer and clean pro4x even more so.

What other equipment do you have in addition to the power puller? Extended winch lines? Snatch blocks? I’m hoping to avoid adding 200lb to the front end. My x is my dd.

Thanks for the advice.

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I carry a fair bit of recovery gear as I am far enough away that being self reliant is required most of the time (got lucky this time finding a rescue)

3x recovery straps (20' and two 30' 2" 20,000lb straps)
Power Puller with extra handle and extension
8' tree strap (3" static strap)
22' of recovery chain (high test-grade 80+)
folding wood saw - Silky Bigboy 2000

Dewalt 20V saw for trail maintenance and dead fall
50' winch steel cable - never used
100' synthetic winch cable extension
snatch block -rarely used
axe and full size shovel - get a full sized shovel, you will curse the compact ones

Maxtrax x4 (worth every penny)
Gloves and first aid kit etc etc...

The first group will get you out of 99% of the messes. Never used the extra winch cable but have dug a spare into the ground as a land anchor. The power puller and chain and straps see the most use and are fairly compact. Hope that helps!

Had a call from my adjuster late Friday and he was great at explaining the cost breakout and how they arrived at the total price (tires and mods included). I am very happy with the process to date and will be meeting on Monday to sign papers so they can write the vehicle off as a Class III electrical loss. I lose out on the rescue and recovery cost ($530) but this is still way better than not being insured for the truck! Just happy it is being resolved!!!! I will get hit hard on my licence for the accident as it is 100% my fault as per MPI. Will have a bit of $$$$ to make up for due to taxes on the next purchase but such is life.


So sad man. I'm sorry for your loss. To add insult to injury someone will buy your truck from MPI and "recondition" it sell it for a profit to some poor guy who'll have nothing but electrical gremlins because of all the corroded wiring.
any thoughts on what your next rig will be?
Btw I'm in the 'Peg too.


So sad man. I'm sorry for your loss. To add insult to injury someone will buy your truck from MPI and "recondition" it sell it for a profit to some poor guy who'll have nothing but electrical gremlins because of all the corroded wiring.
any thoughts on what your next rig will be?
Btw I'm in the 'Peg too.

Thanks, it is tough losing my expedition vehicle but I am just happy I got home with the gear and my feet intact. MPI will have locked out the VIN from being registered again so hopefully no one has to deal with the electrical gremlins. Still some great drivetrain parts for salvage but i don't know if they did a compression test on the motor. I hate to say it but I am looking to replace the Xterra with a Colorado ZR2 with a Vagabond Drifter. Its a huge appeal to have the extra storage and payload and a stand up spot next to the bed! With the Drifter I can also leave the canoe on while sleeping and the wedge design will rock while winter camping in the snow. Might get an Alu-Cab 270 Awning too to add to the long term camping comforts but that would be much later after recovering from buying the camper. The ZR2 comes factory with dual lockers and lift and tow package so the extras are already there under warranty. Its also a small narrow truck so should still fit on the same trails!
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I love mid size trucks! so many more trails are accessible to you. Diesel ZR2? Have you checked out the "other overland website" there are a great bunch of Winnipegers on it that hang out every so often. no egos, no drama, just guys who love 4x4 trucks and camping. we haven't had a group camp yet but it'll be happening soon.


I love mid size trucks! so many more trails are accessible to you. Diesel ZR2? Have you checked out the "other overland website" there are a great bunch of Winnipegers on it that hang out every so often. no egos, no drama, just guys who love 4x4 trucks and camping. we haven't had a group camp yet but it'll be happening soon.

I just signed the papers and my Xterra Pro4x is officially dead now :(

I am going with the gas ZR2 to have a common fuel source to my buddies trucks. I am hopefully on a new set of wheels by end of the week and will start a new thread to launch the start of the ZR2 adventures in the domestic midsize forum pages. Would love a link to the local site as I am fairly active with my adventures! Can you message me if you don't want to post it? I should have a working system soon pending the camper shipping etc...

Looks like I wont be able to post much in the Nissan forums anymore :(

Manitoba X

Manitoba X
That is was a ************ situation that you were in. I hope that MPI gave you a fair deal for your Xterra. You could always try to appeal the decision. I did that on a hit and run accident. I was fortunate enough to win my appeal and not lose any merits or increase in my licence.

I enjoyed following your Xterra adventures. I was hoping to meet up with a fellow Xterra runner. Now that we are pretty much settled in the new house. Maybe I will check out some of the runs you made except the last one were you killed the X.LOL

Good luck with the new build and I will continue to follow along.


That is was a ************ situation that you were in. I hope that MPI gave you a fair deal for your Xterra. You could always try to appeal the decision. I did that on a hit and run accident. I was fortunate enough to win my appeal and not lose any merits or increase in my licence.

I enjoyed following your Xterra adventures. I was hoping to meet up with a fellow Xterra runner. Now that we are pretty much settled in the new house. Maybe I will check out some of the runs you made except the last one were you killed the X.LOL

Good luck with the new build and I will continue to follow along.

Thanks, I was very happy with my adjuster and he explained everything in detail with how they arrived at the price. This was my fault as per MPI and I am going to have to cover the deductible and demerits.

Glad you could enjoy the trip reports! Lots of great trails to be found just north of Kenora if you like to explore. Give me a pm if you need GPS pins for some of the areas. I should be operational with a dual locker truck in the weeks time too ;) Just in case you need a recovery truck, lol. The Xterra is very capable as mine was still all factory other than the tires. It got me to a few great places!


That is to bad. When you are building up your ZR2 look into Warrior winches. I have one of their Competition winches with Synthetic line and it was less than you would think. It is a short drum option so it holds less line, but with winch line extensions I get the length I need when offroad, but not adding the weight on the daily drive

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