New Generator - Thoughts on size, make, model


New member
Any recommendations on generators? For use at house and mobile. Able to run two fridges, well pump, and a few other things. Size? Brand & model? Want it to be able to be used at the house but also be mobile enough to get used in other scenarios like "car" camping, deer camp, etc

Any thoughts on doing 2 generators running parallel set up? Seems like more versatility to be able to take just one for small jobs or share if others need power, but can run parallel for more power in one spot. For example, running 2 Honda 2200 units parallel but option to split OR run one 7000 or 7500 unit. Thoughts?


You can't go wrong with Honda. Is it for emergency back up at home? You might get away with a single Honda 2200 , as you say you can always double them up.


Kapitis Indagatoris
A few more things to consider: fuel type (gas, propane, diesel, combo, etc), electric start or pull start, portable or stationary, altitude operating at, switch box to fuse box wiring, will you need to run a heater or A/C, stove, tv/internet service, microwave, blow dryer, etc.....

We live at 8300 ft in the Rockies. The first year we lost power I managed to keep our two freezers, fridge, well pump and pellet stove running with a Honda 2000 Until the power came back on...not fun and a ******** load of extension cords. After that I purchased 10000 watt gas/propane gen from Costco, wired in an external gen plug and separate fuse panel (plus cutoffs for our solar panels). The gen panel feeds our three fridges, well pump, pellet stove, stove, microwave, coffee pot, tv/internet, select lights/plugs through the house, water heater, no A/C in the mountains. During the Cold Spring forest fire we lived off the generator for three weeks And a week here or there due to weather since. Fuel storage is also an issue and run time/down time to check levels and just have quiet.
I keep the gen stored inside until needed and run it annually along with new fuel, oil and plug. I wouldn’t suggest messing with multiple generators or try to squeak by on a small one, so buy the biggest and correct size for your needs and future needs because you and you family will be stressed enough during those times that you just want it to work.

A couple other suggestions. If it’s portable buy the biggest logging chain and lock to secure it to a tree, vehicle or pole. Generators become very popular when needed and are quickly and easily stolen. If it rains or storms get a heavy duty canvas tarp to cover it and keep moisture, dust, ash out of it But, keep the exhaust free.
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Man On a Mission
Gas/Petrol powered Generators are better for use in cold climates because petrol has a much lower freezing point than diesel, Diesel starts to thicken up at around -9*c / 15*f unless the refinery adds some kind of additive to it,

You don't want to run any 4x4 fridge direct from a fuel powered generator even with AVR because when they run out of fuel they Rev up and send a voltage spike through the fridge, and "YES" Even Honda Generators do this, Engel Australia say that the number one Killer of their Fridges is because people run their fridge direct from a Generator,

If you are going to use a Generator then power your fridge from a 12V/24v Battery and hook the Generator to the Battery that way the battery acts as a Buffer protecting the fridge,

Others will tell you this is not So but they only own one or Two Fridges Engel have made Millions of fridges and I think that they would know best, and if anyone says other wise ask them if Engel has asked them for advise, At the end of the day it is up to you because you are going to have to pay the repair bill because If a Generator Kills your fridge That is not Covered under Warranty,


Man On a Mission
Would be silly to run direct anyway, when one hour charging will run the fridge for more than 24 hours
Yeah I agree,

I just reread some of the posts on an Aussie Forum regarding running fridges direct from a Genny and this Issue is quite wide spread but not many people know about it,


I would look into the Harbor Freight 3000. Its a copy cat of the Honda but its a fraction of the cost. I used to get all hung up on geting the big names so I bought a Yamaha 2000. A bunch of my friends all have $500 champions or harbor frieghts. They all seem to run the same while camping.

The Harbor freight 3000 is pretty impressive. Its super quiet and only around $650 on sale. Its got a smaller tank than the honder so you might want to look into an extended tank add on if your running it a while.

My Yamaha 2000 has kept my Engle fridge,house fridge/freezer, TV with surround sound and a hand full of lights running. It defenitely stuggles when the fridge kicks in and the tv sometimes shuts off due to voltage drop until it can spool up and handle the load.


Man On a Mission
I would look into the Harbor Freight 3000. Its a copy cat of the Honda but its a fraction of the cost. I used to get all hung up on geting the big names so I bought a Yamaha 2000. A bunch of my friends all have $500 champions or harbor frieghts. They all seem to run the same while camping.

The Harbor freight 3000 is pretty impressive. Its super quiet and only around $650 on sale. Its got a smaller tank than the honder so you might want to look into an extended tank add on if your running it a while.

My Yamaha 2000 has kept my Engle fridge,house fridge/freezer, TV with surround sound and a hand full of lights running. It defenitely stuggles when the fridge kicks in and the tv sometimes shuts off due to voltage drop until it can spool up and handle the load.
I bought this one, it is a solid well built Generator and it has enough power to handle most things without being too heavy or Thirsty,



It defenitely stuggles when the fridge kicks in and the tv sometimes shuts off due to voltage drop until it can spool up and handle the load.
Easy Start unit e.g. 364 will help with that lowers stresses throughout the system.

Often dead necessary with aircon


Well-known member
Gas/Petrol powered Generators are better for use in cold climates because petrol has a much lower freezing point than diesel, Diesel starts to thicken up at around -9*c / 15*f unless the refinery adds some kind of additive to it,

You don't want to run any 4x4 fridge direct from a fuel powered generator even with AVR because when they run out of fuel they Rev up and send a voltage spike through the fridge, and "YES" Even Honda Generators do this, Engel Australia say that the number one Killer of their Fridges is because people run their fridge direct from a Generator,

If you are going to use a Generator then power your fridge from a 12V/24v Battery and hook the Generator to the Battery that way the battery acts as a Buffer protecting the fridge,

Others will tell you this is not So but they only own one or Two Fridges Engel have made Millions of fridges and I think that they would know best, and if anyone says other wise ask them if Engel has asked them for advise, At the end of the day it is up to you because you are going to have to pay the repair bill because If a Generator Kills your fridge That is not Covered under Warranty,

I thought we'd settled this here.

@MAG00 - Here's the Honda EU2200i manual.
These generators are actually designed to vary engine rpm without affecting voltage.

You can run just about anything within its capacity (yes, including a portable fridge) off of the regulated 120VAC power it provides without worry, even if it runs out of fuel. Whether one or two will best meet your power needs is another matter, but Honda & Yamaha make fine portable, quiet generators that provide clean power. Follow their instructions, and you won't have any problems.
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Man On a Mission
Still running on with this Phantom Fridge Menace, I see. Everybody needs a hobby.
I thought we'd settled this here, but you keep bringing it up.

@MAG00 - Here's the Honda EU2200i manual.
These generators are actually designed to vary engine rpm without affecting voltage.

You can run just about anything within its capacity (yes, including a portable fridge) off of the regulated 120VAC power it provides without worry, even if it runs out of fuel. Whether one or two will best meet your power needs is another matter, but Honda & Yamaha make fine portable, quiet generators that provide clean power. Follow their instructions, and you won't have any problems.

I don't care what it says in the Honda Manual because it says the "SAME" in my manual, But that does not change the fact I know of a lot of people who have had to get there Engel fridges repaired and I know of a few repair shops that have a back log of fridges awaiting parts all with the same problem All cause by the same mistake/Generator,

If you don't stop putting out this misinformation you are going to cost people a lot of money in repair bills and Ruined holidays, Just because Honda say you can does not remove the fact that "ALL" Generators even with AVR will an "HAVE" Killed fridges,

I have been around 12v Fridges for a very long time, and they have been around a lot longer where I come from than they have in the US, and they have been part of my life for over 40 years,

Keep plugging yours in to the Honda and I promise I won't laugh too much when the repair bill comes,


Man On a Mission
We went 'round this merry-go-round before.

For all the harm you claim, there's a dearth of reports supporting your misinformation. In a world where people complain about everything, it's strange that the list of fridge owners with this failure is so difficult to compile. "A lot of people" must be very quiet about their generators disabling their fridges.

You're confusing old gensets with poor regulation with new ones with excellent regulation. It's as simple as that, and I don't care to continue discussing your confusion on the topic any more. Keep making up the truth if you want, but to be blunt, it's not true.
Like I said, Enjoy the Repair Bill, I've got no horse in this race. So I don't Care about the outcome.


I think the issue is irrelevant, why would you run a fridge off a genset without a battery buffer?

Fridge needs to run 24*7 anyway unless you put in a eutectic holding plate system, can't see many doing that on land. . .


Man On a Mission
Like I said, you have nothing to prove your dire warning has any substance. Again.
Look Mate I have tried to warn you of the pit falls not many people know about because it was the right thing to do, I have nothing to gain from this and due to your constant berating I will leave it up to you to find where I got the info from,

It would of been wrong of me to sit back and say nothing as we all share a common interest, I have nothing to prove to you or anyone else but after owning a lot of 12v Fridges and Coolers I have never had one go south, but I do know where there are stock rooms of fridges awaiting repair due to being powered by top brand and cheap generators alike,

So Ignore anything I have said about Generators causing problems,

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