New gaiagps map feature?


Active member
@Superduty. Maybe try downloading only the Overland layer, exclusive of any other layers you have already downloaded? I believe that the purpose of the Overland layer is to combine several other commonly used layers into one 'convenient' unit. At least thats the way it seems when I view it side by side (Overland vs multiple other layers) for the area I live in.



Is there any good reason to do what you suggest? I surmise Gaia is smart enough to only download the data I'm missing to make the overlander layer complete. If that's the case, i assume if i select the overlander layer i will be able to see everything associated with that layer.

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Western Dirt Rat
Gaia will make the layer you select active (on android select layer and drag to top in layer screen). Sometimes it glitches and shows other layers a bit but it usually resolves itself to the selected layer.


Gaia will make the layer you select active (on android select layer and drag to top in layer screen). Sometimes it glitches and shows other layers a bit but it usually resolves itself to the selected layer.
I understand that.

My point earlier was to say downloading the overland layer may not be adding much info to Gaia topo (feet). Gaia doesn't download the same data twice, so in my case since i already have Gaia topo (feet), there wasn't much data to add.

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My point earlier was to say downloading the overland layer may not be adding much info to Gaia topo (feet). Gaia doesn't download the same data twice, so in my case since i already have Gaia topo (feet), there wasn't much data to add.
I have drawn this conclusion also.



Is there any good reason to do what you suggest? I surmise Gaia is smart enough to only download the data I'm missing to make the overlander layer complete. If that's the case, i assume if i select the overlander layer i will be able to see everything associated with that layer.

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Since it is an entirely different base map and not a layer you would want to download it. Gaia won't add the different data to the default Gaia Topo. They are entirely separate. I run the new Overland base map along with the USFS Roads and Trails layer hidden underneath. Then you get more trail details when tapping on a given trail. Don't forget to select download offline routing as well. That takes little storage and allows you to plan routes without internet.


Since it is an entirely different base map and not a layer you would want to download it. Gaia won't add the different data to the default Gaia Topo. They are entirely separate. I run the new Overland base map along with the USFS Roads and Trails layer hidden underneath. Then you get more trail details when tapping on a given trail. Don't forget to select download offline routing as well. That takes little storage and allows you to plan routes without internet.

Is the overlander layer really an entirely different basemap? That is what I am trying to figure out.

As I mentioned above (maybe not so clearly), I had Gaia Topo (feet) downloaded for part of the western US (CA, AZ, NV, OR). I then downloaded the overlander layer for that approximate same area. The download happened very quickly. Gaia indicated the overland layer was comprised of 48905 tiles. However, Gaia downloaded 406 tiles and said it was complete. If it is a different basemap, why didnt it download all the 48905 tiles?


Is the overlander layer really an entirely different basemap? That is what I am trying to figure out.

As I mentioned above (maybe not so clearly), I had Gaia Topo (feet) downloaded for part of the western US (CA, AZ, NV, OR). I then downloaded the overlander layer for that approximate same area. The download happened very quickly. Gaia indicated the overland layer was comprised of 48905 tiles. However, Gaia downloaded 406 tiles and said it was complete. If it is a different basemap, why didnt it download all the 48905 tiles?

You would have to ask Gaia support that question I guess. Gaia lists it as a unique Base map. When I did a test for the state of Wyoming, I have no existing maps for that, the Overland Base Map said it was around 8,000 tiles 256mb of storage. Once downloaded I will go offline and see what appears.


I didn't see a link to this article by Gaia in this thread (if it's already here, my apologies). Anyhow it has some good info about the overland map. It seems it might do most everything a person would want for overlanding.

I am curious, if i still need the Gaia Topo (feet) map for anything anymore?

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There are a number of rules around the number of tiles that you can have grouped as an individual map. The Gaia help files address this pretty well.

Also there seems to be some issues / limitations associated with the inclusion of large urban areas in your offline map downloads. This is just a personal observation, I haven't found much on this in the Gaia help files.

Seems like they could do a bit more work on how they manage their map files.

I have been a Garmin guy for years but the amazing number of map layers available on Gaia and the bigger screens of smart phones or tablets have me largely converted to Gaia.


Well-known member
Been delaying the inevitable and just downloaded Gaia premium. This new ‘layer’ sounds great!
Will download the actual layer tonight and see if the tile counts match the file as I am starting from scratch. Any other tips?


Western Dirt Rat
I didn't see a link to this article by Gaia in this thread (if it's already here, my apologies). Anyhow it has some good info about the overland map. It seems it might do most everything a person would want for overlanding.

I am curious, if i still need the Gaia Topo (feet) map for anything anymore?

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I've found that Gaia Overland has the Gaia typical data embedded. Strangely, the regular Gaia maps consistently missed entire lakes in the Wind Rivers last week while Overland showed them perfectly. I would still always download the critical Topo 7.5 Minute quads. Very well worth it to have multiple data sets and USGS topo still can't be beat for detail.


Well-known member
I subscribed to Gaia premium but I still can’t seem to find the overland when adding map layers. Any tips?


I messaged Gaia support. They said the overland layer has EVERYTHING the Topo layer has and a little bit more, but it's also packaged a little differently to appeal to overlanders. Different styling - colors and shading and certain things are easier to read.

They said if you like the overland map then there is no reason to also have the topo layer.

I'm switching to only using the overland layer.

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