Brett, no offense taken or even considered on my end

All good.
Like 1Louder, I detest the south rim and much prefer the north side of the GC. Specifically I go to a spot called "Crazy Jug Point" on the rim within the Kaibab National Forest. I've hiked down to Thunder River twice (just got back this week) starting from Monument Point (also in the Kaibab NF). I mention this because you can camp in the Kaibab NF ANYWHERE at no cost (it's called "dispersed camping"and "primitive" meaning there are NO amenities whatsoever -- you're outlanding dude). I've pitched my tent numerous times right on the rim. Try doing that on the South side. Granted there are NO facilities, unless you go to the Indian Hollow campground which only as a privy, a few campsites with picnic tables and NO WATER. You can stay 14 days in the NF in the same spot without having to move AND you don't need a back-country permit for this. Once you drop below the rim however, you've now entered a National Park which DOES require that permit. It's a pretty simple task and very inexpensive. I think it's $5 a day or something silly like that. I fly into Las Vegas -- a lot more fun than going to Flagstaff once you're done

and less expensive to fly into I might add -- and then drive North on the interstate towards St. George, UT. Eventually you head back east with the jumping off point being Fredonia, AZ. The roads in the NF are generally pretty good and I've NEVER had an issue getting to/from the spot I've just described. The roads are well marked and you'll run into very few people. This also puts you very close to other natural wonders in Utah (UT) like Zion & Bryce canyons for instance. I've gotten to the point now that I drive a complete loop around the Grand Canyon ending up back in Lost Vegas

In fact, the whole reason I'm even "here" is due to my need for information for outfitting my Jeep Wrangler with the necessary gear -- like the 730US -- to be self-sufficient on the rim for those 14 days. Rangers tell me you simply move to another spot and you have another 14 days. Anyway, the GC is a passion of mine and I have 100's of photo's I've taken of the scenery which I'm more than happy to share with you (just ask). Like the Great Barrier Reef, the Grand Canyon is 1 (#1 actually with the GBR #2) of the 8 Natural Wonders of the World. It is simply impossible to describe the enormity of this place. I've hiked Rim to Rim twice and it's something like 23 miles across. Besides, once your done you can always spend time in Las Vegas which needs NO hyping

I can be your informal tour guide by providing information should you decide to take the trip. Besides, one of these days I'd like to go Australia so perhaps we can exchange tips. I've purchased the lithium battery so I'm now waiting for the 730US. I'm excited about the possibilities.