New Expedition Camper - Overland Explorer


How big is your battery bank?

Does 240 amp hours sound right? Which sounds like a lot if you are using 40 amp/hrs/day. I am not sure my current system would last three days running the furnace fan and lights. That is about all it does. Furnace, water heater and cooktop are all diesel powered.

PS how do you know how much power you are using?
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Expedition Leader
Does 240 amp hours sound right? Which sounds like a lot if you are using 40 amp/hrs/day. I am not sure my current system would last three days running the furnace fan and lights. That is about all it does. Furnace, water heater and cooktop are all diesel powered.

PS how do you know how much power you are using?

My furnace is a diesel Webasto also. But it short cycles and uses a bit extra power.....

240 may be right, Depends on how many and what size batteries.

I have a shunt, it measures all the current in and out of the batteries. REALLY awesome. Goes between the main negative to the battery and ground. Gives you total percentage, current draw, total AH drawn etc. ~$160 on Amazon.


More info on our trip. For those interested here is the kml file link.!Am_FdVE7iQD_kMkBHFzycoFKBw3g5w

Total trip was just over 1900 miles and with the exception of a few hours of rain while driving the weather was fantastic. Saw some empty spaces which is almost always my goal. On Friday we drove all day and saw about ten other vehicles the entire day. This includes driving the freeway from Wells to Wendover!!!!!!!

Ruby Lake in particular was fascinating to me.

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A few hundred miles were spent on roads like these.
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An interesting part of the trip was we crossed the pass through the trees and got to the other side in the dark. We got confused and turned around in large part due to the fact that the train tracks kept showing up on different sides as we stumbled around. WITHOUT US CROSSING THEM! We didn't realize the tracks went through a tunnel. IN the dark we were oblivious to the fact they were passing UNDERNEATH us. Oh well it's things like that that make trips and create memories.
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Expedition Leader
Does it give any kind of measurement of AH left in the battery?

Yes it measures amps in and out. When you hook it up, you charge the batteries fully and connect it, then tell ti your battery bank size and it does the rest.


That on/off repeat cycle is moderated big time by the thicker bottom on the pan.... like a flywheel moderates a piston engine power strokes.
Also, the temp regulation is by percentage of time on.
On cheaper conduction units, maybe the on/off cycling is slower than on the higher end units...?
We have a home induction unit that we have had for 25+ years and it is great to use, plus high efficiency.
I have 2x11kg propane bottles. Full blast burner is 5000 btu/hr. That is 206 hr of full blast cooking, enough for >1yr camping. Diesel is of course used for hot water and heat.


One thing to consider is your travel behavior... if you are moving every 24hrs, and I assume your high current alternator is charging your battery bank, then every time you move, you charge your batteries...

Do you have AGM or lion batteries?, I assume you have a battery monitor??? What data does it give you?

Yes I do have dual alternators on the truck. I think its 360 amps combined. And I have an 8D AGM battery.

I do typically move every day. The only info panel I have shows the voltage of the battery. Or perhaps its the voltage at the inverter? The inverter has to be on for it to display any info.


Expedition Leader
If you're driving for a couple hours every day, you will likely be fine with an additional 40 amp hour load.

Sounds like you should grab one of those victron battery monitors. Easy to install and really useful. Way more than just voltage which isn't a very accurate way to monitor batteries.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk


Tail-End Charlie
I have a motorola z2 force... and it has what is called “mods” devices that magnetically attach.. one of the attachments is a nano video projector... that projector and a bose blue tooth speaker... or a small laptop/iPad and a bose blue tooth speaker...

I travelled Asia last year and I used this system with a small laptop... the projector was not out yet, it would have been much better... it projects a huge image, up to 70” tv.... and with those white walls of yours... you may have a great spot to project onto.... and that little bose, is amazing...

I have that same phone. They sent me the ($300) projector as a sign-on bonus (freebie).

The battery is only good for 30 minutes and it can't run off the phone's battery.

I swapped the projector to a guy at work for a big add-on battery and a top of the line LG bluetooth headset.


Quick update on JuannaGo, aka my truck/camper.

I have been very happy with how the Crossfire tire pressure equalization system is working out. I do have to lower pressure in each duel but when it comes to airing back up I can use the central valve stem.

I also bought a set of hoses with ends that screw onto the value stems. I can air up all four fuel duels at the same time with one connection to my compressor. I have a valve stem on the hose so I can monitor pressure at a central point. I can do the same thing for the front tires. Super handy. I know it takes about 20 min to air up the four duels so I can turn it on and let it run.

I am currently running the duels at 60 psi and fronts at 80. I do monitor the tire temps and have a wait and see outlook with summer temps on the way.

I also got the truck all loaded up. Water, fuel, bedding, equipment, food etc and weighed each axle end.

Left front 3020
Right front. 2960

Right rear. 4500
Left rear. 4420

I think that is about as spot on as a person can expect.

Busy getting ready for spending spring break week in Moab. Leaving Friday next week. With the truck/camper and towing a Land Cruiser.

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