New four wheel campers web site "coming soon"


We are having a web designer create & build a complete "new & improved" web site for us.

We have known for quite some time that the FWC web site needed help and to be revamped.

They just started laying everything out yesterday, and we are now gathering content to put on the new site.


Please e-mail me directly at ... OR add your comments to this post.

What would you like to see on a new FWC web site ?

What changes have you wished for ?

What information or questions have you had when reseacrhing our campers, but haven't been able to find on our web site ?

We are also looking for some customer testimonials and pictures from "happy campers" using a four wheel pop-up camper out in the field.

Look forward to hearing from onyone that is willing to help us out.

Your feedback is greatly appreciated !

Thanks so Much !!!

Stan Kennedy



I'd like to see exterior dimensions of each camper drawn out like this.


  • dimensions.jpg
    30.7 KB · Views: 260


Spamicus Eliminatus
You already mentioned it, but a huge focus on a regularly updated "customers trucks" photo section. The more pictures, the better.


Bigassgas Explorer

Thanks for the acknowledgement of the website. Being I made a sarcastic comment about your current website in a different thread calling it “sucktastic”, I feel I owe it to you to provide feedback for the new website.

1) Overall first impression is the current website is aging. Plain white wallpaper with blue font as well as the scroll down the left side just is very dated. Perhaps to help with the “first impression” would be to add some nice outdoorsy background wallpaper featuring watermarks of your products out in the wild. Something like the theme that has going on is what I am talking about.

2) It seems your current website has too many links that open new browsers such as when you click a camper model then click on the model gallery photos. Next thing you know a person has 4 or 5 browsers open just surfing the FWC website. Many of these browsers are slow to open I might add. In fact, I am still waiting on the Grandby model photo gallery to load as I write this.

3) Pictures. It would be nice to be able to zoom in on all pictures. The pictures in the General, Exterior and Interior are not clickable to view a larger image.

4) Dimensional drawings would be nice as mentioned above

5) FWC does a great job of outlining the Features and Specifications as to what is standard, optional or n/a. Heck, BMWusa’s website doesn’t even do that. Try finding standard equipment on a new BMW 335i. You won’t unless you download the product brochure. Poor job by BMW.

6) Options and Pricing. While the downloadable PDF price sheet is adequate it would be nice to have an automated method of selecting options while the price automatically calculates. Basically, a “Build Your Own” feature like the automotive companies have on their websites. I feel GM and Toyota have some of the best cost and option calculators. However, what FWC does a great job of is showing actual photos what each option looks like. That is great! Maybe in the short term to help with the cost and option calculation, add an Excel file in addition to the PDF. When I downloaded the PDF price sheet I had to use a ruler to go down the list to add up the options in order to get a final price and thinking what an old fashion way of doing business when I just came up with a $19,000 price! The price lends itself to a high quality product. It would just seem customers should have a high quality tool when spec’ing such a large purchase.

I love your products and hope to have a Grandby on my Silverado in 2010.


I know, I know.

I feel your pain too.


The new site is coming someday, when I'm not sure, but it will happen.

I need to push a few buttons of some key people here soon.

Maybe we can get some results that way.






I know, I know.

I feel your pain too.


The new site is coming someday, when I'm not sure, but it will happen.

I need to push a few buttons of some key people here soon.

Maybe we can get some results that way.





Just keep on trying man. Keep up the good work. I know it isn't easy to get people to see the "light" ;)

Overland Hadley

on a journey
A year later, any hope of a new website soon?

I would like to see all current models listed, like the Sparrow and the flat bed models. Just would be good to know what is available.


Fixer & Builder of Things
Maybe Four Wheel Campers would be willing to trade product for a website and maintenance?

When you start to break down how much product they offer with all of the various models and options it becomes alot of content to display and organize.

I know I'd like to be able to estimate the cost and see examples of a Keystone for a flatbed, with the dinette and bed situated length wise.

Stan, let me know if you want to barter.


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