Alright, time for some updates, sorry for the long absence! The rig rode like a lumber wagon, I put a Kelderman air ride on the front and the difference is night and day. Those guys are great to work with, I'm only a couple od hours away from them, they really helped me make it ride great. Before I had to have both hands white knuckle on the wheel, after just one white knuckle will do it
I did open the wall between the cab and the module up, that made a big difference on the view from the back and has helped with passenger car sickness. The air ride has help with the sickness to as it has made it a better ride.
I bought a wheel chair lift from VanderHaag's salvage truck parts. It was in a city transit bus, went in pretty good, just a little head scratching, but got it figured out.
We just got back from a trip to Yellowstone. Stopped on the way out at Mt. Rushmore, hit the Big Horns and stayed on the NE side of Yellowstone at Silver Gate, MT. Did the park for a few days, then left via Beartooth pass. Caught the Badlands on the way home. It was a great trip with no breakdowns!