Pellet Rifle
Savage Mark II
Remington 870 Express
You can get all three new for half of your $1500 budget.....take the rest and spend half on ammo/scopes and put the rest towards retiring earlier.
-Pellet rifle because ammo is still a pain to find and I bet there will be another crazed hoarding of ammo within a year.
-10/22 is a fun gun but I highly prefer a bolt action. They feed anything and the accu trigger on Savage is great. 22lr ammo is still quite difficult to find especially 50rd boxes in a bunch of variety to figure out what the gun likes best. I prefer something that will shoot anything pretty accurately and keep me from chewing through ammo like a semi auto. For the price I don't think there is a better 22. I have taken many rabbits and squirrels with this 22 subsonic ammo.
-870 express....fantastic shotgun, highly reliable, accurate, simple. I also prefer a pump, it's always made me hesitate that extra millisecond to place my follow up/2nd wing shot more accurately.
Sure fancier firearms exist but if you plan on using them in the field it hurts far less when they get banged up......and they will
I'm surprised that you have a hard time finding ammo. It is readily available in my area and also online. Not everything..... but a wide selection of calibers and in abundant quantities. Every retailer I have asked says that the ammo shortage ended 6-12 months ago.
I would also second the idea of an air rifle. I shoot my air rifles 20x more often than my firearms. They are very accurate, quiet to shoot and quality pellets are just $11-12 for a tin of 500. In the past year, I have done more hunting with air rifles than firearms too.
Hadn't looked in awhile online. Looks like there is some 22lr back around but it's still pretty high on price and stock seems to still be pretty low and not as varied. What air rifle do you have?
-870 express....fantastic shotgun, highly reliable, accurate, simple.