you are absolutely correct! It is the shock package that I'm running that makes all the difference. That is precisely the point! It is the components and other variable that make it perform, not merely being IFS. Listen, I'm not some die-hard solid axle guy that claims solid axles are the end all be all. I love IFS! It is the RIGHT choice in many cases and I own IFS vehicles. But
@Pilat is making idiotic claims plain and simple and isn't worth engaging in a discussion because of his lack of understanding.
It can be debated as to whether or not the benefits of IFS outweigh the benefits of a solid axle. Is IFS adequate offroad, sure in many cases. I offroad in IFS vehicles all the time and they are more than "adequate". I will agree that for the majority on this forum, IFS is completely sufficient for what they do offroad. Sufficient and adequate doesn't make it better in every case.
Since you brought up Trophy Trucks and I've been around them a bit having raced in are correct that they run IFS. For truly competitive high speeds, there is no question that IFS is superior. Solid axle vehicles in Baja have zero chance of keeping up with IFS trophy trucks, regardless of how good their shocks are. But we're not talking about desert racing. We're talking about the type of offroading that is common among people on this forum. In that world, IFS is great but will NOT ALWAYS outperform a solid axle purely because it is IS.
The offer still stands, even though I know you wont take me up on it. Come go for a drive.