New GPS tracking app for Android OS phones


OverCamping Specialist
New free app, I installed it this morning.

This app records your tracks much like a handheld GPS does.
Measure speed, distance, keeps tracks, ect.
use for hiking, in the rig, and mountain biking.

I turned it on when I left jobsite #1 to travel to jobsite #2.
You can view it on the map or with satellite overlay, pretty cool.
If I can figure out later how to upload it online, I will.
I will look at it more when I get home.

The Droid and all Android OS system based phones are getting a lot of cool apps as of late.


OverCamping Specialist
You are welcome.
I used the Droid to upload the track to Google Docs and Maps, but not sure if it went.

I have a Gmail account, but not sure if that can access the other stuff too.
I am at work, and I do not have my Gmail password here.
My Droid is set to get the mail, but I will have to wait until I get home and can look up my password to see if I can access the files I uploaded or not.


Anyone using the Navi on there Droid? When are they going to come out with Topo maps for it? Or is it not worth it for them to do topo because it uses cell sites instead of Sat Navi?


OverCamping Specialist
Have not heard of that app.
The Droid uses both cell and satt for navigation.

Turning on the GPS part in the Droid makes it very accurate when using the maps or viewing where you are standing.

I am able to zoom right down and see cars and other stuff at my work.
Of course they are not live maps though, bummer :D


Photographer in the Wild
I use a G1 and have a tracking system that interacts with google maps. the problem is if you do not have cell reception your tracking gets messed up.


OverCamping Specialist
Yeah, that is what I do not understand about the Google Maps app, as it can guide you both with cell coverage and no GPS on, but it is better with the GPS on.

You would think they can code it to work right off the satts instead of with a cell signal.

Either way, this new My Tracks app looks pretty cool.
I will have fun using it mountain biking.
Will have to figure out how to mount the Droid to the bike.


OverCamping Specialist
Here it is if it makes sense.

I was able to upload from my phone again, and it authenticated me with one of those blurred GIFs you have to type the letters from.

When I logged into Google from home just now, the test map was waiting in my Gmail/Google account under "My Maps."

Clicking on Test One end shows the speed, distance, elevation traveled ect.
This is going to be so cool for mountain biking this year.


OverCamping Specialist
Another test this morning at 3:30 am.
I ran the Bobcat Toolcat with the brush on the front to get up the moss that is on our walking trail network.
We have a few walking trails at work here under tree cover that need to have the moss removed every so often, or it gets pretty slippery.

You can see the two lakes we have here at work too when zoomed in.
Lots of wildlife here at work.
Coyotes, rabbits, beavers, blue heron, eagles, ect.


Cool, thanks for the link...just downloaded it for my Droid will definitely come in handy this summer.


OverCamping Specialist
You are welcome.
When I got up this morning there was also an alert on my Droid that an update was available for it which I let install.

This is a very cool app.

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