Blah! all I ever see with these kind of things is bling bling bling. My problem is, even if they did offer some of the drive trains most of us want, they woulld undoubtably combine the drive train with EVERY option they could throw at it. It was irritating to me to go look at the 2012 wranglers and you basiclally get 2 choices off a dealers lot. 1) a plan jane, nothing, cheapest wrangler you can get OR 2) a fully loaded rubicon or sahara with all the options I want AND all the options I dont want.
All automotive companys need to go back to offering exactly what the customer wants. I mean in reallity even the rubicon package has more than what I personally would want with the 4:1 low range and the so called body protection. Then dealers always order a rubicon with leather, power windows door locks, heated seats, mirrors, and automatic ego boosters.....
I dont mean to rant but its frustrating that a guy has to beg for what a lot of people want.